Chapter 1: Nightmares~

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(Lydia's Dream~)

His voice is a mere whisper in the dark. I've heard it every night since I was a little girl. I couldn't always fully understand what he was saying, because other voices would mix in with his. But his voice always stood out to me.

"Lydia..I'm here Lydia...You're safe."

He had the voice of an Angel. So soft and sweet. He spoke barely above a whisper.

"You're safe with me, Lydia...Forever."

Then the only other voice I could understand, was another man's voice. I didn't know this man, but I heard his voice before.

"Lydia..Come with me..Join me in eternal darkness."

I saw flashes appear in my mind. I saw blood, I saw fire,pale gray eyes, and could hear these God awful screams and growls. Then I could see horns, wings, and these pale blue eyes. The blue eyes belonged to him..My guardian angel. I couldn't see his face, because it was covered by long black hair.

His head slowly lifted up and all I could see were his eyes. All the other voices faded away, and just focused on him.

"I won't let him take you, Lydia."

Then a blood curdling scream pierced in my ears and a unspeakable demonic roar, bring all the voices back. I saw his eyes turn from blue to purple and I jolted awake.

(End Of Dream~)

I quickly sat up in my bed, looking around to make sure I was awake. I had sweat beating down from my forehead, and had formed a pool around my pillow. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Why do I have these dreams? I'm not important.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I heard my grandmas voice. "Lydia? Are you okay, my Moon child?" I said "Yeah, I'm okay." She asked "Can I come in?" I swallowed and said "Yeah." She opened the door and said "My goodness..What happened to you?" I sighed and said "Just a bad dream, that's all." She nodded and said "Okay. I sensed something was wrong and wanted to check up on you."

I nodded and said "Thanks, gran..Hey, c-can I ask you something?"

She nodded and said "Of course my Cherry Blossom, what troubles you?"

"What can you tell me about Demons?"

She gave me a confused look and asked "What makes you ask, dear?"

I sighed and said "Remember when mom..Remember when mom said that one day demons were gonna come and take me away?" She nodded and said "Yes." I asked "What do you know about them?"

She said "I know that they were never born. They never were alive and they never died. They're followers of Satan himself who was once one of the highest angels in all of Heaven. He was God's right hand man. But soon Satan started envisioning his own version of Earth, Heaven, and Life. He wanted to be higher than God and when God got word of it, he Satan out of Heaven and created Hell. He became the first Demon and Angels who wanted to rebel with him, we're cast out and became Fallen Angels, or Demons. And to get revenge on God for casting him out of Heaven, he turned into a servant and tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit. Who then tempted her husband Adam, to eat with her."

*Ive been going to church for almost 3 years, and I've absorbed a lot of information and stories.*

I nodded and asked "A-Are all a Demons bad?"'she shrugged and said "I assume the are. Why do you ask?" I shook my head and said "I'm..I think these dreams I'm having are some kind of sign...I just don't know what it means."

She nodded and said "You're mother always worried about your dreams. She was even asking my opinion on wether or not to have an exorcism performed on you. I told her it could be dangerous, and I offered to have a cleansing ritual for you, to rid you of these negative thoughts and dreams."

An exorcism? Thanks mom.

I asked "And what did she say?"

She said "She wouldn't let me. I told her it would be painless, but she refused. She said she didn't want DevilCraft performed in her house, let alone her only child." I nodded and she said "Do you want me to do a cleansing for you, my Moon child?" I shook my head and said "No, I'm fine. Thank you though, Gran."

She smiled and said "You should start getting ready for school. Breakfast should be ready by the time you're finished. Have you said your morning prayer?" I shook my head and said "No, not yet." She nodded and said "Okay, I'll leave you to get ready." She kissed my forehead and walked out.

I sighed, got off my bed, got down on me knees, in front of my bed, an me closed my eyes. I put my hands up like I was praying and sighed.

"O Gracious Goddess,

O Gracious God,

Lend me health, strength, and love

During this coming day.

Assist me with challenges ahead.

Share Your divine wisdom.

Teach me to respect all things.

Remind me that the greatest power of all is love.

Blessed be."

*Don't ask where I got this, I found it, somewhere on Tumblr.*

I got up, picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a Wiccan Pentagram *Which is a normal five pointed star* for school, and left to get ready. My mind lingering to the nightmare the whole time.


Hey guys so for some who aren't aware of who Mike Kuza is, he's the lead singer of a band called KUZA, and he's a roadie for MIW. Francesca DeStruct is the bassist for KUZA, Chris Motionless and Ricky Horror are from Motionless In White, Chris sings/screams, and Ricky plays guitar. Ash Costello is the lead singer of New Years Day, Michael Vampire is he singer for Vampires Everywhere! And William Control is from his band, William Control. Oh and Stuart Townsend is an actor, he played Lestat in Queen Of The Damned (That movie is the shit! Those are REAL Vampires. Not sparkly, fabulous, glitter bullshit Stephanie Meyer created. The books were okay, but the movies sucked, but that's just me.)

I'm into the supernatural, and all the occult and paranormal stuff, but I don't practice Witchcraft. I'm not a Witch...I'm a heretic. *See what I did there?* lol :p.

Anywhore, I hope you guys like it so far, sorry I had to delete and republish the fist chapter, and I lost all the shit.




Follow and I'll follow back :).

Worst nightmares,



Oh and I want at least 3, count 'em ONE, TWO,THREE COMMENTS if I'm gonna move on to Chapter 2. So of you guys want me to keep going on this, LEAVE AT LEAST 3 COMMENTS :).

My Guardian Demon (Mike Kuza)Where stories live. Discover now