A Plan For Escape

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Illina sat still on her bed. Terrified of Huston. A shiver was sent down her spine. But her instincts told her she should play it cool. Because if she didn't, tragedy may strike. "I... I'm f.. Fine." She forced those words out of her mouth.

"I'm sure you're not. What Malfoy done to you was horrid! He should never be forgiven. " Huston knew he was the mastermind behind all. But chose to blame all fault on Malfoy. He knew Malfoy won't deny fault as long as he ordered him not to.

Malfoy sat down in silence. When Huston left the dining hall, he knew he was headed for Illina. He couldn't stop worrying. All he could do was to pray she played it cool.

"Wow, your girl is fierce." Charles joked. "Charles this is no time to joke." Zell who was beside him nudged at his shoulder. The smile from Charles soon turned into an unpleasant frown.

"I know you want to escape." Charles threatened.
"I will inform Huston about it if you don't stop thinking about escape."

"Don't you all want to escape. For once. Free from Huston?" Malfoy convinced. Everyone turned away from him. They were unsure of their decision. They did wanted to escape but... They didn't dare. Plus, Charles would just mind-read them and sabotage them.

"C'mon Charles. Why are you always so controlled by him. His not here now. You can quit acting!" Malfoy seemed to get more exasperated. His plan was to create a team of escapist and bring Illina along. But for it to work he needed Charles and Gini by their sides. Those two were mind readers. There will be no problem convincing the humble and caring Gini. But the problem was Charles.

"Don't you dare question my intentions. We all want to leave. But we stayed for a reason. For our lives!" Charles bellowed. "I'm not going to let you sacrifice a few lives so that you can escape. I'm telling Huston now!" He stood up, strode to the end of the dining hall, then a robust force pulled him back and kept him on the chair.

"I agree with Malfoy!" Adeline yelled backing Malfoy up. Adeline was from Hacketies. She wield a power of Telekinesis the only one in Hacketies who could do such a thing. "Adeline... How could you agree? Staying here keeps us warm. Good food. Good clothes. And you want to leave?" Everyone else nodded their heads.

"Well, let me unfold a tale of mine. This place is more cruel than what you have imagined. That day Violet died... We all saw Huston ruining her purity. Before amputating her limbs and burying her." Adeline's voice became shaky.

"Oh c'mon you know they're just rumours!" Charles convinced.

"No... No they were not. You and I both saw it. Don't hide this from our friends... Our only family left. And you... You saw Huston trying again again to ruin mine until Illina came. Yet... yet you still side him...Charles don't you care about us? Don't you care about me?" Tears skittled down Adeline's cheeks. She pulled away her spectacles to wipe her tears.

Now, the relationship between Adeline and Charles was clear. Everyone knows they loved each other. But Charles timidly let her become a tool for Huston's sick needs. "Don't! Huston can't know about this alright? He can't know about us! That's why I didn't stop him. I was protecting you!"

"Protecting me?" Adeline continued her river of tears. "More like protecting yourself! Look, we all had a past with Huston to fear him today. We came in with a bunch of 50. Decreasing to 40 and now 30. We all know who was that cause. Do... Do you want to stay here and become his next sick game piece or escape for a better fate?" Adeline looked around the room. As if she was giving an inspirational speech. "Our trauma ends today!"

Lara (Hacketies super intelligence): I agree!!!
Belora (Powerlla regenerate cells): I second that!
Vince (Kusivas summon animals from hell): Me too!

Soon the room filled with children of all ages agreeing to Adeline's words. Malfoy was heartened to see that everyone had awoken. Well, everyone but Charles. "No what are all of you doing? You want to get yourselves killed? For a plan that only has a 10 percent or less chance of success? Don't risk!" Charles warned. Rage burnt in his heart and his face was literally bright red.

"C'mon Charles. Staying here will ensure death." Lara took her turn to speak. But Charles was never convinced. In fact he threatened again and again. "I'm sorry Charles. But we have to do this for our own good." She raised her right hand, gesturing for something. Soon a rope from seemingly downstairs levitated onto her hand. The rope did roundabouts on Charles. And soon he couldn't even move.

"Wait. Charles you can change your mind now..." Malfoy wanted to give Charles hope... Some light. But he refused and kept himself in the dark. "You wish. I'll tell Huston once his back. Watch out!"

Malfoy sighed as his last offer was declined. "We have to go somewhere else. Where Malfoy can't hear us or read our minds." Suggested Zell. Her voice was monotoned. They went to the multi purpose hall instead. It was 7.00pm. And they knew soon Huston would be back to the dining hall only for Charles to expose them. So, to avoid that, Lara and Num stayed in the dining hall to tell Huston everyone has gone back to their dorms. And when Charles try to speak a word, Num would grow veins in his throat so he couldn't speak.

The rest were in the multi purpose hall. There were 25 of them there. They discussed every detail to the fullest. Hoping they don't mess up. This was their first yet only chance. There will be no second. Once Huston knows of this. He would put the plan to a stop... Instantly. How? By taking lives of some friends.

Malfoy: Illina is still in the room how are we gonna get her?
Belora: Adeline could use Telekinesis to bring her here.
Adeline: But how do we know if Huston was still in the room?

Everyone turned to face Zell. Zell had the power to here noise from far places. They didn't really know where to place her. So, she joined Hacketies. Because she thought that being able to hear from afar was something only a person with a messed up brain could do.

Zell: What?... Oh fine.......... He is heading for the dining hall. He left Illina in the room.
Malfoy: Great. Now Adeline!

Adeline concentrated really hard. This was a matter of someone's life or death, she couldn't fail this. Her hand reached out as if she was carrying Illina. She perspired alot.

Illina was picked up by a mysterious force. Moving her up the stairs and into the multi purpose hall. She feared that Huston wanted to do something to her. Back in her dorm. Huston tried to touch her inappropriately. Saying that it was a phycological way of calming someone down. Who would believe his words?

She tried to prevent his hand from slipping up her bright pink skirt. But Huston just slapped her. Saying that he just wanted her to feel comfortable. He was really sick. This was not all. Huston tried to touch her upper body part. Which she too refused, but refusing was of no use.

After that, Huston went mad. Yelling at her for stopping his "good" intentions. Now she was weeping. Thinking that she would end up in Huston's hands again.

-To be continued-
Watch out for A Plan For Escape Part 2

Pls read 8 fears carnival by my friend.

The world And Its Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें