Chapter 3: Memories~

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For those who don't know, the sexy beast the pictures is Mike Kuza :). Keep reading! :).


I walked into my history class, still mentally freaking out. Was it really him? Am I just imagining things? God, why is this even happening to me? My teacher asked "Lydia? are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." 'I kinda did' I nodded and said "Yeah um..I'm fine." He nodded and he said "Okay, just wanted to see if you were okay." I nodded and walked over to my seat. I sat down and waited for the bell to ring. As I sat, my mind kept going back to everything.

Why is he here? Who are the other ones with him? I thought back to an encounter I had when I was 6.

(Flashback 12 years ago~)

I had just got off the bus home from school and my mom and Grandma were home. I ran as quick as my little stubby legs could into the house. I was so excited, because I got an A+ on a spelling test and I drew a picture for my mom and Grandma.

I ran through the door yelling "I'm home!" My mom was in the living room, reading while Gran was in the kitchen, making tea. My mom looked up and smiled. She said "Hey sweetie, how was school?" I smiled real big and said "It was awesome! I got an A+ on my spelling test! Lookie, mommy!" I handed her my paper and she smiled. "That's great honey! You got all those words right?"

I nodded excitedly and said "Yeah! I'm super smart! And I drew you and Grandma a picture!" I held out two papers with butterflies on them. Gran came in and said "Lydia, they're beautiful! You're a little artist! How about we hang these on the fridge?" My eyes went wide and I smiled big. "The fridge?!" I asked, super happy. My mom said "Yeah! That way, everyone can see how talented you are." I smiled and watched as they put them on the fridge. They're still on there, today.

I asked "Mommy, can I go play in the meadow?" Referring to a meadow behind our house. She nodded and said "Okay. But don't go out too far, and I want you back in before sunset, okay?" I nodded and said "Okay, mommy." Grandma said "Be careful my little sunshine." I gave her a hug and said "Okay, Grandma."

I went out the back door and ran to the meadow. It was a perfect day outside. He sun shining bright, not a cloud in the sky, the warm summer breeze following through my hair as I ran, it was perfect. The grass wasn't tall, but it went past my ankles. I skipped around, enjoying the nice day, and chasing butterflies as they flew.

I stopped for a minute to catch my breath when I heard my name being called. "Lydia." I turned around, but didn't see anyone. "I'm over here, Lydia..I'm in the woods...This way." I looked over and saw the woods that resided farther in the meadow. I hesitated at forts, because I didn't wanna disobey my mom. Then I heard "Don't be afraid...This way." I ran over to the woods, following the voice. "You're getting close.." I ran until I reached the woods. I slowly walked through the trees, until I saw this man standing there. He was tall like a giant...Mainly because I was little.

He was dressed in all black, had piercings, and was pale. He wasn't scary to me. My grandma always told me to never judge a book by its cover. He was actually kind of beautiful. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I asked "Are you lost, Mister?" He smiled a little and said "No, I'm not." He kneeled down to my eye level and that's when I first noticed his eyes. They were beautiful like him.

He smiled and looked down at a Crescent moon amulet grandma gave me for my birthday. He asked "May I?.." asking if he could take a better look at it. I nodded and he gently reached out and grabbed the Crescent in his hand. He rubbed his thumb along the smooth surface and then looked up into my eyes. He asked "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head. He smiled a little and said "I'm your protector, Lydia. It means I'll be with you, always...You have light in you, don't ever let it fade away." He examined the necklace again and muttered some words under his breath.

He let go of the necklace, and when he looked back at me , his eyes turned a light purple. He said "Keep that amulet with you, always. It'll keep you safe when you feel scared. I'll always be with you, Lydia...Always." I looked into his eyes and they went back to Gray. I asked "How will I know that you're with me?" He smiled and said "You'll know...You'll feel it. You should get home. It's not safe to be this far out. Don't tell anyone about me, okay? It'll be out little secret." I nodded and he said "Goodbye, Lydia. I hope to see you in the future." He kissed my forehead and I ran back home. I kept my promise and I've still never told anyone about him.

(End Of Flashback~)

The bell rang, bringing me back to reality. He's been with me, all these years? Kids piled in the room and I saw the girl with the white hair, and the guy from my dreams and the meadow. I looked over at him, and he smiled at me. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I looked down. He guy whispered something to the girl and she nodded. He sat in the desk beside me and I felt my blush deepen.

I stole a glance and saw his eyes were locked on me. I also saw he was fighting back a smile. The teacher closed the door and said "Okay everyone, I'm excited to tell you we are starting a new topic which will last for a few weeks, and I hope you're as excited as I am about it." He picked up a marker and started writing words on the board.

When he was finished, he stepped aside and we all saw ANGELS AND DEMONS on the board. I swallowed and I saw the guy and the girl smirk. The teacher asked "So...Who can tell me what an Angel is?..Anyone?" I saw the guy raise his hand and the teacher asked "Ah yes! And what is your name, young man?" He said "Mike." He nodded and asked "Okay Mike, tell us..What is an Angel?"

He smirked my said "The angels are represented throughout the Bible as a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men. The word is used in Hebrew to describe a divine or human messenger, who stands by God's side and by his word. As there are many different types of angels, the most well known, being the seven arch angels of the Book Of Enoch." Wow, it's like he's talking from experience. The teacher smiled and said "Excellent answer, Mike! And can you tell us who those seven arch angels are?"

Mike nodded and said "Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel,Remiel, and Saraqael. But over the years, Christian and Catholic philosophers have identified other angels believed to be a part of the seven." Everyone looked at Mike like he just killed and ate a kitten in front of them. I was holding back a laugh.

The teacher pointed at him and said "I'm looking forward to having you in my class, Mike. Okay, now who can tell me about they're darker counterparts...Demons?" I hesitated at first, but raised my hand. He smile and said "Yes, Lydia?"

I looked around and saw Mike, the girl, and everyone else looking right at me.

I sighed and said "A demon, daemon or fiend, is a supernatural, often malevolent being, prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology and folklore. In Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an unclean spirit, a fallen angel, or a spirit of unknown type which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. In Western occultism and Renaissance magic, which grew out of an amalgamation of Greco-Roman magic, Jewish demonology and Christian tradition,a demon is a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled."

Someone coughed and said "Witch." Kids snickered and the teacher said "Hush...Go on, Lydia." I said "Demons were once known I be Angels in Heaven who began to rebel when one of the highest Angels, Lucifer or "Satan", was banished from Heaven after wanting to be of higher power than God, and wanted to make the world in his own image. Any Angel who wanted the same as Satan, God cast them out and banished them to a fiery pit in the Earth, known as Hell. They were never born, and never died."

He teacher said "I should make you two work together on projects. Excellent answers, both of you...As for the rest of the class who is sleeping or texting on their phones."

Well...This is gonna be interesting.


Sorry for the dreadfully log chapter :).

My Guardian Demon (Mike Kuza)Where stories live. Discover now