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Everyone seems so obssessed,
In being at the top because of the power it possess.
The world were full of diversity,
We already don't know equality.

Society is not the same as before,
Even our elders asked if when is the right time to stop the world's gore.
People are obssesed to be at the top,
But if the topic's about good deeds,
they know they flop.

Poverty rose up to 25% of the Philippines,
Due to the dereliction of the government.
Because all they do is flip their fins,
While others suffer from being tormented.

When will the competition stop?
In order for us to help each other without a leader at the top.
When will this atrocious cycle end?
For us to be equal and the love could spread.

Wake up, people.
It's time to change,
Let's change together with great trust ranges.
Let's prove that society can still be better,
In order for others to notice our country's beauty and weather.


A/N: I'm a Filipino and this was a poem that one of my acquintances requested for her project. Shout out to Filipino Readers!!

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