Chapter:6 Two sides to every story

Start from the beginning

Jk: "Hey dad what's up?"

Mr.Jeon: "Get your a** to my office now!"

He hung up before I could say another word. He's definitely still mad about our fight. I put my phone down turning to face the two in front of me. "Are you okay, was that your dad?" Taehyung asks me, I guess he can see how worried I'am. "Oh umm yeah he wants me to stop by his office now, it's probably to talk about the fight we had earlier." I walk over to my closet and grab my coat that was hung up."Are you guys coming?" I ask both Tae and hobi. Hoseok shakes his head and gets up from my couch, "Sorry I can't I'm helping my sister out with something today, but call me later and tell me how it goes," and with that he walks out the door, closing it behind him. I turn to Taehyung, "what about you are you coming with me?" "Hmmm I really don't want to, but I have nothing else to do so okay fine i'll go." I finish zipping up my coat and with that Tae and I walk out of my apartment.

Tae and I step out of my car, I slam the car door behind me and we start walking. As we're reaching closer and closer to my dad's office Tae states,"I bet the waitress is working today, you should probably see if you can try and find her." As I'm daydreaming Tae's words bring me back to reality. "Oh I'm sorry can you say that again," I say falling back into my trance. "Minseo, you should see if she's working today." He says slightly annoyed with me."Oh um yeah that's great," I say not paying attention, why does my dad want to see me the stress is slowly killing me! I'm looking down at the floor not paying much attention when Teahyung grabs my arm and pulls me around to a corner of the long hallway we were in. "What the f*ck," I say startled. "Let go of me." I pull my arm away from his tight grip. "And speak of the devil," Tae says poking his head out the small corner we were in. The devil, "who you see my dad?" "No you idiot look!" I slowly wrap my head around to see Minseo standing outside of my dad's office door. She's standing there looking nervous? Me and Tae watch her as she stands there doing nothing I think she's talking to herself but i'm to far away to tell."Go to her," I say giving Tae a little push. "What why me, i'm not the one who needs to apologize!" "Please just go up to her and see if she's still mad, you said you've talked to her before so she already knows you," I say practically begging him at this point. Tae hesitates but then rolling his eyes he says, "do I have to?" "Yes please if you go i'll take you shopping!" He looks at me unimpressed. "Okay fine i'll take you shopping using my credit card!" Without another word he walks around the corner and confronts Minseo. I have no idea what their talking about and i'm to scared to look so I hide behind to corner waiting for Tae to come back. I start to get anxious and I have to know what their talking about, me? I nervously spin my head around the corner to see them hugging! Why is she hugging him? Are they a thing now or something? I can't help but feel upset, I sent Tae over there to talk to her not to flirt! I stand there watching them, is he really flirting with her?! The huge smile on her face says it all! After awhile I can't take it and I have to call Tae. I know I was interrupting them but at this point I don't really care.

Tae: "Listen if you really do care that much then you'll go talk to her!"

Me: "She doesn't want to talk to me."

Tae: "Well then let it go and hope she will too."

Me: "I have to say something"

Tae: "THEN GO TO HER!!!"

 Tae hangs up on me before I have the chance to speak. I'm about to call him back but he's right, if I want to make things right then I have to talk to her. I take one last deep breath and go to approach her. I guess she thought I was Taehyung or something at first but let me tell you when she found out it was me she was NOT happy. I tried to talk to her and apologize but she wouldn't let me speak! She was really mad and I couldn't blame her. She wouldn't let me say one word and when I grabbed her arm to (hopefully) get her attention it made it even worse and she started yelling at me! "Will you please just listen to me for two seconds is all I ask." I say hoping she'll claim down."Please miss Minseo i'm just trying to apologize to you." She was about to go off on me some more when my dad finally opened the door to his office (the first and only time I have ever been happy to see him!) He screams at both of us to get in his office, but why does he want Minseo in the room as well? She walks in the room and takes her seat. I saw the seat was open next to her so I took it. We both sat there in silence waiting for my dad to speak. I wonder why he called her here.

Let's just get this over with!

Authors note: Sorry for such a long chapter today but I didn't want to leave out any details (also if I missed anything then please let me know!) and sorry for not uploading for awhile but school is driving me crazy! Anyways thx always for reading and thank you so much if you made it this far I really appreciate it, LOVE YOU ALL😘❤️

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