As Boruto moved closer, he accidentally tripped over a rock and found himself falling on top the dreaming Sarada. But before he could fall on her, he quickly reacted and spread his arms which held him right above Sarada, their faces only inches apart.

"Phew! that was close," Boruto thought to himself as he took a breath.

But what scared him, even more, was that second later, Sarada's eyes suddenly flew open. They stared at each other in a moment of shock, neither moving nor reacting. Boruto could hear his heart beat loud and clear as he stared at the raven-haired girl who was staring back at him. His cerulean eyes meeting hers.

Sarada didn't move as she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, flushing her face.

"Umm, good morning, Sarada-chan?" Boruto said embarrassingly. "Sarada-chan, are you al-" He said but was cut off with a fist to the face from below him.

The punch was so strong that it sent the blonde midair before landing on the ground.

"What happened?" Tazuna asked almost dropping his coffee.

"Hey gramps, that girl is finally awake," Inari said pointedly.

On the other hand, Sarada, who came back from a dream, was a bit disoriented at first as she suddenly regained her senses from her deep sleep. She also noticed that she had no glasses, so her vision was a bit blurred. She tried to look for them and successfully found them just beside her. She then put on her red glasses and first saw her blonde teammate on the ground rubbing his chin.

"Oh no, Boruto are you alright? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Sarada said rushing to the blonde.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Boruto nodded. His voice struggled to say the words.


"I honestly didn't expect that was going to happen. I thought I was saved by the bell but instead I got the morning greeting from her." (Sighs)


The Morning went on. Boruto found himself staring at Sarada the entire time, who had a strong appetite at the moment as she devoured piece after piece of bread and cups of hot chocolate.

"Yum. This is really good!" Sarada commented. Her day was going great so far, especially the breakfast part of it. She really can't believed that she was somehow enjoying a simple meal of bread and hot chocolate. Was it really a new sense of taste or was she really just hungry?

As for the Boruto himself, the teen was quite surprised to see his Uchiha teammate in front of him and widely awake. He did not expect his teammate would wake up from her deep slumber so soon. In fact, he had expected her to be still continuing on sleeping for a couple more days.

As for Tazuna and Inari, they were just as surprised as the blonde. With a new person joining to the scene who was also a girl. This morning couldn't get any better.

"Umm, Sarada?" Boruto called his teammate. She still was busy eating.

"Sarada-chan?" He called the second time, but the girl just ignored him yet again.

"Sarada-chan, are you done?" He asked as he called for the third time.

The Uchiha teen had finished the last of her bread and was now drinking her chocolate milk.

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