The Twisted Truths (Part 2)

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"Tell me that was just a joke." Illina calm but intense. Huston was enjoying the drama. He sat there and watched as the couple fight while the rest of the dwellers pretended nothing was happening and continue to eat their food.

"I'm sorry, its not." Malfoy didn't sounded guilty at all. He knew that Huston was watching and he loved a good show. He wouldn't want to spoil his mood. So he tried his best to act. But saying something as cold as that, didn't just made his heart shatter. No. He was afraid Illina would leave him. But he had to do it, for both their good. Then he doubted himself for even bringing Illina back. His individual mission by Huston was to find some new dwellers. And so he did and Illina faced a price.

Illina instantly stood up slamming the table. "How could you?" "Well, I had to bring you to this place, but adults are not allowed. So I just..."

"You just what? Kill? Can't you just leave my mom and Scarlet alive somewhere else but here? Now I understand, you're a Kusiva, an animal speaker. You summoned that phoenix..." Illina took 2 steps backwards.

"No you have to understand, adults are not necessary to the world anymore, they pollute and they kill for survival. They are a threat to mankind."

"So what? Are you gonna kill yourselves once you reach adulthood?" Tears welled up in Illina's eyes. Her two most trusted persons, one died, and one lied.

"No, we are the new generation. We will change things." All this nonsense he blurted out was what Huston thought them after murdering all their parents. The day they came, they were not alone. In fact each and every child had a parent or two who tagged along. Now they were... Gone.

He didn't mean his words. But at the far corner he could see Huston creepily smiling. Showing his enjoyment of the drama happening before him. Illina gave him a harsh stare before storming back into the dorm.

Malfoy wanted to run after her, but he knew Huston was watching. And he didn't wanted to upset him. He was sick and disgusting. Many people grotesque when they see Huston. They all wanted him gone. But no one dared standing up to him. In their minds it would only make matters worse.

Huston was way stronger and powerful than them. They couldn't afford to lose a limb... Or their lives. So they complied, they obey, they became Huston's little puppet. They never complained. A life for a task. It seemed like a good trade. It was just that sometimes they had to drag innocent people into this. People like... Illina.

Illina slammed the door shut. She couldn't believe Malfoy did such a thing. She couldn't believe she trusted him. And worse of all, she couldn't believe that she fell in love with him. How could she love a man that killed her mother? To her, Malfoy was more than a devastation. She gave him so much, and in return deception and lies was all she got.

She laid on the bed. Her body curled up forming a small ball. She sobbed. Crying her lungs out. The paper was finally burnt by the flames. Then she heard the turning of the door knob. She heard footsteps strolling in. "Malfoy! Just leave!"

"It's me, Huston."

She uncurled herself and wipped away her tears swiftly. "What... What are you... Doing here?" she could hide her tears, but she couldn't say the same for her breathing spasms. "I'm here to see if you're okay."

-to be continued-
Read next chapter to find out how Illina escapes from this hell hole.

Pls check out 8 fears carnival by my friend Damienlinkaiwei

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