A Plan For Escape (Part 2)

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When Illina arrived before their eyes, they were astonished to see her sobbing. They comforted and consulted her. And when Illina found out it was not Huston that brought her in. It was the other survivors she sighed... Relieved

She spotted Malfoy at a corner. And at all cost tried to avoid him. "Don't blame Malfoy. He was protecting you from Huston... " Belora was helping Malfoy, for she knew the situation well. "He ordered us to bring you here. We're planning an escape plan!"

"He killed my mother. I don't care if he was trying to protect me or not. His deed shall never be forgiven." She rolled her eyes at the sight of Malfoy. Malfoy could understand her thoughts. So, he didn't bother her much anymore. For another hour. They discussed again. They had to make a plan that was unbreakable. So that no one would be sacrificed. But little did they know, two of their friends were about to be sacrificed.

Huston arrived. He frowned at the sight of Num and Lara not at bed, but he was raged to see that Charles was tied to a chair. "Why are all of you still here?" "We just came to tell you that we found Charles lingering in your dorm room." Lara's voice had full confidence in them.

But Huston didn't buy it. "Oh? Shall we let Charles have a say in this?" "No. He will deny for sure. Let's. Just... Give him a suitable punishment!" Num lost his cool. Lara eyed him. Signalling to him that he was mistaken to do such. Huston raised an eyebrow. "Let's see whether the criminal pleads guilty or not." He walked towards him and released him from the ropes.

"Don't listen to them! They're planning an escape plan! They're somewhere in this building. Planning. We can't let them out!"

Oh my god... Charles had exposed their secrets. There was no point denying for Huston only believes in Charles. "You two lied." He gave them a cold stare. Num grew gigantic thorny bushes around them. Hoping they could be protected. But with the swirl of Huston's fingers, the thorny Bush withered and turned into dust. Lara devised a Plan. She pleaded guilty and then proceeded to tell Huston that everyone had already escaped.

Huston looked at Charles, he was agitated. "And you lied too." His head looked distorted... off shape. "Useless slaves should be punished." His hand wrapped Charles neck. Slowly, he lifted him off the ground. Charles struggled. His throat felt as if it was burning. The lack of oxygen was going to kill him sooner or later. "Wait, I can help get them all back!"

"Oh? The useless slave wants to prove himself. Shall we let him?" Huston muttered to himself. With all his might, Huston threw Charles onto a chair in the dining hall and brought him down to level 7...the level without a way in...

Num and lara was freaking out abit. They were afraid punishment awaits them too. They tried to find a hiding spot, but somehow found themselves following Huston downstairs. Huston had somehow hypnotised them. In a way which they didn't even realise it. Huston opened a portal, while still holding Charles by the chair. "This is the entrance to basement 7. Upon the entering of two good friends. One will not be able to walk out alive. Who will be that one?"

Lara stared at Num who was only 4 years younger than her. His path in this coming years would be long... Lara volunteered to sacrifice herself. "Oh no... It doesn't work that way. The portal chooses whose life to take." Huston looked as if he was satisfied. Sick.

"Go on." Huston pointed to the portal. Both of them slowly walked in. Lara was transported to the multi-puprose hall. And Num was transported into a black loophole.

Num's point of view
He couldn't see much. Only a lighted pathway which he thought he was suppose to follow. Why was the basement so dark. He thought. And why did he felt... Alone. "Your time is up." He made a sharp turn, was it Huston who spoke to him? He saw a silhouette of a woman. Her voice was deep and rough like that of a man's. But beauty ran through her veins when Num caught the first glimpse of her.

"Welcome to Hell. This is only an entrance. I'm the guardian, Meldi. I thank Huston for his sacrifice."

"I...i don't understand..."

"You see, Huston can speak to the underworld. We provide most of his power. But, we do ask for sacrifices." She snickered her voice growing louder and rougher. "Too many people are going to heaven in their afterlife. We are losing business. Being our only form of contact, we request for sacrifices every year."


-to be continued-

Read the next Chapter as the escape plan is executed and how Num tried his best to keep them alive.

Read 8 fears carnival by my friend. Its a nice story.

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