As I opened the door , Iida was there on the phone.

"Oh , satori" He said as he saw me. "I guess you won your match against Tokoyami. Congrats"

"Congrats on your win against Shiozaki as well" I said.

He'll be facing Shoto next ...

"Your next opponent might be Bakugo if he wins his fight against Kirishima. Becareful. I don't want to see you get badly injured like Uraraka" He said.

"Thanks for the worry. I'll do my best to beat him" I said confidently. "Your up against Shoto ... Good luck"

"Same goes for you" He said. "I know I've asked this before , but what's your connection to Todoroki ? You call him by his first name , and earlier during his match with Midoriya you suppored him all the way"

I guess , it's time to tell him. I took in a deep breathe and told Iida.

"Long story short ... We're childhood friends. We've known each other for a long time now , we only got separated when my parents died. Endeavor-" I spat at saying his name " didn't want me near his son , since he thinks I'm a weakling whose unworthy".

"I now understand ... I always thought you had some secret affair with Todoroki. Like you both are two lovers who are hiding the truth from us" I blushed at what Iida said.

"We are not lovers !" I exclaimed. Good thing I really wore my mask or else Iida would see me like a red tomatoe.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you"

I sighed.

"Well , I'll be watching the fight ? Want to join me , it'd be best if you know your opponents fighting style" He said.

True , I didn't even see Ochaco's match against him.

"Thanks for the invite , but I'll stay here and rest. I'll come up with a plan" I reassures him.

"Ok then ..." Iida left.

I already fought against Kirishima before. But Bakugo...

Not only is he strong , but he is good at combat as well...

He'll be a tough opponent.

"I realy wanna watch the match between Shoto and Iida but ... I need to think of a sure fire strategy to win the next round and reach the finals !


"Match two of the semifinals ! Bakugo vs. Satori !" Announced Present Mic.

"I never thought you'd make it this far , Hippie" Bakugo said. "Well , you only got this far because of that monkey boy who gave you his spot"

"Begin !"

Bakugo them charges at me using his explosion to propel faster.

"But this is the end of the line for you !" He the  is about to use his explosions on me.

I managed to dodge in the nick of time.

"And Satori uses her plants to pull away from Bakugo's attack" Present Mic announced.

I have to keep distance from Bakugo, but I should be on the offensive as well.

I grabbed Venus flytrap seeds and made them grow.

"Now Satori's growing giant Venus flytraps !"

"Attack him , but becareful of his explosion" I commanded them. "Go !"

Then they charge at him.

"These things are annoying !!!!" Bakugo shouted as each Fly trap that goes near him gets exploded by his quirk.

"Oh no !" I gasped.

"And Bakugo destroyed those plants as if they were nothing !!!!"

"Is that all you can do Hippie ?" He then charges at me with his explosions.

I instantly grew some plants , but he keeps on exploding them. At this rate , I'll run out of seeds to use !

Then let me help you ...

Huh ? W-who are you ?

Let me fight , so that we'll win... I can lead you to victory ... Help you use your powers to the fullest ...

What's this voice ringing inside my head ? An imagination maybe ? I-

BOOM !!!!

"OH NOOOO !!! Satori just got hit by Bakugo's explosion.... Is she ok ?!"

"Ouch" My body ached. I was so preoccupied by my thoughts I lost focus. I tried to stand up by I was badly injured.

If I don't stand soon , Bakugo will win.

I won't allow it.

"What's the matter hippie ? Giving up ? I'm just getting started" He then walked over to me and is about to blast me.

"I have a name .... It's Satori !And I have a ... BEANSTALK !!!!" I used the last of my seeds on my final attack.

Entrapping Bakugo inside.

"There you have it folks , Satori's final attack !!!!"

I finally stood up and regained my footing.

Did I do it ? Did I won ?

Then inside the giant entanglement of plants , I hear explosions.

It can't be...

"Like hell I'd loose !!!!" Bakugo escaped my plants ! He used his explosions to destroy his entanglements.

"That was a good move " He wiped his chin. "Let's get serious now , shall we ? SATORI ?!"

This is bad , I don't have any seeds left nor any energy. Growing plants continously ... Especially large scales took a great toil in my body.

I might loose.


I can't give up !

"I need to ..." My vision became hazy . "Win ..."

Then everything went dark.



So thus ends this chapter .

Sorry if this chapter is rushed , mostly the fight scenes.

I'm really bad at writting ...


How's the story though ???????
Enjoying it ???????

I'm off now !
Gotta show this to Bakugo , since he's happy he finally got an appearance here

Issa OUT !!!!!

Plussssssssss uuuuulllllltrrrrraaaaa

♧●LITTLE SEED●♧{[BNHAXOC]}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz