Chapter 1: Big bad troll

Start from the beginning

Next is the Twins Jaden and Haden. They are called as 'The Computer Hackers'. They could hack Facebook Accounts to Government accounts. They look Less intimidating With a 6'0 figure; They both have Brown hair but Jaden has a Lighter hair color while Haden has Dark. Their eyes are a cool color of grey.

And Lastly Alec King, He has the most captivating Electric Blue eyes with his Black almost brown hair that is sticking everywhere making him look more sexier. His 6'4 figure towers The other four; His chiseled Jaw and firm muscles that is obviously seen through his tight black shirt. He beated the peanuts out of A freshman boy when he accidentally gave him the wrong answer to a simple yes or no question.

Poor kid.

Rumours have also been said that they are in a gang since they all have the same tattoo on their left wrist but we're not sure if its true since we never saw any tattoo.

They made their way through the hallways giving winks here and there suddenly the bell rang indicating that class is gonna start in a few minutes.

I closed my locker door and started heading to our first class.

"Valentino is so fine. I could ugh that all day long." Ark said letting out a dreamy sigh and added a small hip thrust.

I let out a small laugh.

"Who knows you both might end up together." I said in a teasing tone. We entered the classroom and sat on the last row near the window.

"I'll wait for that day and when it comes. I'll treat you ice cream." She smirked.

Finally, Mr. Bell arrive making the students lower their voices and straighten their backs as they were now quite curious on what the topic will be.

Let The Class begin



It was finally the end of fourth period. I jumped out of my seat and shoved my things into my bag before excitedly dashing my way to the cafeteria without Ark since we parted our ways on the third period; She had biology while I had Math.

I entered the cafeteria doors and scanned the tables and spotted our usual table. I made my way towards it in rush since I'm eager to eat my homemade cookies. I walked at the table and saw Ark sitting there munching in her apple.

"Hey," I said while plopping my butt next to her and putting my bag beside me.

"Hey yourself." She said before offering me her apple.

I shook my head, "Nah, I brought my baby cookies today." I said but my lips frowned when I notice it wasn't there.

I was on the verge of tears, "Where did it go?" I said as I continued my search through the pockets of my bag.

"Calm down. Maybe it just fell along the way." Ark suggested noticing my slight panic.

Taking a deep breath,"Maybe. Be back for a second. Just gonna look around for it." I said before standing up.

I let a small sigh of relief when I saw it lying safely and unharmed at the entrance of the cafeteria.

When suddenly the cafeteria doors opened and The five badboys entered making all the students quiet down and making me pause on my steps. Alec's laughter boomed through the Silence while Chase was chuckling at something Valentino said.


Alec Stopped laughing and I looked down to see my cookies which is now crushed into small pieces. I stood there shocked.

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