I suddenly wasn't tired. I later there thinking about Katherine which then reminded me of what she said about Kid. About how he was the most important to me. Then I thought to Maka and how she thought I had a crush.

Maybe she was right. About what? About you having a crush. You like Kid. I suddenly because highly aware of my hand in Kid's and how I felt sparks on every inch of it.

He was my first friend. The first person I chose to trust after Lord Death. The first person I told about my life to.

And now...Kids my first crush.


I didn't sleep last night. Not a wink. I was to worried about how my realization will change how I act with Kid.

When Kid woke, I closed my eyes and tried to look asleep. After he got out of bed, I heard the bedroom door close. I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom with extra clothes I packed from the closet in the manor. Then I got a shower.

After I got dressed and brushed my (H/C) hair, I headed downstairs to eat breakfast that the hotel provided. I saw Kid, Soul, Maka, and Tsubaki sitting down at a table in the corner of the big dining room.

I grabbed two slices of toast and sat next to Tsubaki and Maka.

"Good morning,___! Did you sleep well?" Tsubaki asked.

"Ya." I replied. I took a few bits of toast.

"You don't look like it." Kid said. If that obvious to him, does he realize I like him!?

"We'll I woke up to a nightmare once or twice." I said. We'll I've had nightmares just not tonight.

"Are you okay?" Kid voice sounded genuinely concerned.

"Ya they're just nightmares." I finished my toast and waited for everyone else.

"Where's Liz, Patty and BlackStar?" Soul asked.

"Black star left early this morning. It's quite possible the girls went with him." Tsubaki said. Just as she finished they all ran through the front doors. Once the spotted us they quickly came over to our table.

"We must get out of here. NOW!" BlackStar said.

"Why?" Kid asked

"We ran into a witch. She's apparently knows us and is coming here. Right now." Liz said, catching her breath.

"Alright everyone get to your rooms and grab our stuff. Soul get my stuff. I'll find another exit besides the from doors." with that Maka ran off leaving is behind. We all quickly followed her lead by running to our rooms.

Kid grabbed our room key and I grabbed my small backpack. As soon as I put my hand on the door knob my head erupted in pain. I grabbed my skull hoping to ripe it out.

You can leave that easily, honey .


"_____!" Kid ran over to me. "What's happened!" as soon as his hands met my skin, the pain went as quickly as it came.

"Nothing. We need to get out. Fast." I got up but felt an hand stop me.

"No! What happened?" Kid's grip tightened.

"Nothing! But if we don't leave now, we might not ever." I yanked my arm and ran out of the room with Kid right behind me.

Once we got to the side door of the building, we met the others outside. From there we all ran out of the town and didn't stop until we were sure that we were safe.

"Now then, what exactly happened back there?" Maka asked after we all caught our breath.

"Big Mouth anger Shark Lady!!" I stiffened as Patty said that. Of all the people to anger, he had to piss her off.

"Umm English please." Soul said.

"BlackStar was running around and crashed into a lady who turned out to be a witch. After his spew about being great, she asked him to apologize. When he didn't she got a little mad." Liz explained.

"You said she knew who we were. How did she know us?" Kid asked.

"She said that she knew where we were staying and that because of BlackStar here she would come get us sooner rather then later." Liz said

"So she was going to come after us any way. So it wasn't my fault." BlackStar said.

"But who is she? And what does she want?" Tsubaki asked.

"Her name is Katherine. As you know she a witch." Everyone's head snapped in my direction. I took a deep breath. "And as for what she wants....that would be me."

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