Collusion For Conversation

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When lunch was finished they marched up to the Astronomy tower to meet Professor Sinistra at the top, who was sitting at her desk proudly watching as the students started their way into her classroom. The Beauxbatons trio had somehow managed to beat the Gryffindors, however Molly's heart was twisting anxiously for the mere knowledge that Greg was soon going to walk into those doors. She had seen him only yesterday, when they had taken a nice walk around the castle and shared some funny stories, however for some reason that felt like it had been ages ago! And so when finally the doors open and she heard Sherlock's breath cease, well she knew of course that it had to be the gaggle of boys she had been looking forward to most.
"There she is, hey John look, it's my girlfriend. Mike did you know that? We're dating now, we're like...together." Greg said in a loud whisper, of course making it obvious that he wanted Molly to hear his dialogue as well. She turned in her chair with a smile, trying to look somewhat oblivious to what she was hearing.
"We're together? Oh I wasn't aware." Molly muttered in confusion, making Greg swoop up and plant a kiss on her forehead, just as a little hello.
"Well now you are Molly, now you are." Greg decided.
"You know, I'm actually alright with that." Molly agreed with a smile, to which Greg nodded.
"I thought you would be. And speaking of relationships, oh Mike just tell us how wonderful yours is turning out!" Greg insisted, bringing his friend to the center of the conversation where the boy just groaned miserably, shaking his head as if he didn't even want the thought of Janine to penetrate his skull once more.
"I literally broke up with her three times, and I got a letter this morning, asking if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with her! Can you not believe her nerve? All Christmas Eve I heard nothing but her cackling, it was the most terrible night I have ever spent in the presence of another human being!" Mike complained, going over to his desk only to sink into his desk miserably.
"That's rather what I suspected, Janine's my roommate." Molly admitted with a small little shrug.
"No she's not! Molly how on earth are you still fully functioning? How are you out of prison? I would've killed her long ago." Mike admitted in a breath, to which Molly could only laugh rather nervously, for she had no earthly idea how to respond to that.
"I have a surprising about of self-control." She admitted. She looked over to John almost hopefully, noticing that the boy was instead looking at the black board, and not at the back of Sherlock's head. Molly knew that the boys wouldn't be brave enough to turn around and face those who stood behind them, but it would seem as though most all of John's confidence had degraded after the Yule Ball. Had this been any class before Christmas Break John would have already been on Sherlock's desk, swinging his legs and talking excitedly about what he had gotten for Christmas. It was almost sad to see that the two had fallen silent.
"Well speaking of Hogsmeade, it's this weekend. I didn't know if you had anything better to do, but I for one thought that it would be a wonderful idea to bring you out into the bitter cold to go shopping for broom polish." Greg suggested with a little smile, dropping into a bow as if that would somehow help his case. Molly pretended to think for a moment, for she obviously was going to say yes to most any date adventure Greg suggested.
"Well I suppose I'm not doing anything better..." she muttered.
"That's a yes! See John, I told you she'd say yes." Greg said proudly, elbowing John in the ribs and calling the boy to attention.
"What? Yes, sorry. Yes good job." John agreed in a mutter.
"You seem distant." Molly decided obviously, leaning over the back of her chair so as to observe John in better light.
"Not...not distant at all. Just trying to think of what the homework was in here." John lied quickly, making both Molly and Greg smile knowingly. They were both very much in favor of a relationship blossoming between Sherlock and John, however undoubtedly for different reasons. Greg had already admitted he wanted it to happen so that he could get some proper laughs, and Molly of course had everyone's best interests in mind. Despite Greg's skewed morals, however, Molly knew that he would prove to be an invaluable tool for all the background work if they wanted to get these too love sick idiots together.
"There was none." Molly reminded him.
"Well that explains why I couldn't think of it." John agreed in a huff, looking towards Greg who only smiled a bit sadly, as if doubting John's mental capabilities.
"There you go." Greg agreed with a nod.
"I guess I should Sherlock. By the way." John added quickly, finally submitting to his preoccupation with the back of Sherlock's head in the corner of his eye. Sherlock didn't turn around, he only let his head drop to the table while Victor gave John a deadly glare, and John nodded as if he got the message and continued to his seat without a word.
"Well that's that I guess." Greg decided with a sigh, patting Molly on the shoulder in a final sort of way before starting off to his desk to join his humiliated friend.
"Sherlock that was your chance? What the heck are you doing being so shy? You know that John's trying to be friends!" Molly insisted, prodding Sherlock so that he would at least lift his head up to acknowledge her talking to him.
"I can't believe he still thinks that after all he's done that I can be friends again! It's almost like he's rubbing it in my face that we can only ever be friends." Sherlock complained, shaking his head miserably before letting his face fall back onto the desk in shame.
"He's being a lot better to you than anyone else ever would in his situation, can you at least try to bring yourself to appreciate that?" Molly insisted.
"No!" Sherlock growled.
"Can't you see that John's still in the process of breaking Sherlock's heart? Everything he does to remind him of his presence is poison." Victor chimed in, patting Sherlock on the shoulder while the boy shuttered at his touch. Molly scowled at them both before just giving up, looking back to where all three of the Gryffindors were immediately pretending to be staring at the floor and not at the scene playing out in the desks next to theirs. Evidently they found the Beauxbatons kids to be very interesting, for even their shows of misery were enough to enthrall their attention for a while. The whole production was put to an end when Sinistra got up in front of the class to teach, and all the while Greg was waving to Molly and making funny faces behind his textbook that was the end of all interaction between the two trios. At the final bell the boys went one way while the three went the other, starting off to Charms so as to be bored to death by a teacher they couldn't even see. 

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