It was wrong! I’m not supposed to feel anything for Jason Anderson.

And as I tried to fall asleep, I couldn’t help but think about Cami’s words earlier but was it possible for him to love me? My head was spinning with different questions and answers until I finally fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and just like every other day, I groaned like an injured bear before I finally got up and dressed up for work.

It was Friday so decided to throw on a pair on dark blue jeans with a blue chiffon top and my white flats. I put my necessities into my white hand bag and went down the stairs and as usual, there was nobody there except our housekeeper, Andrea.

I greeted her good morning and retrieved my lunch from her before starting my walk to the bus stop where I would enter a bus to work. I personally enjoyed the ten minutes morning walk to the bus stop. It made me feel like I was getting exercise done because I was physically unfit in every way. 

I finally arrived at work with an extra ten minutes to my resumption time,I walked into the office and as odd as it was, I still got the greetings and smiles which was still creepy me out.

I knew the only reason I was finally visible in my work place was because of the devil I was getting married to.

Ever since he walked in here and took me out to lunch, everyone had become extra friendly to me and by everyone, I meant the ladies.

I didn’t miss the stink eyes I got once in a while or the murmurs I heard about me being after his money since the one my dad had was not enough for me. 

I laughed at the absurdity but what constantly pissed me off was how they thought they knew me so well.

I guess when I made it clear that I wouldn’t let them get close to my dad and my brother, they still thought they had the chance to get to Jason too but I wasn’t even interested in their crap.

When I finally settled in, Ted popped out of nowhere.

“Good morning sunshine.” He said brightly.

“Good morning Teddy!” I answered with the same enthusiasm he used.

“It’s Ted Kay, just Ted.”

“But I like the name Teddy.” I said with a fake pout.

“Well I don’t so just stick to Ted.”

“Whatever you say Teddy.” I said grinning at him which caused him to roll his eyes.

“Why do I even try?” He asked with a sigh.

“I have no idea, why do you?” I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

“You’re just too stubborn for your own good.”

“That I am. How’s Amy and the baby?”

“They’re good. We're expecting the little guy in about three weeks tops.”

He said with a bright smile on his face and I felt so happy seeing how proud he was. He was definitely going to be a good father.

“So when are you taking your leave.”

“Next week. I’m gonna have to be with her most times because we don’t know exactly when he’s gonna pop out.”

“Awwn.” I cooed, “I’m so happy for you although I’m really gonna miss you when you go.”

“It’s just for three weeks.”

“That’s an awful long time.”

“It’ll be over before you know it.”

The Arrangement | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن