Chapter 23: The surprise trip! (Arrival and first night)

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Finally. After like...

3 hours

We are here,in La Vega.

The air,the climate,everything here is warm,nice and refreshing! The house is very refreshing too: the design is perfect for this and it's also very modern. It has a pool and it's very big.

- Aiyah! Welcome-aru!- said Yao

-I was expecting a traditional Chinese house but I see you finally have some sense of style in architecture.- said Arthur

-Shut up or I'll make you walk home-aru...- said Yao. Ivan got out from a little box something...

It was a hamster! And it was so cute! Ivan is cute by himself but with that hamster I almost died!

- Awww!- I said at the same time with Sofia,we approached the hamster and I petted him.

- He's cute,da?- said the Russian. Leen kept her distance from the cute fluffy animal. Maybe she's allergic.

- Your rooms should be at the end if the hallway in the first floor-aru.- said Yao,the hallway was actually open,leaving a view to the pool from here. There were palm trees around the place and also various plants.

I decided to grab to first room I saw,it was near the kitchen,the pool and it was all for me. Leen and Sofia grabbed the next two rooms and they both said to me

- Well,we aren't roomies but we can visit each other before we go to sleep!-

- Yeah!- I said. The rest grabbed the other rooms,it seemed Gil and Ludwig had to share. They had a TV which was a plus. My room only had a sofa and a little TV,those old boxy ones. Still,it was a good TV.

I decided to change into something more comfortable. So I put my hair into a ponytail and sport clothes. Outside,Sofia was already swimming. Swimming like she swims,which means like a pro in the Olympics. Feli was dragging Lovino out if the room. The rest were just spread around the pool,either in it or sitting outside. Ivan had his cute hamster with him. Leen was reading and Kiku playing in his 3DS. The Bad Touch Trio messing around,while Ludwig just relaxed.

- Ah! Isabel! Ve~- said Feli. - Help me get fratello outside!-

- Bastard,let me stay inside!- yelled Lovino.

- Come on,you didn't come here to lock yourself!- I said. He looked at me and responded

- Alright... Just because you're you I'll do it. Bastard fratello can't tell me what to do.- then Lovino walked and sat in the border of the pool. Wow,that was easy. I just wondered where the owner of the house was and just then Yao came in and said

- Sadly there aren't any maids around-aru. But I made some deep fried mantou if you want!-

- Sounds good! I want one!- I said. I have a problem with sweets. I took one and they were delicious!

- Wow! They are good!- I said.

- Thanks! For dinner we are having Kung Pao chicken and Moon cake-aru!- I never thought Yao liked cooking so much. And I like Chinese cuisine so it's perfectly fine~

Feli came next to me and said

- Cake! Yummy!- I couldn't help but notice he was wearing an swim ring.

-Feli,you know how to swim right?- asked Sofia

- Yup,but I like using this!- he's so silly and childish. I went near Ludwig and kissed his forehead. He looked at me and smiled. I was about to kiss him when Kiku looks at us over his 3DS and said

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