The owners of the building decorated the front entrance with scarecrows that had innocent faces and clothes, but he knew that the inside had bad intentions. Slowly, he stepped out of the car and followed closely behind jungkook who was bouncing with excitement. Taehyung couldn't relate one bit. He swallowed down a nauseous sensation in his throat and stood silently.

The seven boys watched patiently while the crew set up lights and started checking their cameras. One by one they were mic-ed up and were given some finishing touches on their hair and make up. Taehyung swayed unsteadily on his feet, breathing through his mouth as tears welled in his eyes. He wanted to run away, but he couldn't, his feet were locked in place. Jimin noticed taes odd behavior and approached him while sliding a head band with two ghosts on top of it onto his head.

"Taehyung are you ok?" He asked cautiously.

"Mhm." Tae grumbled, clenching his jaw to prevent himself from sobbing.

'Why am I being such a baby about this?! I want to go home. I don't want to be here. Please let me go home! Please!' Taehyung silently begged, trapped in a bubble of his own anxieties.

(Me math today cause I started crying and ran out of the room yay)

Jimin watched as taes eyes glazed over, his gaze seeming distant, yet panicked. He gently put a hand on the boys shoulder to get his attention.

"Taehyung?" Jimin repeated, growing worried about his friend. "What's wrong?"

"I-uh, I-I, um-" He stuttered, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to d-do this."

Jimin expression relaxed, "Oh, you'll be ok. We did that zombie run before. It won't be that bad." He said, placing a cat ear head band over taes hat. "Let's try getting into the festive spirit, Yeah?"

Taehyung shook his head no, tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn't do this and he wasn't going to. Jimin pulled him into a bear hug, hushing him. Tae retracted backwards, his mouth filling with saliva. He spat into the dirt and crouched down, his stomach gurgling. Jimin got down beside him and rubbed his back, unsure of what was happening. Taes mind went foggy, the only though circulating his mind, "I'm going to throw up."

"J-Jimin I - huuuggaaalkk!"

Everyone turned around in shock at the noise and watched as Taehyung threw up onto the ground. He shivered and leant into jimins side, crying. He felt the nausea build up again, his stomach cramping. Taehyung retched and sent another stream of vomit onto the ground. Jungkook and Jin came running over once the shock wore off and started asking a million questions.

"Tae what happened? Are you ok? Why didn't you tell us? Do you have a fever? Do we need to go to the doctor? What's wrong?" Jin asked frantically, overwhelming taes brain.

Taehyung whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut. Jungkook quieted Jin down and helped Taehyung stand up. He put and arm around the olders shoulder and lead him over to a bench that had pumpkins next to it. Carefully, he sat taehyung down and took a seat next to him, pulling him into his arms. Taehyung let his emotions go and started sobbing, blabbering about how he wanted to leave.

"I wanna go home! I-I don't want here! I don't like these places!" He cried, soaking Jungkook's hoodie with tears and snot.

"It's okay, I'm sure you can go home. You did just throw up." The younger said, rubbing taehyungs side comfortingly.

Namjoon approached the two followed by the rest of the group and a couple of the staff members. He stood silently, giving Tae a moment to calm down before he spoke.

"Taehyungie, are you feeling alright?" Namjoon asked quietly, his tone calm.

"Are you kidding? He just threw up, of course he doesn't feel alright!" Jungkook snapped, becoming over protective over taehyung.

"Yah! Watch your tone, I'm trying to talk to him." Namjoon said, gesturing towards taehyung who still had tears running down his face.

"I wanna go home." Taehyung mumbled, gripping Jungkooks shirt with his hand.

"I know, I know. Are you sick? Can I check if you have a fever?" Namjoon asked, trying to keep the younger calm.

Tae nodded and allowed Namjoon to feel his forehead and cheeks. "No fever." He said.

"I think we should take him home, just incase." One of the staff members suggested, looking a little tense.

"Yeah, okay. Taehyung, would you like one of us to go home with you?" Namjoon said.

"No, I'll be fine." He whispered, sniffling.

"Okay." Namjoon agreed, wiping the hair from Taes face.

The group dissipated, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone. Jungkook pulled Tae into one last tight hug and pecked his lips, even though he just vomited, he didn't care. He sighed into his hair and stood up with Tae before he walked back to the car.

"We'll be back very quickly. I love you." Jungkook said, resting his head on Taehyungs shoulder.

"I love you too." Tae responded, lifted up Jungkooks head so he could see his face.

"You should wear cat ears more often. You look like Ariana grande." Jungkook said, smiling.

Tae chuckled and sent him off back to Jin.

Happy early Halloween! 🎃

My friend and I are going as Boo and Sully from Monsters inc, my little side is freaking the fuck out omg!

Thank you @txaeqhyung for the awesome idea! Once I read it I immediately began writing and finished it quickly. Thank you!

Don't for get to vote and leave comments/suggestions !

I love you guys ❤️

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