Chapter 21

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So first this girl is seen with Pete Wentz and then suddenly, a sex tape of her and Benji Madden appears online, it looks like someone wants some attention.

Good Charlotte's Benji Madden has a sex tape online with a random girl that seems to know Pete Wentz? Someone really seems to be getting around. Or did it accidentally go into the wrong hands and someone uploaded it with bad intentions?

Mystery girl - not so mysterious anymore. Even though neither Wentz or Madden want to say anything about her, this is who she is. Charlotte Miller (28) is a girl from L.A. who has obviously decided to get around in the scene.

Pete Wentz' friend, Charlotte Miller (28), apparently isn't such a "Good Charlotte" after all since there's a sex tape of her and Benji Madden spreading around online right now.

Everywhere, those articles were everywhere. On gossip sites, in magazines and sometimes even on TV with a presenter whose smile practically screamed "I'm glad I'm not in your position, bitch but I'm still jealous you fucked Benji". I turned off the TV and started at the black screen for a few seconds until Pete came back from the kitchen. "Another news report?" he asked and sat next to me. I took a deep breath and nodded. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled my head to his chest. "I'm sorry, it'll cool down, you know and they won't be talking about it forever." "Everyone thinks you're friends with a whore now." "Shh, you're not a whore and I don't give a shit about what people think about me anyway. It's about you, you shouldn't get upset because of those people." I gulped, trying not to sob. "At least Benji didn't say anything about it" I sighed. "And he won't either because if he does, I'll tell him what's up. I hope he regrets it, he probably does."

But Pete turned out to be wrong. The press didn't cool down and I even started to get recognized on the street. It was fucking horrible, how many people were on sick sites like that? People made comments about exactly what I had done which made me think that they must've watched the tape over and over again to notice certain things. It came to the point where I didn't leave the house by myself anymore. Either Sofia or Mandy came over to pick me up or Pete walked outside with me to stop paparazzi and sometimes even just behaved stupidly or talk shit so he'd become the center of attention himself and not me. But it didn't help, I kept getting rude comments and whistles and bad pictures were taken of me. After a while, I decided that I wouldn't leave the house at all anymore and Pete could not make me change my mind about that. It was so crazy - all of it, I couldn't believe it. I hated Benji at this point. How could he have dared to do that? I almost wished he'd finally talk to the press so I'd know what he was thinking about all that shit. I didn't dare to call him and Pete wasn't speaking to him anymore. He hated him because of me but they had been such good friends. Benji couldn't have just changed like that. But that's what Pete thought.

I was sitting on the couch when he suddenly ran into the house and kicked the door shut behind himself. "I know what you need to cheer up!" he shouted and threw himself next to me on the sofa. He looked like a child. "Nice outfit, by the way" he said and smiled. I raised my eyebrows. "Listen." I looked at him, waiting for whatever crazy thought was forming on his mind. "What?" "Well, you need to do something crazy, you need adrenaline." "I don't." "You do, it will distract you from worrying." "It won't." "Oh, no debate! Come on!" "What is your plan?" "We're going bungee jumping." I laughed. "No, no way!" I said and shook his hand off mine. "Please." "I'm not that brave." "You are!" "That's something you do before you turn 20." "No, Miller, it isn't!" "It is. And I'm way too scared ... too old too." "I'm older than you, so?" "Have you done that before?" "No but it's gonna be fun! It's safe and I'll be there to calm you down." "No, I'm not that brave." "Me neither so let's do it together." "No." "Please." He gave me those puppy eyes that nobody could resist. "I'm not leaving the house." "We'll drive there, park right in front of it..." "No!" "Charlie! Come on!" "No." I wasn't going to do that. He couldn't make me do it. But maybe it actually would distract me? No, no it wouldn't! But I had always wanted to do it when I'd get the chance and I trusted Pete so why not? What did I have to lose?

And really, before I knew it, he had talked me into it and we stood on the plane, hand in hand. My heart was beating like crazy and I was so scared but at the same time, I was so excited. What was the sex tape compared to being up here, so high in the sky? Why did that video even matter? I took a deep breath and the second we lost the ground under our feet, it took my breath away. Then it was faster than ever. Pete didn't let go of my hand and I could practically feel the adrenaline shooting through my veins. I kept my eyes wide open to see everything around me and the feeling was so unreal, I couldn't describe it. I just felt so free and I felt safe because Pete was holding my hand. He looked at me, a smirk playing around his lips, he knew I wasn't regretting it.

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