Chapter 8: Inner Beauty~

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(Lydia's P.O.V.~)

The kiss started to intensify as Mike hugged me close, closing the gap between us. I'm in love with a Demon. Every kiss, every touch, sent shivers down my spine and adrenaline rushing through my veins. I'm supposed to fear Demons, because I was always told they were terrifying.

He detached his lips from mine and started kissing my neck. I tilted my head back, allowing him more access. I felt him smirk against my skin and kissed harder. A small moan escape from my lips and I laced my fingers through his hair.

Every fiber of my being longed for his touch and I heard a small growl escape his lips. I pulled his head back up until his lips found mine and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted him even closer, but the sound of someone clearing their throat, broke us from the kiss. We looked over to see Chris, Ricky, Fran, Ashley, and Michael standing there, smiling down at us. I felt myself turn red and Chris said "Making out in a Graveyard?...Nice, Kuza."

He groaned and asked "What do you guys want?" Michael said "Hey man, we were following our orders. We did an entire sweep of the school and the areas around the school... We lost the trail." I swallowed and asked "S-So he really was here?" They nodded and I sighed. Mike kept his arms wrapped around my waist and kissed my temple. Ricky asked "So what do we do?" Mike said "We're staying with her at her grandmothers house. Even though she's not a practitioner of Black Magic, Fran and Ash could combine their powers with hers and could possibly over power Satan. If we can, we'll have her try to create a barrier around the house to let us in but keep him or anyone he sends, out. I don't know why he chose her exactly, but I will not let him lay a finger on Lydia."

He looked at me and our eyes locked. I saw his eyes turn a light shade of purple, like they did when we first met. He sighed and said "Lydia...You know I love you, right?" I nodded and he asked "And...You said you loved me, right?" I nodded and said "Of course." He looked down and said "I...I have to show you something...Something that might scare you." I swallowed and said "O-Okay." He said "Stand up." I obeyed and got off his lap. He stood up and took my hand in his. He said "Come on...Let's go into those trees over there." Pointing to a wooded area a ways past the graveyard.

We walked into the brush until we were at the heart of the forest. Mike and I stood right in the center while everyone else, circled around us. Mike took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. He looked into my eyes and said "You've seen this side of me...But there's another side you haven't seen...and it may frighten you." I kissed his cheek and said "No matter what, I will always love you Mike." He smiled and dropped my hands. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

I felt someone come up behind me and I saw it was Francesca. She placed her hands on my shoulders and gave me a small smile. I looked back at Mike and saw he was still concentrating. Then he screamed and dropped to his knees. I yelled "Mike!" Francesca held me in place and said "Stay back sweetie.He'll be okay...He's just transforming." Transforming? What's that supposed to mean?

Mike screamed again and held his stomach as if her was in pain. Then he shot back until he was on his back and I was watching in horror as his back arched in a way a back never should arch. I saw claws extended from where his nails were supposed to be. He literally tore his shirt off, leaving his torso bare. His arms, chest, and stomach were toned. He bared his teeth, allowing fangs to protrude out where his canines were. He opened his eyes and they turned a dark violet and hey gazed up at me. Horns began to grow out of his skull and my eyes widened as I watched them curve back...This is what she meant by transforming...He was turning into his demon form.

A low demonic growl exited his mouth and he sunk back onto the ground, on his knees. He took deep breaths in and out and said "Lydia.." His growls growing softer with each breath. He looked up at me and I saw the sadness in his eyes. He was cursed. He was kicked out of the one place he called his home, and became this monster. Fran let go of my shoulders and I took small steps forward to him, careful just in case he tries to lash out. I reached my hand out and so did he. I saw his claws recluse back until they were gone and I laced my fingers trough his.

I slowly got down onto my knees and he looked down. He said "You're ashamed of me...I'm nothing but a monster, forever condemned in the darkness for my mistakes...I'm disgusting." I hooked my finger under his chin and made him look up at me. The violet in his eyes started to fade away when he looked into my eyes. I brought my face close to his and said "You are not disgusting, Michael...You are beautiful.." I gently pressed my lips to his forehead and said "Inside..and out." A small smile tugged at his lips and I said "God shouldn't have done what he did just because you wanted to speak your mind...Mike you've stayed with me all these years, watching over me, and keeping me safe...You mean everything to me. I am in love with you...And nothing will ever change that...I love you, Mike."

He smiled and said "I love you too, Lydia." His eyes returning to the beautiful blue I know and love. I gently took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his. He put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer. He started kissing me back and I could feel the world melt away. Then like before our kiss was broken by someone clearing their throat. We broke away, but I pressed my forehead against his, his face still in my hands.

Ashley said "We should get to her grandmothers before you two have sex here in the forest." We all laughed and Mike said "Aww, you guys are no fun." I playfully smacked his arm, causing him to chuckle. He said "Ow! I was just kidding!" I smiled and said "I know, baby..Come on." I gave him a quick peck on the lips before standing up, and helping him up from the ground. Ricky asked "So umm...You're gonna stand in front of her grandmother without a shirt?" Everyone laughed but me and Mike said "Oh Ricky...Aren't you forgetting we're demons? If we can defy the laws of nature, then a shirt can appear on me"

We all turned and saw he was now wearing a plain black shirt with

SIX SIX SIX, Written on the front of the shirt, in red. We all laughed and Mike grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwining.

I smiled and heard him say 'You have a beautiful smile.'

I smiled bigger and replied 'I have something to make me smile...Something absolutely perfect in every way,shape, and form...I think his name is Mike?'

He kissed my hand and said 'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

My Guardian Demon (Mike Kuza)Where stories live. Discover now