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Hey its Shay (FreezerBees)back at it again with another crappy update

Lance smirked.

Keith simply glanced the other boy's body up and down. "Man." He said. "Your dick is awfully small." He commented.

"Oh you think you can do any better?" Lance complained.

"As a matter of fact," Keith said, reaching for his belt buckle. "I can." He said as he dropped his pants.

Suddenly, Lance felt a substance running towards his mouth. He tasted warm iron as he reached to wipe the blood off his mouth.

'Woops, can't do better. I overestimated myself." (This line was courtesy of a friend who has wattpad but they shall remain anonymous.)

"You like what you see?" Lance smirks.

"Not really." Keith replied, pulling his pants back up and re buckling his belt.

"You're an asshole." Lance complained, reaching for the lamp on the bedside table and throwing it at Keith. The glass shattered, leaving little deep cuts in Keith's skin and a scar on his cheek. "Uh... oops." Lance said.

That was when the door burst open as Shiro kicked down the door with his thicc leg muscles. "I heard a crash! What happened?!" Then he quickly looked away at the sight of Lance's naked body. "Put some clothes on!" He complained.

"Why? And deprive the world of this beautiful hot bod?" (Now this line was courtesy of Blake, the owner of this account. aka minttpeach)

"Lance, I'm not joking around here! Also what happened to Keith?"

"Uh... I was mad so I threw a lamp at him."

"You're such a walnut." Keith groaned.

"ExCuSe Me!?" Lance complained.

"Why were you mad?" Shiro asked.

"That's not important! I'm gonna go change while you get him into a healing pod."

Shiro sighed. "Alright. But I'm not going to forget this."


Annnd turns out the healing pod they put him in was defective so it ended up removing all the bones from his left leg.

"This is some Harry Potter shit." Pidge commented, still scarred from what she had previously seen.

A week later, they placed him into another pod and at last he was able t walk again.

That was when Lance approached him, a huge smirk on his face.

"You know you owe me for that scar, right?" Keith said.

Lance's smirk widened. "I say it's time we made up for some lost time."

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