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*The Next Morning*

Your POV

"CHAN WAKE UP!"you yell basically pounding on the boys door.

"Y/N BE QUIET IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" you hear Hyunjin yell. Jeongin opens the door and lets you in.

"Hey y/n! Going with Chan somewhere today?"he asks.

You remember that Jeongin is a morning person. You are as well but Chan well I guess he was a night person. He barely ever goes to sleep and has been getting about 5 hours of sleep per night even though he promises you he will go to sleep early everyday.

Since they debuted yesterday he doesn't have to work on songs for now. Well until next week he starts the whole process over again. I guess he is taking advantage of that since he is still sleeping. You decide to just let him sleep for longer since you realize he probably needs it.

You decide to just reschedule your plans for another day and wait with Jeongin for the others to wake up.

*Time Passes*

You are now talking sitting in the living room with Jeongin, Seungmin, and the one and only Jisung.

Why did I announce Jisung as "the one and only"? Well he has basically been my crush since Chan, Changbin, and him formed 3Racha. So in my head I will announce him as "the one an only".

Moving on from that. Felix and Changbin were here earlier but I think they went somewhere together awhile ago.

Hyunjin, Minho, and Chan are either staying in their rooms or sleeping.

"Hey guys so I'm going to leave to the store to get some food for breakfast." Seungmin states and he gets up from the couch.

"I'll go too" Jeongin says getting up from the couch.

"Okay, see you guys in a bit!" Jisung yells as they exit the door.

Evil! That's what they are. Evil! What am I talking about you are probably asking? Everyone here knows I have a crush on Jisung except for Chan and well of course Jisung.

You stand up to get water and to cool yourself down mostly. You get a cup and pour some water into it and sit back down on the couch next to Jisung but still a distance away.

"I feel like I never get to talk to you! How are you?"he asks.

"F-fine. Yeah I'm good. What about you?"you stutter since you really haven't talked to Jisung alone before.

As the conversation continues you feel more and more comfortable around him. You guys start teasing each other about little things and laugh. Then he gets this idea.

"Hey let's have a staring contest!"he says.

You don't even know where he got this idea but you agree. But you didn't know what you were signing up for at the time. You didn't know he would be a few inches away from your face staring into you soul.

You get a little red and he, of course, notices. He chuckles a bit but doesn't break the stare. And as if I was cursed I hear a voice.

"Y/n and Jisung, what are you guys doing?"

You and Jisung immediately break the stare and look towards the direction of the voice.

It's Chan.


"Just having a staring contest." Jisung states happily not knowing how protective Chan is over me.

At that moment Chan grabs my arm and leads me out if their dorm. Leaving Jisung confused.

"Y/n what have I said about you hanging out with my members when I'm not around?" Chan asks.

"Chan can you stop being overprotective?" You say back.

You know you sound rude at the moment but you didn't want him to continue being this way.

"Y/n, you know you are like my little sister. Why were you with Jisung alone and doing whatever you were doing?" He says back.

You get his point but want him to just be easier on you but after what he just saw you know today's not the day that's gonna happen.

"Chan we were talking and then he wanted to have a staring contest so I just agreed. We also haven't been alone this whole time. Jeongin and Seungmin were here earlier but they left to the store."you state.

"Fine. Okay but still I don't want to you dating any of them because I do not want you to get in between us and if something goes wrong who knows what would happen." He calmly states.

"Okay. Fine I won't date any of them but I'm not trying to either I just want to get closer to your friends" you say.

"Okay I will back off a bit but don't get any ideas." He slightly chuckles and ruffles his hand through your hair.



So that's the end of the second part. I also forgot to clarify
y/n's age. Y/n is going to be the same age as the 2000 line so she is only older than Jeongin. Okay thanks for reading ~love, hazeł

just a crush • han jisung Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ