Out And Away

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Malfoy followed Adeline outside. He was fascinated by it all. He was eager to share his sightings with the others. And so was Adeline. Until they heard a voice whispering in their ears. “Don't go back!"

Adeline: Who... Who was that?
Voice: Huston is still in there. Its dangerous.
Malfoy: How do we know what you speak of is the truth? And anyways who or what are you?

They froze for a moment. At a loss for words.

Malfoy: Buddy where are you?
Num: I'm... In a different realm... I'm no longer in existence. I'm the voice of your hearts. The team's longing for me has put me here to guide you.
Adeline: But how?
Num: Its a long story. But with the help of Meldi, I was able to communicate with y'all. Anyways, I can see all the happenings of the bunker below. And... Its... Dangerous inside. Since you found a way out, make a swift run for it. If not... Regret you will.
Malfoy: What about the others?
Num: I'll help them just go!
Malfoy: But what if...
Adeline: Ye I mean we are the only ones that know the way out.
Num: Trust me... I will help.

They hesitate... For a long time. But both disagreed with the plan. They couldn't leave their team alone. Not under this condition. Not under any conditions. So with Num (in their minds), they went back the way they came. Melting wax off candles onto the floor so they had a path. In case they forgot where to go.

(sorry this chapter had to be this short)

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