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Scarlet's bark was defeaning. But Illina seemed to have only heard muffled voices. Her head was in a mess. She didn't understand anything at all. And worst of all, she was stuck... Mentally. Rooted to the ground. Trembling with fear, refusing to move.

"Alright we have to get to the car and leave immediately... " Her mom was desperate to leave. But stopped speaking when she saw Illina staring... Into mid air. "Hey. We got to go, what's wrong?"


No words were being exchanged. Illina's mom may not know what her daughter was thinking. But she sure knew they had to get out. Fast. She dragged Illina who was unwilling to leave the house out into the open. She bust open her umbrella and led Illina to the car parked outside the garage.

"Oh my god!" Illina shouted. Her voice reverberated through the street. She looked up as the acid rain corroded the umbrella. Tiny holes, all over the "shelter" above them. They scurried to the car. Only to find out that their escape plan was destroyed.


No car in sight. A pile of dust was left behind. Their escape plan didn't just get destroyed, but rather vanished in exchange for a pile of unusable dust. Where should they go now?

Their house seemed liked the closest shelter. Although unsafe in many ways, Illina's mom knew that they had no other choice. All seem to be at lost. In the background, voices of birds chipping was no longer heard instead, it got replaced with cries of pain and weeps of sorrow. The once pleasent Applegate Street had turned into a hell hole. Illina had saw people's skin corrode off, abandoned small children by the road exposed to danger, she will never forget such a scene. It made her heart sore, it made her feel bad for those without any protection (although she didn't have much herself too).

They dashed into their half-corroded house. Illina's mom took as much food as possible and ran down to the basement. Illina followed. Their house was almost finished, but somehow their basement was still there. They slammed the door shut, but the door refused its master's orders. And instead of shutting, the door knob dropped off.

Illina's mom cried in frustration, why must the world be so harsh? Then as if hit by a twenty pound sledgehammer, realisation struck her and she remembered to having an extra door somewhere in the basement. She yelled at Illina directions, leading her to the door. She aided Illina, and not long after the door was replaced. This time they shut it gently, paranoid that something would go wrong again.

The door clicked shut. Illina knew that hiding in the basement will not last them long. The Corrosive acid will just get through the ceiling of the basement and soon get to them. But confusion soon arouse in them. And no matter how long they sat in the corner and pondered death and afterlife, they didn't see any holes in the ceiling, nor had their skin corroded. Was it god that was giving them a chance? Or was it ladyluck shining by their side? Whatever it was, they were grateful. And they couldn't have wished for more.

1st day:
They were still in basement, terrified to come out. The fear of dying got to them, and they feared death was just upon their shoulders. They didn't had appetite for food... Not at all. They felt that their energy had all been squeezed out. And they could no longer put up a strong fight against the unexpected weather. Will there be more to come in the future? A question they will truly never know.

2nd Day:
Illina's mom had decided to come back to reality. And she begun to wonder what was outside those basement doors of theirs. She felt hungry, and fortunately she had bought groceries that could last them a week. Scarlet was in the basement too. She ran inside without the help of anyone. She sat at a corner. Exhausted. Illina petting her and crying at the same time. Illina couldn't imagine her friends perishing, that thought only made her sob more. Unwillingly to accept reality.

Their stomach growled, as if being frustrated for not being fed. Illina's mom took out packed salads from the paper bag she purchased at the grocery store earlier. The original reason she had bought it was because there were guests coming to their house. Illina's aunts who will consume nothing but salad. Illina couldn't help but think that they were always so girly, putting cosmetics and dieting everyday. It doesn't matter anymore. What was once there, was probably gone... Forever.

They ate the food in silence. They had no culteries, it seemed as though the culteries held their enjoyment of food. Without it, their excitement was... Gone. Illina, still beside her dog, was consuming her food spinach leaf by spinach leaf. The famished her didn't matter anymore. The loss felt...heavier...

3rd Day:
Curiosity persuaded them to open that door. And see what was beyond. But fear made an invisible barrier only effective when they are near the door knob. Their resources were still ample to keep them alive. At least for a few more days.

"Mom, when will this end?"


Illina's mom didn't know what to say. She didn't know the cause of this event nor how or when It was going to end. She pulled Illina into her arms and petted her head. A sign of reassurance she thought, and could only hope that Illina will feel less concerned.

... To be continued...

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