Chapter Twelve~Mutt

Start from the beginning

"You stupid coward!" I scream and somehow get away from then and jump at Cooper.

We fall to the floor and he rolls on top of me. I hear everyone go quiet,they must see him. "Coward? You think I'm a coward? I'm in a pack house with some of the most powerful Alpha's!" He shouts and pulls out a knife.

"You wouldn't hurt me. I think we discovered that from day one." I snap and wiggle under him. He leans down and he smiles.

"I,Cooper Nicolas am not a coward. I am a wonder. Did you like the mirror trick?" He asks and I hear a growl and see Stark and Jagger twitching like crazy.

"No." I say and throw all my weight and roll on him. I bring my fist down only to break my hand...On his face. "Oww!" I say.

"As much fun as this postion is I like it better like this." He says. He sits up and pushes me on the ground. I feel something graze my shoulder and warm stuff flow down. I'm bleeding.

"You cut me!" I shout.

"You did sweetheart." He says and kisses me then hops up."By the way Erin I've been watching you since that mutt came and took you away." He says and points at Stark,who for some reason hasn't shifted. I jump up and he smiles

"What di-"

"Soon." He says and kisses me again and falls in my mirror and disappears. I've been kissed by the boy whose father almost killed me. I was kissed by a vampire.

"He called me mutt!" Stark shouts and then hits the mirror.

"Mutt?" I repeat.

"Yes mutt!" He shouts and I sit down on my bed.

"Who was that?" My dad asks as tears flow down my face.

"Cooper Nichols." I say and Ares runs in.

"That little white walk was here!" Ares shouts.

"White walker?" Stark asks.

"And non of you did anything!" Ares screams and his face turns red.

"They couldn't." I say. He doesn't here me. My dad falls to the floor and Sirberous and Kian are white. Ares grabs Jagger and Stark by the throats.

This isn't my Beta. This is the Alkemore Alpha. "You did nothing?" Ares screams.

"Stop it! They couldn't! Go for a run or walk-don't hurt them!" I scream and he drops them amd storms out. Both are on the floor gasping for air and I help them up. Stark seems to be getting a tan and he is getting muscle too. One thing though is the mark on his neck,the small A intertwined with a M. This makes sense,why he is changing late and his wolf.

"Mutt." Excapes my lips and he looks hurt and worried. Stark is a real mut-Goh he is hot. What what?

I had something awesome on my mind but Jagger and Stark are keeping it away just by looking at me.

"I'll show you to your room." Dad says to his guest and walks out.

"I-Igh-ugh-going to run." Jagger says and runs out slamming my door.

I look at Stark who is looking at me. What was I thinking about him? It was like super important. Something about mutts.

My mind is haywire. Mutt.Mutt and Stark. "I can't think with you looking at me like that." I say and fall in the floor.

"You just called me a mutt and then I had a disturbing thought." He says.

"Like what?" I ask getting off topic. He sits in the floor too.

"You don't want to know."He says and I see that his lip is still bleeding. I lean over and start to wipe it off,my eyes never leaving his lips.

"Stark you can talk to me." I say.

"You know." He says and I look at him.


"You muttered mutt. You know." He says.

"Mutt......Oh,oh! Yeah!" I shout finally remembering.

"See." He says and my eyes stare at the mark on his neck.

"But I can't focus." I say amd he smiles.

"Why?" He asks and I stare at him.

"Quit smiling. It's distract-" I start and then my thoughts hit me.

"Huh?" He asks.

"Nooooooooooo." I say and shake my head.


"You can't be." I say and his forehead creases with confusion.

"What? I can't be what?" He asks and his knee touches mine.

"Crap I forgot." I say and he laughs.

"What?" He asks and I shrug. My gaze goes back to his lips. I want to be kissed. No I need to be.

A sudden urge comes upon me and I press my lips on his. His right hand goes to my head and his left goes to my lower back. Mine go in his hair and he bites my lower lip. I hear him moan and smile. I wrap my leds around his hips.

"Erin." He says.

"Shut up and kiss me." I say and our lips start to move in sync. I can't get enough.

I push him down on his back without breaking apart and his heart beat is fast and hard. I forget he is about as smart at this as a nine year-old...So I think. Both of my hands are now beside his head and I am no longer as hot as I was. I'm still at the point where I want the AC on full blast but it's not as bad. Maybe because Stark is so cold.

We breath heavyly and he pulls his shirt off and I notice a scar on his side. I trace it and smile. "That's hot." I say and he laughs.

"Why are mine and yours aren't?" He asks.

"Because if a boy has them they are extremely hot and dangerous while if it were a girl it means she is weak and pathetic." I say and he props up on his elbows. We are still on my floor.

"You aren't either." He says and gives me a quick kiss.

"I am." I state and pull my shirt up to show the tender scars.

"Why would they reopen?" He asks.

"Cooper I guess." I say and he gently touched the biggest one. It starts on the edge of my left hip and stops at my rib cage. It cuts my bellybutton.

"Why wouldn't he hurt you?" Stark asks.

"Because he needs me." I say and Stark moves my hair out of my face. I'm looking down at him still.


"He's addicted to me and he is addicted to my blood." I say. He pulls my shirt back down and smiles.

"If it counts I think your scars are attractive." He says and pulls me down to kiss him.

"Thanks." I mutter against his lips and we start to make out on my bedroom floor.

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