Chapter 1: Cold Intent

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Light shines through a window, reflecting off a steel door to an all black four wall room. Inside of this room is a shivering woman chained by her wrist, clothes ripped, and barefoot, and the floor is filled with water up to her ankles. The steel door opens and in walks a man in a jean jacket and black hoodie, he walks up to the woman and whispers in her ear saying “ Where is he?”

October 5, 2018, Washington, DC. The Sun was out and the sight of Autumn is always astonishing to see. I am sitting in a coffee shop where a wonderful woman I know works here. Her name is Julia Evans, She’s a 22 year old asian, attending technical college, her family is originally from Beijing, she had her name changed in 2015 when being put under a witness protection program. This woman is a genius beyond recognition and is being hunted for a specific software that she made before coming to America. Today is when we meet for the first time; how I know all this information about her is something to explain at a later time. She walks up to serve me and speaks in a very gentle tone. “ Good evening sir, what can I do for you today?” I look into her eyes and reply, “ Good evening Miss…..?” She gives her name blushing. “ Its Julia sir.” She says smiling. “ Please, call me Marcus, it's nice to nice to meet you Julia.” I said Calmly. “ So what are we having today Marcus?” She asked as I replied, “ A cup of orange juice would be just fine.” She tells me she’ll be back with it shortly walks away, while she turns to look at me and I lock eyes with her and smile. She walks over to a blonde haired woman with a butterfly tattoo on her neck.

Her name is Francesca Rivera From San Diego, CA. Her family is a group of illegal immigrants, she is in the same program as Julia because someone in high ranking has their best interest at heart. I watch them and by looking at their body language, it seems they were talking about me. Julia comes back and hands me my drink and straw and she asked “ Will that be all for you?” I told her yes and thanked her for her services, but before she left, I stopped her to speak one more time.

Its closing time at the coffee shop, the wind blows a familiar chill. A woman walks out to lock up and head home. I know what your thinking, a woman going home by herself at night is never a good idea right? Well in this case I’ll be the one taking her home tonight. I called over to her. “ Francesca over here.” She turned with a cute grin on her face and begins to walk over saying, “ Somebody’s punctual as ever.” I take a few steps back towards my car to open up the passenger side for her. “ That's what makes me a gentleman.”I said to her as she gets in with a bright smile on her face. Before i go to get in the car, I tell Francesca I’m making a call for dinner reservations tomorrow. The phone rings a couple of times before Julia picks up, the reservations have already been made but Francesca won’t be able to make it. “ Is 4 o’clock fine with you? Julia asked uncertain. I told her that would be perfect as i thought in laughter of how much time she gave me to take care of our little friend in the car. After I’m done on the phone, i get in the car and take us to my place.

On our way there, I started a conversation with Francesca and asked about her day at work. Even though she's very chatty, it makes the drive easier. Again I know what your thinking, “ why not turn on some music if she doesn't anything to say that interest you?” To answer, it’s one way to keep a woman interested in you and also a gentleman thing to do. Another is that i wanted her to be comfortable around me to get whatever i want out of her. She stops talking stares at me for a while grinning, so I ask why. “Your everything a woman wants in a man.” I chuckle a little and thank her for the kind words, but she only knows the side I want her to see.

We’ve finally arrived at my home and made our way inside. I live in a decent 2 story household. It has four bedrooms, three upstairs, and one downstairs, two full bathroom, one half bathroom, den, livingroom, standard kitchen, basement, and an attic. We make our way out of the garage into the kitchen, where I offer her a glass of wine and like the alcoholic bitch she is, she doesn't decline. You see… Francesca has had a bit of a drinking problem ever since she came to America, but being the daughter of a drug lord and a husband who plays loyal son- in- law while being an undercover cop can weigh heavy on a person’s mind set. After their classic drama story ended with the cop sending her father to prison and bringing her back to America, he fakes his death 3 years later after her 2 miscarriages. Francesca’s been through alot but im not interested in what's she been through, I just need to know where her husband went so I can kill him myself. Francesca’s night only gets worse from here because of him and his idiotic decisions. She drinks the wine with enough drugs in to knock her out for a few hours and with the way she looks, they've quickly taken effect. She falls to the floor and drops the glass, which was a bad idea making more of a mess for me to clean up after I take care of her. Talk about a flare for the dramatics.

I pick up Francesca and take  her to the basement to a cellar where I put her wrist in chains and gently lay her on the floor to rest for the night til she wakes up. After leaving the basement, I receive a call. “ Hello sir, what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, only to hear a raspy deep raspy voice asking if I pick up his package. “ Yes, I recently opened it.” I said staring at a black handgun with gold engravings. “ See it done.” The voice says before hanging up the phone, straight to the point as usual. For now it's time for me to get some rest and I’ll get to the bottom of things tomorrow.


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