And You're A Liar At Least All Of Your Friends Are

Start from the beginning

"Send me a picture," he says, shutting his eyes while Ross finds some snacks.

"Of Jamie's neighbors?"

"Of yourself."

"Naked?" she asks cheekily.

He smiles, playing along, "It's only fair, I believe - I did send you that one picture of my -"

"Sorry, babe, it's Sunday; gotta keep the Sabbath holy."

He frowns, leave it to religion to cockblock. "Sabbath is on Saturday, isn't it?"

"Either way, I have Sunday dinner to get to - Meeting Ari today," she admits, tone going somber.

"Aren't you excited?"

" it bad if I'm not? I mean, I've seen her before, and she's the cutest thing ever - but it's always been" She laughs humorlessly, "I'm already a terrible sister, aren't I?"

Matty scrunches his nose when Ross offers him some chips via wafting them under his nose He answers Marcy, "No, I think you'll do fine - that's definitely how I used to feel about my brother, but now he's like the apple of my eye or some shit. What does that even mean? Apple of my eye? Who the fuck comes up with this shit?"

She laughs on the other end of the line and that's all he really wants to hear. "I've got to go cake makeup on to my hickies now so if you don't mind..."

Matty frowns, grimacing because he doesn't remember what happened that morning - he knows he did it, he knows he was angry, he knows he fucked up but, "I thought you didn't mind them," he mumbles.

"I don't," Marcy says, "but I'd rather not explain how I got them to my dads - 'yeah, that festival I went to? It was mostly just so I could see my twenty five year old boyfriend in that band you're not too fond of and he totally wrecked me in the hotel room we were sharing; look, I got the bruises to prove it.' Yeah, I don't think that would go down too well."

"Boyfriend?" Matty asks, startled.

Marcy heaves out a sigh, "Is that all you've got from that?"

"That and the fact that your parents haven't met me and they already hate me." Ross snorts at that, having been hearing Matty's side of the conversation for the longest. Blindly, Matty reaches over and hits Ross' shoulder.

"They don't hate you!" she insists. "And yes, boyfriend - or are we sticking to the just friends thing, because I'm not sure you liked that very much."

"I will literally fuck the friendship out of you, Marceline."

"Matthew!" Ross splutters out the same time Marcy asks, "Threat or promise?"

Matty groans, "What happened to keeping the Sabbath holy."

"It's Sunday," she taunts, repeating his earlier words, "The Sabbath's on Saturday apparently."

"Fuck off."

"Fuck me." She chuckles before finally getting off the phone and Matty heaves out a sigh before dropping the cell to his lap. He turns to Ross, properly staring at him as he consumes the chips a few at a time.

"Oi, can you not? That shit is weird."

"I fucked up," Matty says instead, not looking away and reaching over to brush at the crumbs that had gotten in Ross' beard.

"Not exactly new. Stop touching me."

"You know, you're always so quiet, but when you do talk, it's to be a prick." Matty accuses, jabbing his finger into Ross' shoulder.

"Okay, and what of it?" Ross shrugs Matty off before taking a fry and sticking it into Matty's mouth. Matty's oddly taken back to one of the first encounters he's had with Marcy, when he had placed a soggy fry in her gaping mouth and it's hard to believe that was a few weeks ago.

Matty frowns, "I thought you were the sensible one."

"That would Hann. But advice wise, George might be -"

"George is going to kill me."

Ross shifts, eyebrows furrowed, "You're being oddly ominous, what did you do?"

"I lied," Matty admits. "One fucking weekend with her and I've already told her lie after lie. And on top of it all I can't fucking remember things, but I suppose I know what caused that bit - fuck."

"Matty, mate, breathe for me."

"Does it look like I'm not breathing?" He all but yells at Ross who's just about ready to deck him in the face.

"What did you lie about - if it's what I'm thinking it is, that means you lied to us too, you fuck."

"I -"

"No shut up, I -"

"What's going on here?" George and Adam walk in and this is definitely not how Matty wanted to have this conversation.

Ross has ignored the other boys, continuing on, "- want to know how you could possibly sit and have a conversation like that with her when you..."

"He what...?" George asks narrowing his eyes.

"When he...has an interview to do." Ross finally says, avoiding looking at George or Adam or even Matty. "He's nervous and he made it seem like he was tough shit not even mentioning it."

"Oh?" George asks plopping in between Ross and Matty, "What are you so nervous about?"

"He fucked the interviewer a while back," and it's not a lie, but Matty hadn't really thought about it and yeah, it's just another fucking thing to add to his list.

"Oh!" George says pulling Matty into a headlock, roughing up his hair, "Naughty Healy - Haha just wear that shirt with the buttons done on the bottom two and show her the nice little love bites our Marcy gave you."

Adam raises an eyebrow when he's in eye range with Matty, very clearly not buying any of this, as it seems and Matty's never felt so fucked in his life.

"She's mine, not ours," Matty mumbles.

"Sharing is caring," George gibes. Matty unravels from George's hold, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, both of them tumbling on to the ground, Matty nearly throttling his best friend.

"Not...sharing her...with you..."

"What about that girl you shared in Cardiff last winter?" Adam asks with a raised eyebrow.

"It was a cold day in Wales," George laughs out, "What would Marcy think if you told her all this, huh, Matty?"

"That's a good question," Ross mumbles watching Matty pin George down, winning the impromptu wrestling match.


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