Chapter Ten

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After teasing Zack for a few moments, you realized Rachel hadn't said anything since he threw her up there. Apparently, he noticed it too because he called out to her. "What are you spacing out for? Check to see if there's anything in there!"

You heard her move in the vent, signalling she was beginning to search for a way out. With nothing else to do, you sat down and rested your back onto the wall, slowly closing your eyes. However, a noise coming from your left kept them from resting for more than five seconds.

"What are you doing?" you questioned your fellow killer seeing him sit down next to you. He didn't respond as he laid his scythe on the floor and laid his head on the wall, so you closed your eyes again. Suddenly, you felt physical contact from the left side of your body and tensed up. Peeking over at Zack, he was looking in the opposite direction and acting like he didn't just purposely move closer to you.

You relaxed your body and suddenly an idea popped into your head. Taking a deep breath to muster up the courage, you let your head slowly fall onto his shoulder. Now it was his time to tense up, but he didn't make a move to remove you and soon let himself relax. You're surprised he let you do that, after all this was just related to all the teasing from
before, which he seemed embarrassed by. What you didn't expect though is that this felt natural for some reason. You weren't uncomfortable in any way, it was as if your bodies were meant to be in this position.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Rachel was back from her little search. "Find anything?" you asked and she nodded, holding up something that you couldn't tell what it was. You got up as Zack went to help her get down from the vent. As soon as her feet touched the ground she said, "We have to hurry and open the door." but she fell to her knees presumably from the gas.

"Damn it, is the poison getting to you?" Zack questioned, "Give it here!" he motioned the thing she was holding, which turned out to be some card key. He walked towards where he was supposed to slide in the key, but he was obviously struggling with putting it in. Annoyed, you marched over to him to show him how it's done, but then—


"Zack..." you started, but he responded before you could began the rest of your sentence. "The card key.. got bent." he said while— you couldn't believe it— is he smirking?! You were about to yell at him until a voice you dreaded to hear again infiltrated your ears.

"I can't believe it!" Cathy said in between laughs, "This is so funny, I can't stop laughing!" Her laughter made your blood boil and as you were about give her a piece of your mind, you were interrupted again though this time the words spoken were also the ones in your mind. "We've come this far! It might as well be open! So open it!" Zack argued.

Cathy smiled with fake pity, "Now, you know I can't do that!" She got close up to the screen and said with a deep voice, "Criminals have to obey the rules. Right, Zack?" Then, the screen turned to the hourglass and to your horror, the top part was now empty. "And now... time's up. All right! The wait is over!" she started wiggling around in her seat, "It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Time for Cathy's special poison gas!" You hated how she kept moving around creepily and bringing her face closer to the screen.

"And now, you're going to die!" and soon enough, stronger gas began leaking into the room, leaving the gas mask useless. "That bitch!" you exclaimed.

"Zack." you heard Ray's soft voice. You both turned to her as she continued, "The promise we made can't be kept if we don't get out of here, right?" Confused, Zack retorted "Huh?! Why are you bringing that up now?" But Rachel wasn't dropping it, "Answer me."

"Me getting to the surface alive is the minimum requirement!" He shot back. She nodded softly and looked down, "Okay. I'll try." Saying you were worried would be an understatement, "Is there any way to try in this situation?!" You asked. Not looking up to answer you, she said, "I don't know if we'll survive. Is that still okay?"

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