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4 Days Later

Kelani's Point of View

Today we're going to be able to finally going to be able to go home. We had to stay for an extra day because Gabe decided to be born early.

Ki was currently putting Gabriel in his carseat while I grabbed the things. Ki has to carry all of the things cause I can't carry anything too heavy for 2 weeks.

When we were done getting our things together we left and Gabe fell asleep.

We got in the car and started heading home.

When we got home we took Gabe to his crib cause he was sleeping.

We have 2 cribs, one in his room and one in our room so I took him to the one in our room cause I was kind of tired too. Those hospital beds were like a rock.

I put him in his crib then I went to bed. I woke up to Ki carrying Gabe. Then he started crying cause he was hungry so I feed him. "Damn, he's only 4 days old and he's already stealing what's mine." Ki said and I chuckled.

Ki grabbed Gabe and took him on a little walk around the house.

I decided to cook something real quick cause I was hungry.

I walked to the kitchen and got out the ingredients to make something.

Ki was carrying Gabe as he slept, Gabe looks so cute when he sleeps, he's so small and he curls up into a little ball whenever he sleeps. He's just the most adorable little thing.

Gabe smiled in his sleep as Ki walked around the house, holding him in his arms.

I continued cooking as Ki walked around with Gabe in his arms. "He looks so much like you." Ki said as he looked at Gabriel.

"Have you not seen his eyes, nose and lips, he's like your twin." I said and Ki just looked at Gabriel closer.

"But who's cuter?" He asked me.

"Obviously my son." I said and he chuckled.

"Don't forget that if it wasn't for me this little boy wouldn't be here right now." Ki said.

"I haven't forgotten." I said and Ki just smiled.

Gabe smiled as he slept, wonder what he's dreaming about. "I'm sorry about what happened." Ki said all of a sudden.

"And what happened?" I asked him.

"Remember when I cheated on you and he broke up that same night." He said as he continued to walk around with.

"That's in the past, you don't need to worry about that anymore." I said.

"Yeah, but I still feel guilty, I should've never done you like that, I just don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have." He said.

"Well it's too late for that." I said in a playful voice.

"I swear you always find a way to lighten up the mood." He said as he kissed the side of my head.

"And you always find a way to make me feel loved." I said and he kissed the side of my head again.

Ki went to go leave Gabe in his crib in the living room, we could still see him from the dining room.

We started to eat and Ki was being really flirty.

When we were done we decided to watch TV for a bit until Gabe woke up.

Out of nowhere I felt like puking so I ran to the bathroom. I guess I woke up Gabe cause Ki came in with Gabe in his hands as he watched me puke, he couldn't do much cause he was carrying Gabe. When I was done puking I drank some water.

Gabe was hungry so Ki decided to feed him some formula cause I wasn't feeling well.

I decided to make some tea cause I felt super cold even though I'm in LA and it's the middle of the summer. I wrapped myself up in my favorite blanket while Ki and Gabe walked around the house.

I turned on the TV in our bedroom as I sipped my tea.

Then the TV got boring so I decided to look through instagram. And let me tell you, there was some good ass tea on instagram.

Then I continued scrolling until I came upon a picture of me and Ki going into the hospital, the picture was taken 4 days ago at the same hospital I went to.

That shit really got on my nerves, the nosy ass paparazzi is all up in our asses. Like can't they just forget about us for a couple of days and not take pictures.

I was getting tired and so was Ki so he came upstairs.

He put Gabe in his crib, in our room and he cuddled with me.

This is one of the best nights, me and Ki with our little baby. He played with my hair, trying to make me fall asleep.

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, before he fell asleep.




Sorry for the short chapter


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