You Have To Be Nice

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Molly POV: As soon as Molly figured out that Sherlock invited John over to the carriage, she knew it would be trouble. Not only was the Beauxbatons carriage a cesspool of misery, drama, and hairspray, it also housed John's ex-girlfriend Mary and a whole bunch of girls who thought they might be pretty enough to pry him off of Sherlock's arm. From what Molly had seen of Sherlock and John's relationship she could honestly say that was never going to happen, purely because there was nothing more permanent than the relationship of those so deeply in love. However John at the carriage was a bad idea, not only because of the girls but of the one other boy that it housed. Victor would never be okay with John at the carriage, especially now that he was being all touchy. Molly knew better than to listen to Trelawney for the most part; however what she had described as Victor being a powder keg ready to explode was beginning to sound startlingly accurate. He was spending his days in misery, whining and complaining about the littlest things and become as hostile as Molly would tolerate before yelling at him. Oh she was already just ready to slap that baby across the head; however she knew that he would have to do something incredibly irritating to rationalize such a violent act. It would seem as though Victor was struggling with very deep, maybe even personal issues that were making themselves known in other sort of every day frustrations. Victor spat out a slew of French curse words; ones that made Molly cover Sherlock's poor ears, when he found that the Daily Prophet owl hadn't delivered his paper to his window, but to the front porch of the carriage instead. He had decided to get a subscription of the English paper because of all the drama that seemed to be going on that they seemed to be missing, mostly about the tournament and whatnot, with Sherlock and John's now blooming relationship. Rita Skeeter loved to delve into the topic of Sherlock's issues with his friends, for now it would seem as though Rita had become the expert on his social life. She talked of the hostilities between Victor and John (for she knew that Sherlock and Victor went to the Yule Ball together) as well as Mary's tie into all of this; into her misery over losing her boyfriend to the one boy she simply couldn't stand. But it would seem as though she was getting it all right, which was quite surprising for a newspaper journalist that was probably miles away at headquarters and very far away from the carriage and castle where all of this was going on. There was some speculation that she was using polyjuice potion and sneaking into the castle while looking like a student, so as to get to the source of the drama. That might be a good explanation, for Molly couldn't think of any other way she could've known that Sherlock and John were 'intimate' in the hallways and that Mary was getting upset about it. And she had gotten Victor's childish troubles down to a tee as well, talking of how he was also very jealous about losing his boyfriend and all that stuff. What Rita didn't know was that Sherlock and Victor were never formally together, however Molly knew enough to tell that what they didn't call a relationship was one all the same. At the beginning of the year they had been very close, and very intimate, however now it would seem as though Sherlock had gone his own ways. Victor was trying to move on, or at least he had been, but Molly still knew that there was a huge part of his heart still dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. And that was why he was so frustrated all of the time, not just because Sherlock was with John now, but that he was getting everything they both wanted! Sherlock had found a soulmate, a true partner after years of solitude and stagnation, being told that his sexuality would doom him to a lifetime of loneliness, all while Victor sat alone. That was what they wanted when they came here, a love story, and oh did Sherlock get quite the tale. Victor, however, seemed to be so unpredictable and so whiny that his tale would be nothing but misery to the reader. Sherlock had gotten glory, possibly eternal fame, and still Victor had nothing but some Durmstrang boys with vague, drunken memories of his presence for a night or two. In nearly all aspects, Victor had failed. And so come dinner time, when finally they were scooping up the last of their peas and trying to butter a last piece of bread, Molly couldn't help but be apprehensive of what was to come. Sherlock didn't seem to understand her nervousness, in fact he was so excited for John to come over and hang out with them that he seemed to have completely missed over the part about why this was a terrible idea. Molly had taken the liberty of trying to explain it to him, or at least the parts that wouldn't allude to Victor's infatuation or cause Sherlock to take personal offense (which of course was most everything). He was just going on and on about how he couldn't wait for John to come and see the carriage, and encouraging Molly to bring Greg along as well. Molly had presented the idea to Greg in potions; however he didn't seem all the keen of 'treading on Mary Morstan's grounds'. This of course was a polite excuse to say that he wasn't all that keen on hanging around the two love birds and Victor the grump, which of course was a logical decision to say the least. Molly might have wished that she could do same, just avoid the entire ordeal on the pretenses of being too afraid of Mary. Well it was true of course, she was scared of Mary, but by now that was no reason to run and hide. Besides, maybe it could be fun? When they got done with dinner Sherlock went over to the Gryffindor table to fetch John, all while Molly and Victor stood idly by the entrance hall as Sherlock chatted briefly with the boys he had hung out with last night. Molly was almost offended that she hadn't been extended an invitation, especially since Sherlock had mentioned that he had talked a lot to Greg during the duration of his trip to the Gryffindor Tower. Why he didn't think to invite Molly was beside her; however she knew that tonight was going to be very different from the pleasantries enjoyed by the light of the common room fire. It was going to be hostile, to say the least.
"Now you better be good, Victor." Molly threatened; glaring at Victor in a harsh sort of way all while he nodded in boredom, his attention focused entirely on Sherlock and John over at the Gryffindor table.
"I'm always good." Victor defended, to which Molly could only laugh, trying to remember just one instance where Victor was near tolerable. She could only think of one event, when he and Sherlock were together, and when he comforted him before the first task. That had been the most human she had ever seen Victor be, and the most pleasant he had ever been in the span of a week or so. Things had gone gravely downhill ever since the Yule Ball and it would seem as though their steady negative slope had led to a drop off as soon as Sherlock and John got together. There was no human in Victor anymore, he was just a walking ball of rage and jealously, always poking his nose into places it didn't belong, always trying to ruin other people's days with his pessimism, well it was getting to be quite intolerable!
"Just be nice, please try to be nice." Molly pleaded, looking towards Victor who was still very obviously not paying attention.
"Ya whatever." Victor agreed again, turning his head away as soon as Sherlock and John started towards them, looking out at the carriage as if trying to make it seem like he wasn't stalking from afar.
"Here he is then, the man of the hour." Sherlock presented proudly, walking hand in hand with John, walking with a bit of a skip in his step.
"Hi John." Molly said with a nervous little grin, obviously very unsure of how to even respond to such an introduction.
"Hello Molly, hey Victor." John added, seeing that the boy was now lurking over by the large oak doors, staring off towards the carriage as if he was trying to apologize to it from afar for letting such a creature enter its doors. Victor didn't respond, of course, playing it off as if he hadn't even heard John, evidently ignoring Molly's pleas to cooperate.
"So we're not really allowed to have guests in the carriage, so we'll have to be sneaky about this." Sherlock admitted with a careless shrug. Molly was usually very apprehensive about breaking the rules, however she knew that it would only be too easy to smuggle John into the carriage. So long as Madam Maxine wasn't lurking in the hall ways they would have a straight shot to the boys' room, and Molly was quite sure that no one would dare tattle on them bringing him inside. Mary might be looking for vengeance, however instead of getting John in trouble she would undoubtedly try to win him over.
"How very rebellious Sherlock, are you sure you can handle it?" John teased, prodding at Sherlock like he did with his friends, almost in a friendly yet aggressive sort of way. Sherlock just giggled, shrugging his shoulders as if he was pretending like this really was going to be quite the impossible mission.
"I think I can try." He assured with a grin. John nodded, starting to pull Sherlock down to the carriage as if he couldn't wait to get acquainted with all of the girls who were lolling around. Molly sighed heavily, following behind and dragging Victor along behind her, so as to ensure that he didn't make some excuse and stay up at the castle to avoid talking to John. They all descended down the grassy slopes towards the carriage, the sun setting low behind the mountains and spreading the landscape in a soft orange glow. Molly liked the way the lake glistened with the light of the sun, it always looked as if someone had set it on fire, it would seem as though it was always just so beautiful. There was some snow on the ground, tucked away in the more shadowy sections of the grounds where the castle was blocking the sun. There had been a path cleared long before, so that the Beauxbatons students didn't get their shoes wet when making their daily trek up to the castle. Nevertheless the sun's absence made it quite cold, and so Molly was happy when finally Sherlock pulled open the carriage door and let them all inside. Sherlock left John with his friends as he himself went to scan the area for Madam Maxine. If she wasn't in the hallway now there was a high probability that she wouldn't arrive, and so they snuck John down the hallway and into Sherlock and Victor's room. It wasn't the first time John had been in the carriage, for in the beginning of their relationship Sherlock had smuggled him in almost every other night. Molly never wanted to know what went on between them, however she had a sneaking suspicion that it was nothing more rebellious than cuddling together in the darkness. Victor, of course, was always forced to sleep in Molly's room for Sherlock always liked his time with John to be private. This was the first time that John got to experience the carriage when it was alive, however, and he seemed rather excited to talk with Sherlock's' friends and get better aquatinted with the French. Some girls were in the hallway as they escorted him down; most waved however some, the ones more loyal to Mary Morstan, gave him quite the glare. John just waved pleasantly, for he wasn't one to go around and make enemies; however he wasn't too keen on stopping and talking. Therefore Molly was happy when they finally shuttled him into the bedroom, closing the door with a snap and all getting situated on the beds. Victor made to sit on Sherlock's bed, as he most often did when they just sat around, however thankfully Molly yanked him away before things got too uncomfortable. She most certainly did not want Sherlock trying to sit in between the two boys, for they would be fighting over him for the entire night and all Victor would end up getting was disappointed. Thankfully Molly was able to get Victor to sit on his own bed with her before anyone noticed his initial attempt, and however moody he was now at least he didn't have to get shooed away by Sherlock himself.
"You don't have any of those sweets left? From the um...from Hunky..." Sherlock stopped suddenly, looking to John for help.
"Honeydukes?" John suggested.
"Yes! That's the one." Sherlock agreed with an embarrassed little smile. John and Molly laughed while Victor remained miserable, and yet he dug around under his bed for the bright yellow shopping bag they had been eating out of for the weeks since the Hogsmeade trip. They were something like hoarders now, for they had bought as many sweets as they possibly could on the only trip they had attended, and even though their supplies were beginning to run short they still had enough sugar to feed themselves for at least another week. Victor threw the bag to Sherlock, who opened it up and showed John all of his favorites, like the Fizzing Whizbees, Jelly Slugs, and of course the Chocolate Frogs. Sherlock was a nerd at heart, and so he always enjoyed the little cards of famous Wizards, especially those from England that he didn't know much about. Victor liked the Chocolate Frogs as well; he liked to watch them jump before biting their heads off so as to stop their squirming. He was always quite violent, and that was only characteristic at this point. John helped himself to some Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans, the one container that none of the Beauxbatons trio would even dare try. Victor had opened the box when they first bought it, anxious to get one that he claimed might taste like fruit punch. Well, it tasted like vomit, and it made him vomit; only adding to the foul flavor in his mouth. Ever since then Molly had been reluctant to try them, although they did give Sherlock a handful when he first arrived, for they didn't know what he might get and they hoped it was bad. Karma got the best of them, however, when Sherlock exclaimed that he had gotten blueberry and cream pie, all sorts of good flavors that didn't want to appear to them when they tried. John offered them some of course, for the only conversation they could even attempt to have was about the sweets, however all three of them declined due to trust issues.
"So how did you guys do on that potions exam today?" Molly asked, trying to start a conversation up rather forcefully, for you know your life was boring when all you could talk about were exams.
"Oh it was terrible, I'm pretty sure the potion was supposed to be yellow but mine turned out a sort of pink color..." John started.
"It was supposed to be yellow. Mine was yellow." Victor interrupted, puffing out his chest a little bit and fixing his bangs before looking over at Sherlock as if to woo him with his intelligence. Sherlock wasn't looking at him; however, his eyes were fixed as ever on John, who was chuckling nervously, unsure of how to respond.
"Well then there goes my grade." John muttered apprehensively.
"Ya don't worry, mine was green." Molly assured, however she was lying. Her potion turned out a beautiful sunflower yellow, she was just trying to make John feel bad about his failed concoction.
"Do they teach you a lot about potions down at Beauxbatons?" John wondered, sitting against the wall and beckoning for Sherlock to join him. The boy did, of course, and so together they leaned against the other's shoulder, John's arm draping around Sherlock's shoulders in some sort of protective way. Victor winced, but didn't say anything.
"Yes they teach us most everything, at least everything important." Victor declared.
"We don't have the electives that you all do; it's very structured at Beauxbatons." Molly agreed with a smile, just trying to ease the tension that was beginning to grow between the two groups.
"So nothing very important, like Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes? How will you survive in the real world I wonder?" John teased, to which Sherlock chuckled a little bit with a smile.
"Yes well, you don't have crepes here so I wonder how you survive as well." Sherlock teased.
"It's a hard life to be sure." John agreed with a sigh, smiling at Sherlock who smiled back, all the while making Victor scowl. Molly just sighed heavily, beckoning for them to throw the bag of candy so that they could at least give themselves something to do while Sherlock and John got all romantic over there. When finally Victor was occupied with a Licorice wand and Molly was enjoying some treacle fudge they were at least a bit more prepared to handle whatever horrific indecency was going on over there. Sherlock was now trying to teach John to say 'I love you' in French, which really wasn't a difficult concept at all. In fact it was the only sentence most non-French people knew, however John the seemingly incompetent couldn't seem to grasp it.
"Je t'aime." Sherlock repeated for the billionth time, and John recited it back with some serious errors, however Sherlock kissed him anyway, for it was the effort that he loved the most. Victor bit rather viciously at his Licorice Wand, and Molly was almost tempted to send the boy outside to sulk in his own free time. She was quite finished with his childish attitude; frankly it was getting very annoying.
"So tell me more about Beauxbatons, it's crazy to think that there's a wizarding school outside of Hogwarts, we're so unexposed to the international side of things." John admitted with a little shrug, leaning against Sherlock once more and patting his shoulder as if he was just looking for a reason to get the boy to giggle.
"Oh it's not that different, a bit more elegant I suppose, and a bit more boring." Molly admitted.
"Are there really a lot of girls, or is it an equal ratio? Because when I've always heard of Beauxbatons it's always just a pretty girl school." John admitted with a shrug.
"No it's actually fairly even, I mean it's the only school in France, where are the boys supposed to go if not Beauxbatons?" Molly asked with a laugh.
"Are they all gay?" John wondered curiously, looking towards Sherlock and Victor as if wondering if they were the prime example of a Beauxbatons boy.
"I wish they were." Victor grumbled in a bit of a mutter, one that was quiet enough to make Molly pray that she was the only one who heard it.
"No they're mostly straight, they all didn't come along partially because of the stereotyping and partially because they can't stand to be with Madam Maxine for long. She really isn't everyone's favorite, not by a long shot." Molly muttered with a little frown, as if thinking to their lovely Headmistress.
"Well that's a shame." John said with a shrug, obviously unsure of how to respond to that.
"We were brave, though. She hates us almost as much as they hate her, and yet we still came along." Sherlock said proudly.
"Well I'm quite happy you did. I'd probably be stuck with Mary still, could you imagine what a horror that would be?" John teased, prodding at Sherlock once more to which the boy giggled again.
"No, I can't. I think even at Beauxbatons I would feel a disturbance." Sherlock admitted with a little giggle, to which John just shook his head and kissed Sherlock on the forehead with some effort.
"That's so dramatic." John teased.
"Well I'm sure we're all happy we took this trip, I mean I've learned so much in so little time! More than I ever would've learned at Beauxbatons, not only about culture but about social expectations, and love..." Molly admitted with a little giggle.
"That's so dramatic." Sherlock mocked in a teasing voice, to which Molly just blushed and John smacked him lightly.
"Well she's right! This has really been quite the experience." John agreed, even though he hadn't been the one to make the trip.
"When is the third task? I haven't even given it any thought." Sherlock admitted with a procrastinating little laugh, as if his lack of initiative was something he could joke about.
"Oh it's in June sometime, I think. I haven't given it any thought either; I mean they didn't give us any clues, did they?" John wondered.
"Not that I remember, but then again, we weren't really in our right state of mind that day." Sherlock admitted with a grin.
"My God, that would've been so embarrassing if we didn't end up getting together afterwards. I mean I could've lost the tournament..."
"You could've died!" Molly added with a laugh.
"That too! And frankly I don't know which would have been worse. Either way though, it was bad. And with that article by Rita Skeeter, well it seemed as though everyone had known of my love for you except me." John admitted with a little grin.
"And you know now, of course?" Sherlock presumed.
"No, no I have no idea. Remind me?" John suggested with a little smile, to which Sherlock just chuckled and kissed him once more. They really were sappy, weren't they? 

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