Journalism Workshop: Day 3

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Klaus's POV:

"I can't believe he would hurt you like that, Violet! If I ever see him again I'll be sure to hurt him even more!" I said angrily, giving Violet a hug as she cried.
"Thanks, Klaus, you're a wonderful brother," Violet sobbed.
"I promise you he will pay for doing this to you!" I promised her. "Do you want to stay here today?"
"She can't, everyone will start thinking she's pregnant, you know how our classmates are. She skipped the day before yesterday and yesterday during science we lied that she wasn't feeling well so that we could go to the bathroom," Isadora explained.
"We could say we took her to the doctor and they said she was really sick, not pregnant," Klaus suggested.
"We would need a doctor's not as proof. Our classmates just have dirty minds and without proof, they'll think whatever they want! I don't want Violet to have to deal with that!" Isadora pointed out.
"You're right, Violet's gonna have to come today to avoid any rumors."

"I'm staying here! They would just make rumors about me when I'm not doing anything but crying!" Violet whispered.
"I'll stay with you," Isadora declared.
"I will too, so will Sunny," I told Violet.
"No Klaus, you take Sunny to daycare and you go to class. Violet and I will be fine on our own," Isadora insisted.
"Let me at least leave Sunny here, Violet will feel better with one of her siblings here."
Isadora rolled her eyes at me. "Okay, leave Sunny here, but you should leave now, you don't want to be late for class."
"Bye Isadora, bye Violet!" I say giving Isadora a kiss on the cheek and Violet a hug.

Isadora's POV:

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask Violet.
"No! I'll never be okay again! I'm never going to love anybody else as long as I live!" She cried.
"What about Klaus? And Sunny?"
"They are my brother and sister, I'll only love them from now on! No more boys! Ever!"

Ring! Ring!

I look at my phone. "I have to take this, I will be right out in the hallway if you need me."

I walk out of the dorm and answer the phone.
Isadora: How could you?
Duncan: I don't understand! What happened? Klaus messaged me, threatening me that he would hurt me because I hurt his sister! But I don't remember doing anything to hurt Violet! I would hurt myself before I hurt Violet! Could you tell me what's going on? Klaus wouldn't tell me! He told me I was just a big lier and I needed to stop lying to everyone I know!
Isadora: You mean you don't know?!
Duncan: I honestly don't!
Isadora: You broke up with Violet last night! You...
Duncan: I did what?! Why would I do that? When did this happen? Why don't I remember this? I would never break up with her!
Isadora: I knew it! That wasn't you who texted her and me! But if it wasn't you who was it?
Duncan: I don't know! I don't have any messages to or from you and Violet except when I said goodnight.
Isadora: Should I send you a screenshot?
Duncan: Please! We have to get to the bottom of this! And as much as I hate to say it, let's keep this between us, don't tell Violet just yet! I know she's probably devastated, could you try and cheer her up?
Isadora: I'll do my best! Bye, I will send you a screenshot of the messages between you and me.
Duncan: Bye, thanks! I don't know how this even happened!

I hung up. I knew it wasn't Duncan! I just knew it!



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