My Sea Creature Headache

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Sorry this isn't a chapter!
I had to write a Sonnet for English. And I absolutely hate poetry! I've also never had to write a poem! So this assignment took me forever to write! Since it took so long I decided why not make it public?
So here it is:

Title- My Sea Creature Headache

I struggle writing about the ocean,
It needs to be about wild sea creatures,
I am feeling powerful emotions,
Pertaining conditions in my feature.
The huge whale with its flailing tail,
The coral may be colorful,
It's like I am part of a tale,
The shark is the reason of a quarrel.
The sea star in the darkest lagoons,
A turtle preying on the plastic bags,
Underneath the darkest of all the moons,
Which fills me with rage as tough as a crag.
I'm at the end of my tall tale,
And my headache is the size of a whale!

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