Chapter 5: The Truth~

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Yay!!! I'm so glad you guys like this story, I feel loved lol :p. Since you guys demand more, I'm publishing one more chapter, tonight for you guys :). I'm so glad you guys like it :).


We walked out of the lunch room and Mike asked "What's up?" I sighed and said "What was that in there?" I looked up at him an he scrunched his brow line together. He asked "What do you mean?" I looked around to see if anyone was around and whispered "You were talking to me in my mind! And I'm pretty damn sure no one can do that!"

He looked down at me, his angelic eyes boring into mine. I swallowed and asked "Who are you?" My voice turning serious. I said "Every night for the past 12 years, I've seen your face, I've heard your voice, and I see your eyes. When I was 6, you told me that you were my protector, and that you will always be with me. And you looked just he same back then, as you do now. In my dreams, I can hear screams..God awful, terrifying screams. I see blood, I see fire, I can hear another mans voice telling me to join him! I hear your voice every night, with you always saying 'It's okay, Lydia. You're safe with me.'"

I could feel tears stinging in my eyes. I've never felt this emotional in my life, since my mom died. I said "And when I hear his voice...It is cold.. And terrifying. I want you to tell me who you are, and I want the complete and honest truth. I deserve to know."

He stared into my eyes and sighed. He said "My real name was Lahabiel. Which means angel who protects against evil spirits. I was an Angel in Heaven. As was Francesca, And Ricky. Chris, Michael, and Ashley are Demons. Francesca, Ricky, and I lived beautiful lives in Heaven. No pain...No fear...No dying. Everything was perfect. Then rumors spread around of Lucifers ideas for a world in his image. When Hid found out, he cast him put along with any Angels who agreed with him. Lucifer was like a brother to God. It broke God's heart.

The rest of us lived in fear of being banished, and I basically bottled everything away. He truth of the matter is...I agreed with Lucifer. Not to destroy the world and start over, but simply because we should all have a choice on what to believe in and have our own opinion. I was brought before God and the archangels ripped my wings out. It was the most painful thing any angel can experience, and we can't feel pain. The last thing God said to me was "Your loyalty with me now lies with the darkness." and I was thrown out of Heaven. God opened up the pits of Hell, and I felt the embrace of darkness, consume me."

His voice cracked at the end. Any normal person would look a him like he was insane, but the look in his eyes told me he was dead serious. A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at him in horror. He was thrown out of his home, just for speaking his mind? He wiped it away with his thumb, and cupped my cheek with his hand. His touch made my tears stop. It was comforting.

I asked "What happened to Ricky and Francesca?" He said "All Angels have Telepathy. So Ricky, Francesca, and I communicated every day while I was in Hell. God has a rule that states communication with any Fallen Angel is forbidden and punishment was set at exile. We managed to keep God and the other Angels oblivious to out conversations, because Francesca put a spell on God and the Angels. She has divine powers and cast a spell on everyone but herself and Ricky. But soon God found out about the deception and she was exiled, and joined me in Hell. Ricky tried to vouch for her and convince God to let her back in, but God exiled him for being an accomplice.

That's when we met Chris, Ashley, and Michael. They've been demons from the start. They were tired of living under Lucifer's reign and became our friends." I then asked "Y-You said your name was Lahabiel?" He nodded and I asked "Why was it taken?" He said "I was an protector from evil spirits and when I was banished into Hell, God took my name away...He took the only physical thing I had, after I was banished. Satan gave me a new name...Kafziel. I became an Angel of death. But my main focus was children. I was to lure them in, sacrifice them to Lucifer, and bring their souls down to Hell. I wasn't fully ranked as a Demon."

My mouth dropped. He murdered children?! Then my mind went back to they day we first met..He lured me into the woods...He planned to kill me. Despite his comforting touch, tears rolled down my cheeks. I asked "So when I saw you in the woods that day...You were planning to kill me?" I saw his eyes were filled with shame and regret, and he nodded. He said "Lucifer told me to find you, because he felt something was right about you. He said he felt this energy in you, and he didn't like it. He said I was to wait until you were alone, lure you into the woods, and sacrifice you...But I couldn't go through with it when I saw you."

I asked "Wh-What do you mean?" He brought his face closer to mine and said "You were the picture of innocence. The way you walked, the way you talked, the way you saw things...And your eyes...They were like the eyes of God. So pure, so sweet...I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. If I did, I would've never forgiven myself. Taking the life of something so virtuous, is a punishment worse than Hell. Your amulet..You still wear it?" I nodded and looked down as I saw it laying flat against my chest.

I looked down at it and said "I've worn it every day since I saw you...And I never told anyone about you." He smiled and said "I blessed it. To keep you safe from any other demon or evil being. Because I knew I was gonna be punished for not obeying Lucifer. I couldn't come find you after that, because I was chained in Hell until Lucifer felt I had learned my lesson. That wasn't until you turned 18. Afterwards, he let me go and allows us to enter and exit Hell as we please. I couldn't find you while I as being punished, So I spoke to you through your dreams. Not to scare you..But to warn you." I asked "Is he coming for me?" He shook his head and said "No...Not yet. But he'll send others to do his bidding..Coward. Making everyone fight his own battles."

I felt my heart drop. I was being hunted by the Devil. I asked "So I'm in danger?" He said "Lydia I swear to you, I'll never let him of any of them touch you..Okay?" I nodded and he said "Lucifer's purpose in life is to lie, steal, and ultimately destroy. He is the destroyer of innocence and he shows no mercy." I asked "Why does he want me?" He said "He knows how much you mean to me, and he wants to either kill you, or make you his bride." Me?! Th bride of Satan?! More tears came and I said "I'm scared, Mike." My voice cracking.

He gently cupped my face in his hands and wiped my tears away. He pressed his forehead against mine and we both closed our eyes. He said "I'll never let him take you, Lydia...Never." As scared as I was that I was being hunted like a deer, I felt safe with Mike. He's watched over me for years, and I know he would do anything to protect me...I can feel it. Then he did something that I had a feeling, was gonna come sooner or later. He leaned in, and gently pressed his soft lips against mine.


Cliffhanger! :O. Well, only until I update more tomorrow, I'm tired now, this chapter took foreeeeeevvvvveeerrrr to write, so I'm gonna publish this, and I'm gonna sleep.

Hope you guys like this :).



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Worst Nightmares,


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