Derwin: Hey Ly I brought food.

Lyric: Thank God I'm starving.

Derwin: Your always starving.

Lyric: I know can you close door for me.

Derwin: Yea sure.

We walk into the dinning room and eat our food. Derwin got me a cheese burger and some cheese fries.

Derwin: So what's up with you and Trey.

Lyric: I don't know. He is so focus on his album right now and I love how he loves his career. He is never home like he use to. I just miss him.

Derwin: It sounds like you love him.

Lyric: I do. You know what I don't want to talk about Trey anymore. Let's go have fun.

Derwin: Where.

Lyric: I don't know we can stay here and go swimming in the backyard or go karting.

Derwin: Yea we go go karting.

Lyric: Ok let me put some shoes on and get my bag and phone.

Derwin: No you don't need you bag or phone.

Lyric: Why.

Derwin: Cause I'm taking you out.

Lyric: You always take me out. Let me take you out this time. Pleaseeee

Derwin: Fine but next time it's my turn.

I ran upstairs and change my shoes sneakers. I grab my purse fix my hair and went back downstairs. I didn't see Derwin in the living room or dining room.


Derwin: Down here.

I went down stairs were my guest stay sometimes when I don't have enough room. Derwin was looking at my trophies and pictures.

Lyric: What you doing.

Derwin: Looking at your stuff. You must of been really talent as a kid.

Lyric: Yea. My parents where having trouble with money at one point and I kinda felt bad. So I join in a whole bunch if talent shows to dance,sing,and paint. I won and got money for them.

Derwin: Wow. What's this one for boxing.

Lyric: I was really shy as a kid and I got into my first fight when I like 7 and I lose. My dad felt so bad he put me in boxing classes.

Derwin: You know I use to be a boxer myself.

Lyric: Whatever I bet I could beat you.

Derwin: I bet you could cause I'm not hitting no girl.

Lyric: Haha. Come on.

We walk outside and got in my car. We drove to Arnold's. It's nice to be with Derwin he makes me laugh and I like it when we don't argue every 5 mins on some hoe. I really love him. I mean like him. I can't love him then I would be cheating in Trey and I'm not a cheater. I park the car in the parking lot and we got out and went inside of Arnold's.

Derwin: This place is what's up.

Lyric: You always say that.

Derwin: It's my thing like yours boom.

Lyric: No no no you have to say it like BOOM and throw your hands up then you walk away.

Derwin: Who taught you that.

Lyric: Who taught you what's up.

Derwin: Point taking. Come on so I can beat your fat ass in go-karting.

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