Chapter Nine~ You called be the J word.

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"Hey." Stark says and hands me a box of tissues.

"Good news. You're a flu carrier." I say.

"Yeah." He says.

"Thanks." I say and sneeze five times.

"Huh,"Stark says.

"Why couldn't you be a mono carrier?" I ask and he laughs.

"I d-" I sneeze cutting him off.

"Whoa step back Stark she's sick!" Jagger jokes.

"You're an a-a-a-acho!" I sneeze.

"You shouldn't try and cuss Er." Jagger says and I roll my eyes.

"You're a moron Jag." I say and Jagger just looks at me with wide eyes.I can't believe I just called him that. Before he got in that car and left years ago I said I hated him and I would never call him Jag again. After that I heard people say he got in fights with pack members who called him that."I'm so sorry! It slippe-" I'm cut off by a sneeze.

"What did she call me?" Jagger asks Stark.

"Jag?" He says unsure and question like. I sniffle.

"You called me the J word." Jagger says and I just sit there in shock.

"It slipped." I say. I hate getting human sicknesses because they act fast but it should clear up soon.

"She called me J-jjjjjj- I can't say it." Jagger says. He is mad and shocked. I can't believe I said that. Casey plops down on my bed and eyes Jagger.

"What happened to him?" She asks.

"Erin called him Jag and they both-"

"Jag? She called him Jag!" Casey shouts and I sneeze four times.

"It slipped Jagger." I say and he just stands there.

"Nuh-uh." Casey says and I pull my covers over my head.

"I can't believe you called me that." Jagger says and I hear someone stomp out.

"I'm a terrible person!" I shout.

"No you aren't." Casey says.

" I told him I hated him! I said he was stupid and weak and and I told him I would never call him that but I did!" I yell.

"Is she crying?" Stark asks.

"I don't cry! I whine!" I shout and blow my nose in a tissue. I throw away the tissue.

"What is it?" Stark asks.

"I called him Jag!" I shout and I see Wyatt stop at my door.

"That's gotta suck." He says.

"How would you know?" I snap and he throws his hands up.

"Because I once called him that. He almost killed me." Wyatt says.

"I ruined this week." I say and angerly grab a jacket.

"Erin don't." Casey says.

"What?" Stark asks.

"She runs when she doesn't want to cry." She says.

"You're sick." Wyatt says and blacks my way.

"I can easily get you to move." I say and sneeze.

"Do it." He says. I go to slip past him but he grabs my hips and throws me over his shouder.

"Daaaaaaaadddddd!" I scream and hear someone run up the stairs. I see my dad and the three other Alphas behind him.

"Erin what-oh." Dad says.

"Put me down Wyatt! Put me down now!" I scream.

"Never." Wyatt says and then I remember. See when I was kidnapped I lost most of my memory.

"Wyatt Christopher Wolver put me down this instent!" I say.

"Nope." I first met the Wolver family at thirteen. When I was shot Wyatt helped me around.

"Dad." I say and sneeze.

"You just sneezed on me." Wyatt says.

"I can't help you." Dad says and I glare at him.

"Now." I say.

"Bite me." He says and I smile. I lift myself up some and bite his back.

"Oww! You bit me!" Wyatt says almost dropping me.

"Yes." I say and he lays me on my bed. He raises his shirt up and twists to try and see where I bite him.

"You drew blood." He says.

"Good." I say and lay back. Stark is gone and Casey is laying in my bed.

"Why?" Wyatt asks as our dads leave.

"You told me too." I say and stand up.

"Oh what if I told you to do something else." He says.

"No." I say and push him out my room.

"Later." He says and walks off. I look at the door across from mine,Jagger's. I walk across the hall and gently twist the knob. It's unlocked. I take a deep breath and slip in. What am I doing.

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