Jisung smiled and looked to the ground, "Felix told me, don't ask how he did, he just did." He looked back up at Minho, looking at his face that was barely visible from the darkness around them. "He also told me that your favorite animal is a cat, which I found really cute actually—and that you've always wanted to get one but you couldn't cause your dad is allergic. I didn't get you a cat—though I would have if you lived alone but that's for another time, for now though—I hope this will be enough," he pulled out a stuffed toy cat from behind his back. It was orange and had white spots over it in random places.

Minho stared at Jisung in shock. He looked at the stuffed cat that Jisung held out and he slowly took it from him, looking at it. He smiled softly, looking back up at Jisung, "Ji—"

"No I'm not done yet," Jisung cut him off and stepped closer to the boy. "Felix also told me about your plan," when he said this, Minho's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "I get why you would want to use me to get revenge on your sister, you were hurt and I get that. As much as I don't want to help you with your plan, I will because I don't want to marry your sister, I can't live with marrying someone I don't love, or even like for that matter."

Minho looked to the ground as he listened to Jisung talk, he took everything in and sighed. He nodded, "I'm sorry," he said in a quiet voice, but Jisung still picked it up.

"Sorry for what?"

"For everything, I've been so horrible and annoying, not giving you a chance to be friends, trying to use you in hopes to get revenge on my sister, I'm sorry for all of it," Minho confessed, looking back up at Jisung with a little bit of sadness in his eyes.

Jisung couldn't hold himself back anymore, he took another step forward and wrapped his arms around Minho. He pulled him close and hugged him tightly, rubbing a hand up his back comfortingly. "It's alright, I forgive you for being an ass."

Minho scoffed and laughed softly, shaking his head. "You say you forgive me and then you call me an ass? Thanks," he leaned closer to Jisung, wrapping his arms around him.

Jisung smiled in content, "so I'll help you and you'll help me, that means we'll fake a relationship?"

Minho nodded, laying his head against Jisung's shoulder, "and after, you'll leave me alone."

Jisung pulled away in surprise, staring at Minho, "what—"

"What? I don't like you—"

"Felix told me that if you say that to say 'stop lying'," Jisung told.

Minho frowned and pushed Jisung away from him, "whatta bitch—oh yeah I'm curious on how Felix told you all this."

Jisung laughed slowly, taking a step away from Minho. "I saw him and Changbin at the mall, got confused, so he explained it and his plan and everything else to me."

Minho nodded, "Felix had a plan?"

"This," Jisung said.


"This was his plan."

Minho hummed, looking back down at the cat in his hands. He looked at Jisung and grabbed his wrist, pulling him with him. "You're walking me home, it's dark."

Jisung followed him, trying not to fall, "alright—but I'll still have to go home myself—"

Minho shook his head, "we have a plan of our own, right? You're staying the night. But you're sleeping on the floor."

Jisung pouted but nodded anyways.



So after doing an update everyday for the past 5 days, imma take a little bit of a break from updating this story– I'll get back to updating my nomin fic and maybe post a new fic too?👁👁


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