The Forest Part 2

Start from the beginning

As time passed, the duo made their way through the forest and the full lights and rays of the sun slowly dwindled. The once beautiful view of a vast countryside became a quiet, gloomy forest with few rays of the sun penetrating through the trees.

Inari's mind was reeling from what to expect inside the forest. Even if he didn't believe his grandfather about monsters, he was still young and curious. This was the first time he would visit a real ninja area and wanted it to be a memorable journey.

He kept thinking back to his younger years, remembering the hyperactive blonde ninja and his team from Konoha—how they had saved him, his mother, grandfather and entire village from the clutches of a crazy mob boss.

It was only because of Naruto that he became the person he was now and after so many years, he could finally see that strange yet impactful person again.

"Well, if I'm going to see my role model again, I have to make it through this forest… No matter how scary it is." Inari thought to himself as he and his grandfather continued moving forward.

As the day continued on, Boruto found himself sweating through the back-breaking task of carrying two unconscious girls. It was like carrying a 500kg of rice in two sacks, only he couldn't just throw them around.

He still hadn't been able to discern where he was or how close to civilization he'd gotten. All he knew was that he had to find a way out or at least a road that he could follow along. He figured that there had to be one somewhere close by.

The blonde checked on Himawari and Sarada again for the umpteenth time, still finding them out cold. "Don't worry girls, I'm going to get us out of here…" he thought with determination.

"Zzzzzzzz, Nii-chan I want some ice cream..." A dreaming Himawari unknowingly muttered aloud.

Sarada however, still hadn't really stirred or said a word. She wasn't even snoring her sleep was so peaceful. It was almost the complete opposite of the younger Uzumaki.

As for the Boruto, he just sighed and smiled in spite of his exhaustion and back pain. He knew that after the crazy fight that had destroyed Konoha and caused them to be warped here—wherever here was—he was at least safe and babysitting the two people that he loved as a sister and friend.

The only thing that the young man could do was keep his mind occupied by humming or singing his personal favorite songs. The blonde didn't consider himself a good singer although some of his friends commented that he had a good voice, but he'd already gone through most of his mental playlist he'd been walking so long.

As his seemingly endless trek continued, he tried brainstorming new songs that he could sing to keep his mind from going to darker places. Finally, he found one that he thought would be nice. It was about peace and love.

Boruto checked his surroundings just to be sure but figured he was probably alone since there wasn't a single soul in sight—save for the few squirrels and birds watching him from their respective trees. Concluding that the coast was clear, he began singing the first lines of the song in a carefully regulated voice.

"Sometimes I lay under the moon

I thank God I'm breathing

And then I pray don't take me soon

I am here for a reason

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