Chapter 6: A Glimpse Of Evil~

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It was a sweet, gentle kiss...My first one. Yeah, that's right, I've never had my first kiss until now. Cause in case you haven't noticed. The guys here don't like me. I found myself kissing him back, and his hand traveled down to the small of my back. We heard whistles around us and broke them kiss to see his friends standing there, smiling. "What happened to she's not my girlfriend, Kuza?" Michael asked.

Mike rolled his eyes and said "I never said she wasn't my girlfriend." I looked over and saw Ashley and Francesca had big grins on their faces. Ashley asked "You told her everything, didn't you?" He nodded and said "She has a right to know. Plus she was gonna find out, sooner or later." They nodded and Ricky asked "So how are we supposed to protect her from Satan?"

Chris said "We fight. What other option do we have?" Francesca said "It's more than just fighting, Chris. Do you know who we're dealing with? We have to do more than just fight, if we're gonna keep Lydia safe." They nodded and Ashley said "We need to take her away from this town. I'm reading Satan's mind right now , and he's beginning to suspect our presence is here." Michael said "He knows where we are no matter what, Ash. It'll just end up being one big goose chase."

They nodded and Mike said "Well, I'm not leaving her alone...We need to think." He turned to me and asked "Do you still live with your grandmother?" I nodded and said "Yeah." Chris said "Wait, whoa, whoa. We can't stay at her house! If we do, we might get exposed." I said "No, it's okay. My grandma, she's a witch. She knows a lot about the paranormal. It's okay."

Ashley asked "Does she do black magic?" I shook my head and said "No, she's a Wiccan. She only does white magic. But she knows black magic." They nodded and Francesca turned to Ashley and said "If both of us combine our powers with hers, then we might have a chance." I asked "What now?" The bell rang and Mike said "We should go to class. If any of you have classes with Lydia, keep an eye on her." They nodded and he turned to me. He put his finger under my chin and tipped my head up. His eyes bored into mine and said "I promise Lydia, I won't stop until you're safe." He pressed his lips to my forehead and I asked "But what if I wanna talk to you?"

He stared into my eyes, focusing only on me and I heard him say 'Just focus and think of me. I still have my telepathy, so we can speak like this. Get to class. I'll see you when we get out." I nodded and he said "I'll keep you safe, I promise." He kissed me and then him, Chris, and Ashley disappeared. I sighed and Francesca put a hand on my shoulder. She said "He loves you, you know." I smiled and asked "He does?" She smiled and Ricky said "Yeah. He's crazy about you." I smiled and she said "Come on hon, let's get you to class." I nodded and we started walking.


I was sitting in my English class, waiting for it to end so I can see Mike. Ricky and Francesca had this class with me, and they sat on opposite sides of me. I sighed as the teacher droned on about the writings of the Renaissance.

'You seem bored' Mike said.

'Its because I am. I could think of a million other things to do than jus sit here and listen to Shakespeare.'

He chuckled and said 'I feel your pain. I'm stuck in Trig with a bunch of jocks shooting me death looks and girls giving me freaky eyes.'

I smiled and said 'Poor thing. Don't worry, it'll be over soon.'

He groaned and said 'I hope so. I feel like I'm being violated by these girls eye fucking me. I'd rather be with this gorgeous...What's her name? I'm not sure.'

I smiled and said 'I can't remember. I think it starts with an L?'

We both laughed and I asked 'Hey Mike?'


'When you guys walked away...Francesca told me you loved me...Is it true?'

'Yes. I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you, when you were 6...Wow, I sound like a creep. But it's true.'

'Aww, that's so sweet. You've loved me all these years?'

'Of course. I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. It would kill me if I did. After I was given my punishment for not killing you, I thought I would never see you again. Your beautiful hair, you eyes, your perfect lips...I wanted a way to see you, so I had Ashley help me invade your dreams, because it was the only way.'

'I thought I was nerve gonna see you too. After we met, I couldn't shake you off my mind. I felt happy whenever you entered my dreams, but as I grew up, they became darker, and I was scared.'

'Im sorry for giving you nightmares. I just had to warn you about Satan. He'll do anything to take you from us, your grandmother...and me.'

'Well, he'll have to put up a hell of a fight, cause I know you guys won't give up.'

'Lydia..' Another voice whispered.

I knew it wasn't Mikes.

'Lydia? What's wrong?'

'See me, Lydia...'

I looks over at the window and saw a man standing on the football field. He looked young. He was extremely pale, has short, curly down hair, and was dressed in all black. He stood there frozen, staring right at me. A small smile tugged at his lips, then I started seeing. Images like in my dreams.

I saw the fire, blood splattering onto a wall, grayish whit eyes, and I could hear screams. Then I saw someone's body on top of mine. My arms were wrapped around their neck and my legs around their waist, and their faces buried into my neck. M eyes were closed and my head was tipped back, as if I was moaning. I couldn't see who the other person was.

'Lydia!' Mike shouted, snapping me from my thoughts.

'Lydia, what's wrong? What happened?' He asked, his voice filled with concern.

'M-Mike...I think he's here.'

Then there was silence. I looked over and saw the man was still standing there. Then I heard Mike ask 'Where is he?' I said 'On the football field. He's staring right at me...Mike, I'm starting to get scared..I'm afraid he's gonna come in here.'

Silence again. Then he said 'The hell he will. Just stay tell Ricky and Francesca what's happening, and they won't leave your side.' I looked back over at the window, and the man was gone.


Whoa guys, shits gonna go down XD. Oh and I forgot to mention that some of these songs are songs by KUZA. The Bound By Oath video is a KUZA song :). It's my favorite song by them :).

My Guardian Demon (Mike Kuza)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon