How Much You Mean to me

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Isadora's POV

I knew something was bothering Violet, but every time I asked her about it she said nothing and that she was fine. Science was her absolute favorite subject and she's not paying attention and not doing her work! Something was definitely bother her and I was going to find out what!

Klaus and I parted ways with Duncan and Violet after science.
"Klaus?" I asked.
"Did you notice something off about Violet?"
He nodded. "Yeah, something was off with Duncan too."
I gasped. "You don't think they broke up! Do you?"
He shook his head. "Not possible! I know my sister! She loves Duncan! And I know my friend! Duncan loves Violet! They wouldn't brake up so soon!"
"I hope your right!" I smiled weakly at him. I squeezed his hand.

The school day dragged on and I was just eager to get a chance to talk with Violet! We finally finished our last class of the day. I bolted out the door and headed straight to the dorm, leaving Klaus behind me.

Violet and Duncan were already in there when I showed up.
"Hey, Isadora. Where's Klaus?"
I looked behind me and started laughing when I realized I left him behind. "Oops! I may have ran ahead of him!"

A couple seconds later Klaus walked in. "Thanks a lot Isadora, cuz of you Carmelita stopped my in the hallway, she kept chanting 'Cakesniffer all alone! Does he have no friends?'" he said playfully towards Isadora.
I walk up to him. "I'm sorry, here I'll make it up to you." I give him a kiss, while Duncan covers his eyes.
"Is that better?" I ask Klaus.
"You're forgiven!" Klaus whispered in my ear.
"Thanks!" I smiled. "Duncan you can uncover your eyes now!"
"Are you sure?" Duncan asked.
"Of course!" I exclaimed laughing.
"Just making sure!"
"Duncan? Do you know where Violet is?" I ask him.
He nodded. "She's in your room."
"Thanks!" I dashed into our room.

"Hey Violet. Can we talk?" I whispered.
"Don't tell me your breaking up with me!" She put on a weak smile.
"I know your hiding something from me! What is it? What's wrong?"
"Let's go out and grab a bite to eat, I'll tell you then, okay?" Violet suggested.
"Do you promised?" I ask her seriously and she nods. "Alright let's go."

We changed out of our school uniform into some regular clothes before leaving. Violet invited Duncan and Klaus to join us, and so now all four of us are walking to and ice cream shop.

Violet and I both got strawberry while Duncan and Klaus got rocky road. We found a nice shaded table to sit at outside the shop.
"Violet, will you tell me now? Please?" I begged, whispering.
"I think Duncan has something to say first," she says loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.
"Duncan?" I ask confused, looking at my brother.

"Yeah, I guess I should tell you two now, Violet already knows, so I signed up for a two week long journalism workshop. I found out today during music class that I was accepted," Duncan explained.
"That's great!" I beamed.

I was really happy for my brother! It's always been his dream to perfect his journalist skills!

"It is, but," he went on. "The workshop is in Florida."
"Oh." I said, my smile faded. I look at Violet and a realization came. "That's why your upset!"

Violet nodded and Duncan continued. "I wasn't going to go, but Violet insisted I should, I'm still not certain if I'm going or not. Especially since Violet's upset about it, I'll probably just stay here!"
"No, you really should go! I'll be fine here, I've got Isadora to cheer me up! Plus you'll still be here for another week, I'll just have to make the most of it!" Violet sniffed, a small smile on her face.
"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Duncan asked, worry sounding in his voice.

"I have to, you need to go, it's only for two weeks! But you'll have to promise you'll text me every day!" Violet held her head high.
Duncan smiled at Violet from across the table. "Nothing could stop me!" He reassured her. "Every morning, every night, and every moment possible in between I'll text you!"
Violet stood up, walked over to him, sat on his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.

"Get a room you two!" Klaus coughed, covering his eyes.
"Oh shut it Klaus! Let them have their moment!" I giggled.


The Night Before Duncan leaves:
Duncan's POV:

Violet and I went to go pick up Sunny.
"You know your amazing, right?" I say suddenly.
"You're always telling me that!" Violet claimed.
"Well it's true! You're sweet, kind, smart, beautiful, amazing, encouraging, motivating, the best girlfriend ever, and completely unselfish!" I babbled on and on.
I looked at her gorgeous face, tears we forming in her eyes.

"I'm really going to miss you! But I'm glad you convinced me to go! It just proves how unselfish you are!" I choked on my words.
Tears were streaming down her face.
"You are just absolutely amazing!" I repeated. "I probably should have waited to say all this till tomorrow morning, but I just really wanted to let you know how much you mean to me!"

"Your always say how amazing I am but you never acknowledge yourself! You are the best person I know! You smiled at me on my first day at Prufrock not knowing how much I needed it! You stood up for me and my siblings against Carmelita when we needed it most! Among all the terrible and unfortunate events that happened in my life you still manage to make me smile! When I'm around you I can't help but be happy, you always bring light to my day even if it was originally dark! I'm only all those things you said about me because of you! You are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for! And the best boyfriend!" She sobbed.

Tears were now falling from my eyes. I wiped the tears from her face with my hand. Immediately after I removed my hand from her face she connected her lips to mine. I kissed back.

This kiss wasn't like any other kiss we've shared before! It was filled with passion, hunger, desire, lust! I think hunger, desire and lust are all synonymous but I don't care! This kiss was filled with all three!

I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer. I rubbed her back, as she ruffled up my hair. We finally broke apart after awhile.

"I love you so damn much Duncan!"
"I love you so damn much Violet!"
"We should probably get Sunny now, it's already 5:10," Violet said checking her phone.

That night Violet slept in my bed, snuggled up to me.

I really didn't want to leave her but she managed to convince me that I should! These two weeks are going to be miserable without her!

Word Count: 1179

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