Chapter Two

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"Beyond here is the play area." The elevator voice spoke.

"Play area? What's that?" Rachel asked. "Is all of this really the inside of a building?"

You had to agree with her, this didn't look like the inside of a building at all. There were brick walls and even crosswalks.

"Either way, we need to find the exit." She said while walking out of the elevator. You followed her and didn't said anything. Once you passed a broken window, a glass shatter was heard. You both stopped and turned around.

"Is... someone there?"

'Yes Rachel, because obviously they will reply' you said in your mind.

She suddenly started running so you followed her. You stopped in front of something that looked like a murder scene. Who else is on this floor?


Then a bird could be heard. It sounded it pain.

"A bird?" She got close to it. "It's hurt."

As she took the bird in her hands, a noise was heard. It sounded like a knife or something like that. You turned around and wondered if there was really someone with you.

"No, don't run away."

You turned back around to see Rachel walking closer to the bird, as it had just flew away from her. You could feel something or someone getting closer.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Come on now. Let's get out of here together, okay?"





Then you heard it, a maniac laugh. The most crazy laugh you've heard beside your own. Malice and evil seemed to escape from it. The bird Rachel had attempted to save was now reduced to a bloody mess by this person's scythe.

"That was a real self-satisfied look you had on your face... But now it's turning to despair."

Frozen. That's what you and Rachel were. Your legs seemed to be stuck to the ground as you held your baseball tight in your hands.

"I'll give you three seconds. Just try to run away if you can. And be sure to cry, scream, and beg for your lives! Let me see more of that despair on your face!"

Fight him or run away? The question resonated in your mind.


Rachel began running in the other direction. You immediately followed, wanting nothing more than to protect her from this psychopath.


You kept on running.


He began to run after you while laughing like a maniac. You and Rachel both turned to see him getting closer and closer. You acted quickly and shoved Rachel inside a building and closed the door. You needed somewhere to hide, and fast. You looked over to see her hide herself in a box so you did the same with the box closest to you.


You heard the door being ripped out. After a few seconds he was inside the room.

"Huh? Where'd you go, little bitches? Are you hiding?"

Footsteps got closer and closer and suddenly you could feel a foot kicking your box.

"Hey, get the hell out here! Yeah, guess that's not gonna work, huh?"


His scythe was millimeters from your face. Your hand was over your mouth to stop any sound from coming out, eyes wide open. You were afraid, but more for Rachel than for yourself. You wanted to get out and fight him but you didn't know his strength. He could easily defeat you for all you knew.

"Tch, I missed..."

He took out his scythe and checked the other boxes. You heard him crashing another box. You hoped that he had also missed Rachel.

"Guess they're not here." Thank god.

You heard him walk away. You slowly got out of your box as Rachel did the same. You both ran out to see the bird from earlier, there, laying lifeless on the floor.

Rachel fixed the bird, and you wonder why she did that. After her little staring contest with a dead bird, you headed in the direction you were originally walking to, careful not to make too much noise.

"I wonder if there's an elevator in—"


She got cut off by the maniac laugh that you sure recognized.

"I finally found you! I'm not even gonna give you one second this time!"

Rachel missed being hit by a few inches, before you grabbed her hand and ran. His crazy laugh was echoing while you noticed an elevator and sprinted towards it. Rachel let go of your hand when you got close enough. You pressed the button and got inside.

"Hurry! Hurry!" She pressed the button repeatedly to close the doors

He got closer, and closer.


The elevator closed right before his scythe could've touched one of you. Rachel fell to her knees while you kept looking at the door, his laugh echoing in your head.

'Geez, his laugh sure is annoying as hell.' You thought while the elevator went up. After a few seconds, the doors opened.

Here we go, floor B5.

Long sleeves hide scars (Zack X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ