The Castle Always Catches You

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    They returned to the carriage not long after the agreed on leaving it, however they had to wait until sundown so as to properly make their exit. The carriage was much bigger than it appeared to be, for a couple of charms had grown the thing from a puny little carriage to a full out school, complete with dorms for two and classrooms galore. It lacked a proper dining room; however it had a sitting room for socialization and private bathrooms for all of the rooms. Sherlock and Victor were rooming together while Molly had the pleasure of rooming with the last girl to be claimed, Janine. She was a nightmare, and that wasn't really an overstatement. Janine was probably the most obnoxious girl in the entire school, not only because she was loud but because she thought she was way more than she really was. Instead of just settling in and finding her niche she insisted on trying to hang out with the more popular kids of the school, trying to get into their gossip one way or another, despite which role she played. Molly could barely tolerate her, and so she usually didn't even bother going back to her room. And so she followed the boys to their room, making herself comfortable on Sherlock's bed while the poor boy was left to just sit in the desk chair irritably. Victor took his own bed and lay down on the pillows face first, for he wasn't much in the mood for socializing at this point. Molly just began talking about scheduling her classes, for they were due to pick their elected classes by the end of tonight. She was always taking this stuff much too seriously, however she knew that her choice was obviously going to carry the choice of the entire trio. Sherlock and Victor had a fear of taking anything in their own hands, and so they just left Molly the mother to take care of things they were too timid to attempt on their own. It wasn't a bad gig, and she certainly had every aspect of their lives in her hands, which was nice. In the end she chose Care of Magical Creatures because of the unicorns that might be displayed, and Divination, for they all shared a common interest in knowing their futures. Of course they had no idea about any of these Hogwarts classes or what potential misery they had in store, and yet all three were getting to be very excited about their workload. The Beauxbatons curriculum was actually quite challenging, however the three all managed to stay on top of things as they were easily the most apt students in the school. Sherlock was the top of the class while Molly was second; Victor was forth behind Mary, which he was always teased about. That was another example of how Victor was always sort of alienated from them, and especially behind Mary, who tapes answers inside of her pocket mirror. Molly always felt bad for Victor; because he tried very hard and yet he still couldn't quite pull the weight needed to carry him into third. And yet if Mary got elected for this tournament she might die, bumping Victor up to third place, and so that would at least be a positive from this entire ordeal. When the students were called from bed the three made plans to sneak out at quarter of ten, meeting around the back of the carriage where no windows could spot them. Molly was hesitant and yet she really couldn't complain, for the very idea of getting into the castle was tempting enough to get her on board. She really was a rebel, at heart; she just didn't want to admit it. Molly finally made her way back to her room; turning off the lights for Janine wasn't in yet, despite the curfew. She was probably sleeping in Mary's room, on the carpet next to the bed like a dog. How degrading was that? The Beauxbatons school board always insisted on a curfew, for they liked their kids to get their beauty sleep. Molly hated to be a rebel like this, and yet the lure of the castle was becoming too strong. It was beautiful, it was magical, well it was impossible to stay away from! She always got that little rebellious feeling in the pit of her stomach, twisting and turning and calling for her to get up and get moving. This feeling was one of the things she had picked up after hanging around with boys all day. As wonderful as this trip was, Molly was almost apprehensive about how it might turn out. This trip to Hogwarts might have only peril at its conclusion, which only confirmed that the boys would have to go their separate ways. If Victor felt despair and Sherlock felt joy...well then there would have to be some sort of conflict, wouldn't there? Victor was always so clingy to Sherlock, especially when it came to relationships, and that was what they were here to find, right? Eternal love or something like that. If Sherlock fell in love, well what would that mean for Victor? Molly sat in the darkness for the rest of the hour, watching as the clock ticked and anxiously awaiting her escape. It was awfully quiet here, save for the hooting of a distant owl or some rather fearful growls from off in the direction of the woods. The Forbidden Forrest, was it? Well obviously the boys would want to check that out, forbidden was just a welcome sign for the brave. When finally there was five minutes left she clambered out of her bed quietly, her feet falling onto the floor as she walked to the window and pried it open. She slid out easily onto the grass, for she had become something of a stealth master after breaking all the rules Beauxbatons had to offer. It got dark here, incredibly dark, and for some reason the darkness seemed much thicker and more intimidating so far away from home. The French countryside was never this threatening, and yet with the low moon and the added growls from the forest, well Molly couldn't help but feel reluctant as he crawled out through the window and landed in a heap on the cold grass. Molly waited for about three minutes before they arrived, for they were always late or at least on time while she always made a point to be early. And so she sat against the carriage and watched the darkness, rather worried that a shadow would conjure up to eat her, and the boys would wonder where she got to at such an hour. Finally they appeared, whispering quietly and stomping around in the grass, they could be heard for miles before they actually appeared from around the corner.
"There you boys are, I've been waiting." Molly complained, looking at her little watch while they got situated, looked around, and stretched out their tired muscles.
"Molly come on, it's not our fault that you always want to be early." Victor defended, fixing his hair and looking about the darkness once more. Molly really couldn't see far, and if the night had been cloudy she would've been virtually blinded. However the moon provided enough silvery light to at least display the shadowy silhouette of the castle rising up behind them, as well as the tops of the trees in the Forbidden Forrest and the shimmering smooth surface of the Black Lake.
"Now we just can't get caught, alright? I would hate to be sent home after only being here a couple of hours." Molly whined, following in the boy's footsteps as they started up towards the looming castle. They had quite the climb, for the lawns were sloped upwards and the castle sat on something of a hill, making Molly's legs hurt when they finally reached the doors. They were closed, as they had presumed, however they were lucky enough to find a small side door out towards the dining hall, a tiny little thing that was easily opened with a quick spell. Sherlock preformed the spell all while Molly said a quick prayer that there wasn't some sort of security system in place. However when finally the wooden door swung open there was no such thing, no screaming and no alarms, all was silent except for the quiet squeaking of the rusted hinges. They snuck in wordlessly, one by one so as to make sure the coast was clear. Victor went first, for he was at least the bravest of the group, and found that they were standing behind the long table at the front of the hall, where the staff had been seated during dinner. The hall was ghostly quiet, the goblets and platters gleaming empty on the tables, already set up for breakfast the following morning. The Goblet of Fire still sat ablaze on its pedestal, sitting where Dumbledore had presented it not hours before, with a cheerful blue flame flickering shadows on the walls and presenting an eerie illumination to the sky that gleamed from the ceiling above.
"It's so quiet." Molly whispered, creeping along down the couple of stairs that led to the student's tables, leading towards the open door to the entrance hall. They all crept along curiously, all very anxious to make it up the stairs that had tempted them when they first arrived. Molly felt a curious sense of excitement, for this was not only daring but quite unprecedented. Hogwarts was sure to hold fantastic things, not only artifacts but history as well, this castle had to be hundreds of years old, and to think how many amazing wizards and witches had passed through its halls! When they arrived in the entrance hall they found that it was just as empty as the dining hall, concluding that Hogwarts was under curfew just as the Beauxbatons students were. However there were still torches blazing in their brackets on the walls, which led Molly to believe that the castle was still meant to illuminate the way of wanderers long past curfew. Night watches, perhaps? Beauxbatons had those occasionally, when the students were getting out of hand and sneaking out of their dorms to go make out or something ridiculous like that. However the watches had all fallen asleep while on duty, and so it was rather useless.
"Up the stairs then?" Sherlock presumed, standing before the large staircase and stretching his neck earnestly to the top, as if wondering just how far they led.
"You don't suppose it goes all the way to that really tall tower?" Molly presumed.
"It could, let's find out!" Victor suggested excitedly, being the first to mount the steps and starting eagerly up. As they moved past the lights their shadows were cast eerily on the wall, and they got the chance to hear a chorus of paintings all snoring in their frames, unaware that there were trespassers ascending their stairs. It certainly was an interesting ascent, for the stairs seemed to follow a somewhat random pattern. They reached the landings one way or another; however the stairs didn't seem to fit a particular order. They'd be going up one way and then were forced to turn and head up the exact way they came, and in other times the stairs would veer them off to the right, or to the left. It took an embarrassing amount of time to finally realize that they hadn't been offered any sort of floor to land on. In fact they had easily climbed ten flights of stairs before they noticed they hadn't even hit the first floor. There were doorways in the distance; Molly could see them illuminating the paintings on the stone walls; however they were very far away, as if the staircases were trying to lead them to nowhere. Molly was almost about to question how Hogwarts students even managed to get to class when her question was answered rather abruptly, for the staircase in which the three of them were climbing suddenly lurched from underneath them, dislocating from the landing they were aiming for and delivering them instead to nowhere, leaving the three to hold onto the railing and cry out in silent screams of horror as they were faced with easily a fifty feet drop to the bottom of the castle where they had started.
"Oh my God, did it...did it just move?" Sherlock asked frigThey reached the entrance hall in no time, finding themselves thankfully on solid ground as they dashed back through the dining hall and out the door they had come, now much too nervous to mess about in the castle past hours. It wasn't just the people they had to watch out for anymore, but the architecture and the decoration as well! What a curious fortress they had made of this school! The previously eerie grounds were much more welcoming now that the maze of stone was behind them, and so the three ran back to the grounds like scared puppies who had just been scolded, saying their goodbyes outside of the carriage before clambering back into their rooms obediently. Well that was enough adventure for one night, don't you think? Molly hid in the boy's room for just a moment while Victor collapsed into his bed in a huff, their hearts still racing as he stared up at the ceiling, their legs dangling off the side of his bed as he still hadn't bothered to remove their now muddy shoes. 

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