A Chance For Eternal Glory

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As soon as they turned their backs the painting's light went out, and they collected Sherlock by the arms and lead him eagerly down the staircases, hoping that their path was still clear on their way down. They reached the entrance hall in no time, finding themselves thankfully on solid ground as they dashed back through the dining hall and out the door they had come, now much too nervous to mess about in the castle past hours. It wasn't just the people they had to watch out for anymore, but the architecture and the decoration as well! What a curious fortress they had made of this school! The previously eerie grounds were much more welcoming now that the maze of stone was behind them, and so the three ran back to the grounds like scared puppies who had just been scolded, saying their goodbyes outside of the carriage before clambering back into their rooms obediently. Well that was enough adventure for one night, don't you think? Molly hid in the boy's room for just a moment while Victor collapsed into his bed in a huff, their hearts still racing as he stared up at the ceiling, their legs dangling off the side of his bed as he still hadn't bothered to remove their now muddy shoes.
"What a night that was!" Sherlock breathed, shutting the window securely before falling into his bed as well. He landed in a heap above his pillows, his dark curls scattered in a mess atop his head and his pale limbs strewn all over the place.
"What a night indeed." Victor agreed. "It's a beautiful building really, evil, but beautiful."
"Kind of like you?" Sherlock offered, to which Victor only giggled in agreement.
"Precisely." He agreed. For a moment they just concentrated on the darkness, still thinking on the castle and what secrets it held, thinking on their adventures and the peril they had found themselves in fifty feet up. They never got adventures like this at Beauxbatons, no it was mostly just the humdrum of regular every day education, cat fights, and runway battles in the hallways. Beauxbatons couldn't boast to having anything near insolent paintings and killer staircases, in fact all they really had was a special fountain out front, one which was supposed to make you beautiful if you ever drank from it. Of course everyone tried that, and maybe it had worked, however in first year Molly remembered Victor had filled a whole canteen with it and it seemed as all he got was sick. Maybe drinking from an outdoor fountain, at the mercy of birds and bugs and weather, wasn't the very best idea.
"Well I'm off to bed then, I'm exhausted." Sherlock admitted from across the room, jumping out of his bed only to throw on his pajamas and crawl under his blankets securely. Molly groaned miserably, for she really didn't want to go back to her own room but she knew it was probably necessary. If Madam Maxine found her sleeping on the carpet well, maybe she might start up some nasty rumors. And so she bid the boys goodnight, slouching back over to the room she shared with Janine. Thankfully she was in the room when Molly tiptoed in, and even more thankfully she was asleep. She wasn't moving except for a slow rhythm of breaths, and so Molly changed as quickly as she could into her pajamas and got quietly into bed. She wanted to go back out there, back to the castle and back to the grounds, however the darkness was enough to exhaust her to the point of conformity. She didn't need to get in more trouble, not in the least. And so she sat back in the darkness, staring at it until her dreams began to stare back. 

 Sherlock POV: In the morning Madam Maxine woke them with harsh knocks on the door, knocks that through him out of his pleasant dreams and back into the slightly more pleasant reality he was living. Funny how that worked? It was to be their first day of classes in Hogwarts, something that Sherlock was admittedly very excited to do. The classes seemed meaningful and interesting; however they would undoubtedly involve socialization. Sherlock wasn't all that keen on making new friends, however it would be ever too easy to get acquainted as he and the other foreigners would be the talk of the town for the next month or two. Everyone would be ever so anxious to meet him and his friends, and so they would be the most popular kids in the class until everyone forgot about them and moved on to whatever they cared about before their castle was overrun by the French. When the boys dressed and shuffled towards the door they found that Madam Maxine had everyone arranged on the couches they had sat in on their arrival to the castle, the students all looking fabulous and ready to go as they sat daintily with their legs crossed, quills wobbling in their hands as they passed around pieces of neatly cut parchment. 

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