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Misfortune. Easy to pronounce yet difficult to face.

She ran into her room and shut the door behind her, the weight of her emotions crushing her chest. In the dim light, her trembling hand found the glasses placed neatly on the table, and with a sudden, merciless force, she smashed them. Shards of glass scattered, reflecting her inner turmoil.

On her knees amidst the wreckage, she fixated on the fractured fragments, each one a mirror to the chaos within her. With trembling fingers, she picked them up, studying them as if searching for answers.

"Will these ever be fixed?" She whispered to herself, tears betraying her own facade, flowing unbidden.

Blood dripped from her wrist where she had inadvertently clasped the shards of glass. "I shouldn't be selfish," she mumbled, her voice cracking. "It's not his fault. Why am I hurting him?"

The pain in her heart deepened. She didn't want anyone to suffer, especially not because of her. In her twisted logic, she believed she deserved punishment, and she seized a larger shard.

"Please open the door, please let me in!" His desperate shouts echoed through the door, accompanied by relentless pounding.

Suddenly, realization struck her like a lightning bolt. "Ya Allah, how could I even think of it!" She cried out, horrified by her own thoughts.

The banging on the door intensified. She staggered to her feet, the splinters piercing her skin, and opened the door. His shock and concern were palpable as he gazed upon her battered state.

She took a step closer to him, extending her trembling palm. "Will you help me fix them?"

Authors note :

Salam Readers ,

I am thrilled to introduce myself as Sarah Ismail, a curious newcomer venturing into the captivating realm of Wattpad.

As an introspective ambivert, my mind is a playground for countless characters, each vying for their moment in the spotlight. While I may have exaggerated just a tad, it's true that I often find myself pondering the ripple effects of life's twists and turns. With Wattpad graciously providing me a stage, I'm excited to grant my characters a home where they can flourish.

Diving into Wattpad can feel like embarking on an oceanic odyssey, and I'm earnestly reaching out to you, dear readers, to be the guiding lights, much like mermaids, steering me towards the shores of accomplishment, by the grace of Allah. While I may seem adrift now, I carry an unshakable belief that, with time and dedication, I will chart my course towards the realization of my dreams.

Let me briefly touch upon my story. It is an emotional tapestry, delicately woven with threads of tragedy, and it comfortably nestles within the realms of romance and general fiction, all while embracing the modern Islamic essence. It's important to note that both the storyline and its characters are purely the products of my imagination – I haven't had the privilege of meeting them face to face, not yet at least!

Prepare yourselves, for within the pages of my work, you might stumble upon the occasional grammatical hiccup, a typo or two, and perhaps even a punctuation pitfall. Fear not, for I invite you to be my valued critics, guiding me towards literary finesse. Rest assured, once the chapters have been meticulously woven together, I'm committed to weaving out those minor errors, in sha Allah.

At its core, my story is an exploration of emotions. Although I jest when I say my aim is to bring you to tears, I do intend to invoke a wide spectrum of feelings. It's a narrative that seeks to intertwine elements of romance, tragedy, Islam's profound wisdom, and the virtue of patience. I promise you, dear readers, an assortment of unexpected twists and turns, akin to a thrilling rollercoaster ride. The rationale is threefold: firstly, the canvas of fiction allows for boundless creativity; secondly, our imperfections as humans contribute to the depth of the narrative; and thirdly, life is often a tapestry woven with anticipation.

Turning our attention to the rhythm of updates, I must humbly confess that I cannot pledge daily deliveries. Your understanding and patience are treasures I deeply cherish. While I find myself immersed within the very world I've spun, I also appreciate the myriad facets of life outside its confines. Hence, striking a balance is key, ensuring I uphold the hearts of both my cherished readers and my beloved family.

I eagerly anticipate your companionship on this literary expedition, and your support means the world to me. In sha Allah Let's journey forth together, penning a tale woven with dreams, emotions, and the boundless power of the written word.

Important note :

Let's honor every author and their dedicated work. Writing isn't just about fun; it's about chasing our dreams. Let's not copy others without permission, as having our originality stolen hurts. If you spot any copied work, please report the person responsible and let the author know about the plagiarism. Together, we can protect each other's creativity and uphold our community's integrity.

All rights are reserved, no part of this publication should be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or any means mechanically or electronically without the permission of the writer.

Copyright© mintleafinblacktea 2018

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