Happy Halloween!

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Isadora's POV:

"I just love Halloween! Don't you guys?" I beamed happily.
"You've only told us that about a million times Isadora," Duncan laughed.
"It's true! Halloween is such a fun holiday to celebrate!" I rolled my eyes at my brother.
"I'd have to agree Isadora!" Violet said smiling, walking up to me to help put up the decorations. "What's your favorite thing about Halloween?"
"Definitely the free candy!" Isadora squealed.
"Isadora has been obsessed with Halloween since we were little," Duncan laughed. "I'd say she likes Halloween even more than she likes you Klaus. Isn't that so Isadora?"

I could feel my cheeks heating up. I hate Duncan when he purposefully tries to embarrass me. "That's a tough question and one I don't intend to answer!" I said, giving Klaus a small smile.
"So that's a yes? Sorry Klaus your girlfriend likes a holiday better than she likes you." I could tell Duncan was still trying to mess with me.
"What about you Duncan? Do you like Christmas better than Violet?" I asked.
Duncan shook his head. "I don't like anything or anyone better than Violet! If your trying to bother me it isn't working, you're going to have to try harder!" He stood up, walked over to Violet and placed a hand on her waist. Violet turned to give him a quick kiss.

I plopped myself down on the couch next to Klaus before grabbing a pillow and tossing it at Duncan. Violet jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit while the pillow hit my brother.
"What was that for?" He asked, picking the pillow up off the floor and throwing it back at me.
"Being annoying!" I answered. "As always!"
"But you love me for it. You'd miss my annoyingness if I just suddenly stop!" He countered.

I guess he's probably right about that, but I wasn't going to let him know he's right. I would never hear the end of it! "That's debatable." I threw the pillow at him again, he caught it midair and held on to it.
"Just admit it! You would miss me being annoying! You know it's true!"
I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey Isadora, want to come with me to get Sunny from daycare?" Violet asked, interrupting us.
I leaped up from my place on the couch. "Yes please! I need a break from my idiotic brother."
Violet and I left the dorm, leaving the two boys on their own to finish putting up the decorations.

"Honestly Violet, what do you see in that boy?" I joked as we headed in the direction of Sunny's daycare.
"Well he's not my brother!" She laughed. "What do you see in Klaus? He can be just as annoying as Duncan at times."
"That's impossible! Klaus is not annoying!" I insisted.
"Exactly my point!"
We were both laughing now. "You have a very compelling point. I can't argue against it."

We reached Sunny's daycare in no time.
"Hey Sunny. Are you ready to go trick-or-treating for the first time?" Violet greeted the toddler.
With everything that happened with Count Olaf and their parents and everything else the youngest Baudelaire had not had to chance to enjoy Halloween before.
The little girl nodded her head vigorously. Violet picked up her sister and we made our way back to the dorm to get Sunny and ourselves ready for tonight.

Violet's POV:

I got Sunny ready in her costume first. She was a cute little dalmatian puppy tonight.

(Just imagine it toddler size)

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(Just imagine it toddler size)

After she was ready I gave her to Isadora to watch while I got myself dressed. I was going as a witch.

(Just imagine it teenager size)

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(Just imagine it teenager size)

"Are you guys ready yet?" I ask.
"Yep! Let's go!" Isadora squealed jumping up and down.
"Calm down Isadora! You're more excited than Sunny!" Duncan said, grabbing Sunny who was standing next to Isadora looking at her like she was crazy.

Together we left the dorm, all of us in costumes with bags for our candy.
We reached the first house and I knocked.
"What lovely costumes!" The woman who opened the door beamed.
"Say trick-or-treat," I whispered to Sunny.
"Tick-o-teat!" Sunny said loudly, gaining a laugh from all of us.
"How adorable!" The woman smiled. She gave us each two big handfuls of candy and we continued on. 
The night carried on and we went to many different houses getting lots of candy. It was getting super dark by the time we decided to go back, Sunny was getting tired anyway.

Isadora's POV:

Everyone had gone to bed except Klaus and I. I was sitting on the couch with my notebook, thinking of a new couplet for Halloween.
"What are you working on?" Klaus asked sitting down next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"A new couplet."
"Can I hear it? I always love all your couplets."
I let out a soft giggle and nodded. "Goblins and witches of this Halloween night, must find shelter before the first of light."
"That's good. Really good."
I blushed. "Thank you." I laid my head on his chest. "I love you Klaus." I whisper as I close my eyes, asleep in seconds.
"I love you too Isadora," he whispered quietly, softly placing his head on mine.

Word Count: 888

Happy Halloween everyone!
Are y'all going trick-or-treating tonight? What are y'all dressing up as?
I'm a minion!

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