The Beginning Of An End

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The sky had darkened, the clouds greyed. Rain... A destined future not so far ahead. Illina and her mom frantically darted for their house, for they knew the coming of the rain. They didn't bring any raincoats out as it was still bright and sunny when they went out grocery shopping. And they will come to learn that, grocery shopping was indeed a good plan...

As they step into the house, they dropped their bought goods onto the kitchen counter. Their dog, Scarlet greeted them with its wagging tail. "Aww scarlet who's a good girl!" Illina pets her dog and strokes her fur gently. Illina was raised by a single mother. A woman who is strong, brave and very much like a mother figure to Illina. Her dad had left her when she was just ten. He was taken away by a severe illness that had no cure. The only thing he left behind was scarlet, an 8 year old dog, loyal and cute enough to serve her family.

Her mother worked as a surgeon, but resigned because she thought she needed more time for her daughter after... Their loss. So now she works as a local doctor at her aunt's clinic.

"Oh god, it's raining cats and dogs. It was lucky we managed to seek shelter (their home) before this!" Her mother took out her jacket and hooked it onto the hanger. Then, Scarlet's head turned to the window. She growled... Then whimpered silently.

Illina strolled towards the window. She was quite sure it was no big of a deal. Scarlet was a cowardly dog. She would avoid any strangers and whimpers when she felt lonely. So... Illina thought she must've sense some thunder that must be the cause of her strange behaviour... Right?

But... What Illina saw outside did not match her imagination... Outside was raining greenish liquid. She tilted her head... Confused. She saw as the raindrops pounded on her window. The window started to corrode. The remains... Dust...

"Mom! What's going on?" Her face reddened in anxiety. Her mother tuned in to the radio soon after.

Radio broadcast: Attention to all. I repeat attention to all!!! It seems that an acid rain made out of an unknown chemicals have landed upon our homes. This chemical is highly Corrosive and can destroy any thing that gets into its way. Head to the nearest government building for...


Something happened to the reporter...

Illina and her mother had no time to care. Their house was corroding off bit by bit. And soon they are going to be exposed to it. Exposed to the dangers of this wondrous yet threatening world. Exposed to critical decisions that would decide their survival.

Read more for the juiciest parts of the story!!!

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