The Great Arrival Of The Gryffindors

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    As miserable as the morning had proven to be there was still hope for a sunny day, for it seemed as though just over the mountain blue skies were veering ever closer. The sun was shining brighter than ever; however the gray clouds snuffed out its rays just enough to send the morning still in a foggy, dreary sort of atmosphere.
"This should be wonderful, I'm just so excited! Transfiguration sounds so interesting!" Molly exclaimed excitedly, prancing down the hill and clutching her wagging ponytail to as to steady it.
"And potions sounds like a nightmare! What kind of horrible school is this to hire such mean professors?" Sherlock wondered nervously.
"Well don't make any assumptions just yet Sherlock, he may not be all that bad. Besides, if we're there then maybe he'll try to make a good impression on us? That is, after all, their main focus here." Molly pointed out earnestly.
"Ya but what if he picks on us?" Sherlock insisted.
"Well then we'll just fight back, like we do with our teachers back home. Like Madam Maxine, we'll handle him just as we handle her." Molly assured with a little smile.
"Good point. I love potions; I'm really good at it, so I just hope he won't make it a terrible class." Victor admitted with a nervous little shrug.
"Ya, that is the one class you really do well in." Molly agreed.
"The one." Sherlock added with a giggle, to which Victor just veered over and tried to slap him. Of course that didn't work out just as he had planned, for they still weren't getting used to this uneven terrain as they headed towards their carriage. And so while he lunged so smack Sherlock his foot slid in the grass, causing him not to slap but to grab onto Sherlock's shoulder, effectively taking him down as well. Together the two rolled, crying out fearfully as he clutched onto each other and went tumbling in a ball of silken blue robes and pale, long limbs. When they came to a stop they found themselves at the base of a skinny little cherry tree, not a couple of steps from the carriage, with Sherlock pinned under Victor's weight and his head fallen into a patch of wet, muddy earth. This was inopportune, of course, for as soon as they came to a stop, with Molly having fallen over a couple of feet up the hill from laughter, Madam Maxine stepped out of the carriage with a cigarette between her bejeweled fingers. She took one look and gasped, letting her cigarette fall to the ground and clutching at her chest in horror.
"C'est assez! Tu garçons dégoûtants, t'éloignes de lui!" Madam Maxine cried desperately, approaching the two in a rage worthy of only a giantess as the two scurried away.
"We fell; we fell down the hill, that's it!" Sherlock insisted, brushing off his robes that had now been stained in grass in mud, his hair caked in filth as he pulled his fingers through it miserably.
"That's the truth, Madam Maxine, I'm so sorry!" Molly insisted, arriving under the tree just in time to control the situation in a calm way, despite her heavy breathing and side clutching.
"Well it's not your fault girl! Just you two, I don't want any...indecencies, among the Hogwarts students! We are not here to fraternize, we are here to win! And if your habits get in the way of that...well I'll have all three of you expelled!" Madam Maxine threatened, pointing her gigantic finger at the lot of them and waving it around threateningly.
"Yes of course, no they'll be good. Like cherubs ma'am, you'll see." Molly assured with a smile. Madam Maxine softened just a tad, for she had always liked Molly's sense of devotion and her fearlessness in tight situations such as these, however her brows were still arched and her arms were now crossed.
"It's you I trust, mademoiselle, not these sauvages!" she spat, looking towards the very disheveled boys with something of loathing in her dark black eyes.
"Yes of course, of course." Molly agreed. It took every ounce of self-control that Sherlock possessed to not jump out and take that horrible woman's throat in his hands, wring it out good so that she paid for the disgusting words that were forced out of it! Savages, they weren't savages, they were just gay! She was such an old fashioned woman, telling everyone to be beautiful and then drawing back in disgust when they actually are! Sherlock retrained, and he could almost sense Victor's fists clenching under the long, drooping sleeves of his robe. Finally she turned away, evidently too disgusted to look at these heathens any longer, and so she retreated back into her carriage with a huff, slamming the door shut violently behind her. Sherlock wouldn't be surprised if she had locked it, to be perfectly honest.
"Oh you two, I honestly thought she'd have your heads!" Molly exclaimed with a laugh, clutching at her sides as she heaved in breaths between laughter, taking her wand out of the pocket of her robes and cleaning them up with a couple of simple spells. Sherlock sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair so as to make sure all the work he had done this morning wasn't completely lost to that little tumble.
"Goodness Victor, I know you've always wanted to grapple with me, but that really is not the proper way to do it!" Sherlock teased with a little laugh, making Victor just sneer and slap at Sherlock once more, this time finally hitting his mark.
"Now stop bickering you two, and let's get going! We don't want to be late for our first classes." Molly insisted, tugging the two back in the direction of the carriage so that the trio could grab their bags for their first day as stand in Hogwarts students. They headed up to the castle just in time to hear the clock strike nine, the time when the classes were supposed to be begin. Of course the stream of students was still flowing quite heavily through the hallways, and so the trio joined the rush up the stairs all while trying to read their schedules so as to find the transfiguration classroom.
"I think we're going the wrong way!" Molly exclaimed as she pulled the two away from the mess of students flooding through the halls. They were on the third floor now, and although they had been dying to get a better look at the castle the night before today they were so overwhelmed they could hardly take time to be nostalgic.
"Well how would we have known, we were just following you!" Sherlock defended, tucking up against the wall so as to duck away from a very large boy sporting a red badge on his robes.
"I think it's on the ground level, but it only gives room numbers so how were we supposed to know that?" Molly whined.
"Ground level? There's nothing down there but the dining hall!" Victor insisted.
"There's that corridor, remember, the open one that leads to the court yards? I think the classroom must be down there, unless of course it's down the stairs where I saw all the green kids going." Molly murmured.
"I think they gave us a map, would you like me to check that?" Sherlock offered, rummaging around in his bag to find the map that had been given to them by Madam Maxine when they first arrived. The halls were slowly beginning to empty as the three stood by wearily, searching their maps and cross examining their schedules so as to solve the mystery of where they should be going. If only they had been smart enough to take Jeanette as their guide, then they wouldn't be in this situation! Sherlock always hated to be late, and especially since this was going to be their first introduction to the Hogwarts kids it was never a good thing to show up five minutes after the bell had rung, maybe more. He was beginning to get anxious, and along with that came a short temper and some snappy words whenever addressed. Molly wouldn't have it, of course, so she made Sherlock stay quiet while she and Victor argued over where the classroom might be on the map, and how to get there. They were now the only ones in the hallways, and the castle had long since quieted.
"We'll never make it." Sherlock whined hopelessly.
"Not with that attitude." Molly snapped.
"Well excuse me you three, I couldn't help but notice you seemed lost?" asked a polite voice above them, making Sherlock breathe in relief. It was a teacher, come to help. And yet when he looked up he saw now a teacher...not even a human.
"You're a ghost!" Victor exclaimed horrifically, recoiling in fear as a translucent figure with a large frill around his neck stood before them quite cheerfully. He wasn't scary in the least, in fact he seemed quite willing to help, it was just the very idea of being helped by someone long dead was a little bit daunting...and cold.
"Well yes, actually, thank you for noticing. Nick is my name, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington." The Ghost said proudly, bowing low and keeping one of his shimmering hands placed firmly on top of his head, almost as if he was afraid it would fall off.
"And I'm Molly Hooper, I'm so sorry to bother you sir, but we're from Beauxbatons and we're terribly lost. We're to have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall but we can't seem to find our way." Molly mumbled, showing Nick the schedule as if she wanted to prove her validity.
"Quite fine Miss Hooper, this castle can certainly be tricky. My first year I got lost twelve times in the first month, all due to those horrible staircases. They had it out for me, I was convinced of it!" the ghost exclaimed hatefully, however he chuckled all the same.
"Oh we know all about those stairs, nearly got us killed." Sherlock agreed, to which the ghost just laughed proudly.
"Follow me then, my lads, and maybe I can convince McGonagall to cut you some slack just this once. You are, after all, our guests." Sir Nick said proudly, puffing out his translucent chest before leading the trio down the stairs proudly. It turned out, of course, that Molly was correct in her assumptions. The classroom was indeed on the ground floor; however they couldn't appreciate the scenery for they were basically running to catch up with Sir Nick's very quick ghostly glide. They arrived at the classroom almost ten minutes late; already the students were attentively watching their professor with some interest. Professor McGonagall turned out to be a stern looking woman, getting up there in years, with a large black witch's hat on her head and billowing black robes. She stood before the class with her wand pointed at a goblet that was sitting on her desk, almost as if she was just about to perform a spell. This was interrupted, of course, by Sir Nick's entrance straight through the wooden door, followed quickly by the three windswept and panting Beauxbatons to pull it open and arrive in something of a rush.
"Oh thank God, I thought you guys got stuck on a trick step or something!" Jeanette exclaimed immediately, all while McGonagall dropped her wand and frowned disappointingly.
"Sorry Minerva, I found these three hopelessly lost on the third floor corridor, trying to read a map and getting nowhere." Sir Nick explained with a smile, to which McGonagall just nodded, trying to be somewhat open minded here.
"We're terribly sorry Professor, but it's our first day in the castle and we're quite confused." Molly admitted with an apologetic little smile.
"I understand of course, but just this once. I should expect you all to have at least a proper guide from now on." McGonagall replied rather sharply, to which the three shuddered and nodded nervously.
"That would be me Professor, we're friends from lunch. I'll show them around from now on." Jeanette promised, patting the empty seats next to her, which she had evidently saved for the trio.
"Thank you Nick, for leading us here." Molly added with a little smile, to which Sherlock and Victor mimicked her.
"Not a problem, I hope you have better luck from here on out." Sir Nick assured, bowing once more to show his respects. This time however he forgot to still his head onto his neck, and so as he bent down his head gave a great sickening lurch, falling off and dangling by just a bit of skin and tissue from behind his ghostly ruffled collar. Sherlock and his friends jumped back in shock, and Victor gave a great girlish scream, prompting the entire classroom to erupt into somewhat cruel laughter. It was only then that Sherlock noticed they shared the class with the green kids, the Slytherins. Nick resurfaced rather awkwardly, pushing his head back onto his neck and seeming greatly embarrassed, almost as if he thought that laughter was due to his sudden decapitation. However the three knew enough that they were the ones being mocked, and so they took their seats while Nick floated away through the door, leaving them at the mercy of McGonagall and all of the students seated before her.
"And what are your names, you three?" the Professor wondered from the front, watching them with very curious eyes, almost as if she was afraid they were somehow up to no good.
"I'm Molly Hooper, this is..."
"I can introduce myself Molly." Sherlock snapped. "Sherlock Holmes."
"Victor Trevor." Victor added rather shyly. Sherlock looked around at all the eyes staring at them, some very cruel and judgmental and some rather more excited, as if they were thrilled to have foreigners (cute ones too) in their classes. Sherlock noticed Victor eyeing up some of the boys in green, however he was almost tempted to elbow him in the ribs so as to take his head out of the gay clouds.
"Welcome to Transfiguration, I am Professor McGonagall." She said rather obviously, to which the three just mumbled nervous hellos and made their way over to the seats Jeanette had saved for them. She was sitting next to a Slytherin girl with blonde hair, she looked quite pleasant and not at all evil, and that made Sherlock feel just a little bit more relaxed. There was a very harsh energy in here, however, something that was surprisingly hard to ignore. McGonagall went on with the lesson quite abruptly; as soon as the three had set down their bags she had picked up her wand and went on transforming the goblet into some sort of black bird. Sherlock did his best to pay attention; for the lesson was interesting and she seemed to know what she was talking about. However he was also rather nervous, his heart was still racing from chasing after Sir Nick and he was rather disgusted after having to watch that poor ghost's head fall off. What a day it had already been, and it was only nine o'clock! They all got to transform things into goblets, having been provided some sort of slow or otherwise immobilized animal to practice on. Sherlock had received a small mouse who only sat lazily on the desk while Victor received a lizard and Molly got a cute little hamster of some kind. She was too upset about the idea of transforming it, however, and so they passed around Victor's lizard because it seemed dead already, with its eyes closed and its legs hardly moving. The hamster and the mouse sat together on the edge of the desk while Molly prodded and petted them lovingly, chatting to Jeanette and her Slytherin friend Sarah all while Sherlock and Victor struggled to turn the lizard into anything that half resembled a goblet. Sherlock was getting good at the spell when the bell finally rang, and so they packed up their things swiftly so as to ensure that they would not be late for potions. From what they had heard of that professor they wouldn't get the same sort of tolerance for tardiness. They said their goodbyes to Sarah as they started towards the dining hall and down a dark set of stairs towards a mildew smelling basement corridor, a place Jeanette described as the dungeons, towards a single wooden door near the back. The four of them waited along with the other Ravenclaws for the Gryffindors to arrive, which didn't take too long at all. Almost immediately after they had gotten situated there was a great ruckus coming from above the hall, like a stampede of wild animals or something, and suddenly kids began to emerge from the darkness with red badges, the Gryffindors had arrived. Sherlock and the Beauxbatons ducked against the moss covered walls to as to get out of their way, however the door to the potions room still wasn't open and so there really was nowhere to go. A pack of three boys came forward, however, evidently attracted by the blue robes, and stood in front of them curiously.
"I had rather hoped you'd all be females." One of the boys said with a disappointed voice, crossing his burly arms and looking the three of them over.
"Don't be sexist." Victor snapped, to which the boy's eyes slanted angrily.
"I'm being opportunistic, there's a difference." The boy corrected.
"Oh shut up Mike, that's really no way to make friends." The boy in the middle insisted, standing slightly shorter than the rest and looking relatively kind. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes, with an evenly tanned face and a very muscular body. Sherlock almost knew who he was before he introduced himself; however when he did hold out his hand to shake, Sherlock was almost taken aback at his manners.
"John Watson, excuse my friend here, he's a moron." The boy said with a little smile, looking up at Sherlock with a little gleam in his eyes. Sherlock shook his hand reluctantly, watching as the trio of boys all introduced themselves and shook hands with all the new comers, turning out to be John Watson, Mike Stamford, and a bouncy boy named Greg Lestrade whose eyes couldn't leave Molly for more than three seconds without agonizing distress.
"Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock managed, saying his name with something of a swollen tongue as he looked upon the radiantly beautiful boy. He didn't believe in love at first sight until now, where it would seem his fate had just strolled up to him and introduced himself. This boy...well he was much different from all the rest of the people Sherlock had ever come across in his life. For starters he was kind in a genuine way, Sherlock could read it in his face and he could hear it in his voice, he cared for people without any reason to, he saw the good in the world, he saw the good in everyone. And he was attractive of course, which was always a plus when stumbling upon your soulmate. John Watson wasn't necessarily beautiful, no he was more handsome, more buff and sporty looking than pristine and beautiful like the boys of Beauxbatons. He looked as if he could get his hands dirty; he held his head high and his shoulders broad, standing like a man who had muscle hidden under his baggy robes. Sherlock almost wanted to say something more, he almost wanted to do something more, and yet as soon as he opened his mouth to try to start up a conversation the door to the potions room was forced open. Professor Snape stood next to it, with one hand pushing the door open and the other pushing his greasy bangs from his white face. He stood with a scowl, looking down upon the students that lined near his door as if they had done something to severely offend him. He looked over at the trio of Beauxbatons and yet he said nothing to make them feel welcome, instead his eyes narrowed and he disappeared into the classroom, letting the students grab hold of the door and clamber inside what appeared to be a dungeon turned classroom.     

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