Chapter 20

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During the following weeks, Pete still tried to help me find a job but he wasn't that determined and just told me he'd pay for everything. He wouldn't believe me when I said that'd make me fel uncomfortable but it actually did because I couldn't just live off of Pete and his money just because I wasn't finding a job. I mean, I was extremely happy about the fact that I had a friend like him who was saving me from actually becoming homeless but also, we had both started to enjoy living together.

I had just come home from Callie's place and put down my bag in the hall when I called for Pete casually but he didn't reply. His car was outside though and the door hadn't been locked. "Wentz?" I repeated and looked around the corner. He was sitting on the couch with his laptop. "Pete?" I asked because it was obvious that he must've heard me by now. I came closer and realised he was wearing headphones, he had seen me though. I stepped out of my heels that I had walked around in all day, they had started to become uncomfortable. I sat down on the couch and looked at him, when his eyes met mine, the look on his face scared me. I couldn't describe it. Was he disappointed? Annoyed? Sad? He took off the headphones and after a last glance at the screen, he threw his laptop to the other side of the sofa. He got up. Alright, I had sorted his emotion. He was angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked and looked over at his laptop. He stared at me and I wished that I knew what he was thinking. "Why?" he asked. "Why what?" I frowned. "Don't you tell me you didn't know" he said through gritted teeth. "Didn't know what?" I asked again and walked past him, taking the laptop. I moved the touchpad so the screensaver would fuck off and looked at the site he had been on. I saw the title and hoped that what I was seeing wasn't true. It was though, when I clicked on the button to start the video that was open on this site, I gasped because I realised it was real. Oh, fuck. My heart began pounding faster, not only in my chest but I could also feel it in my head. My face had also turned completely red.

I didn't look back at Pete, I couldn't bear the sight of the emotion in his face. "Fuck!" I cursed and kept watching the video, it was loud now and that's what made me feel even more embarrassed. "Did you upload it?" Pete asked. I finally looked up at him, my eyes growing wider. He looked disgusted. "Are you fucking crazy? Do I look like I uploaded this shit? I am seeing this for the very first time right now!" I shouted and tears started running down my cheeks. When I saw the number of views this video had gotten already, I threw the laptop back to where Pete had already placed it earlier and let myself drop down on the couch, face buried in the pillows and crying because I couldn't stop, I was such a mess.

I heard Pete moving closer to me. He took my hand into his and tangled his fingers around mine. "I'm sorry I thought you uploaded it. But why didn't you tell me?" I sobbed and looked up, sitting straight. He sat next to me. "I felt so cheap because I was drunk and all and I don't know ... I didn't want you to think badly of me." I started crying again. "Hey, hey, shh! Listen to me. You said you were a Fall Out Boy fan from the start, right?" I nodded, not knowing what he was getting at. "You remember the time when ... those ... photos of me were out on the internet?" "Yes." "But ... I dealt with it, I tried not to care about what peoplesaid." "But that was on purpose!" "What?" "Your phone wasn't stolen really, was it? I mean, please! You did that to gain attention for Fall Out Boy, right?" He stared at me. "How did you know?" "It was obvious." He smiled weakly. "You know me too well. So, Benji uploaded this?" he asked. I pressed my lips together, starting to sob again. "I don't know, I didn't even know this existed! I'm so confused! I mean, that means that he planned all of this, oh my god, I feel even cheaper now!" "Now I understand why you quit." I couldn't stop crying at this point. "Why do you care, honey? You normally don't give a shit about what people think of you." I gulped. "Yeah but in this case ... Benji is famous and I'm not. Normally, I'm strong and everything but nobody online knows that. I don't get weak, with anything. And that was a really weak moment for me ... no one knows that it was a one time thing. Everyone will know me as some weak bitch that can't control herself. This is going to be everywhere because Benji is famous and I'll just be the unknown girl, maybe they'll even recognize me from the pictures I was in with you! And then connections will be made and ... oh, I'm so sorry!" "Sorry for what?" he asked. "I can deal with press shit, it's you that I'm worried about, Charlie." "Everyone will judge me and hate me. Fuck. What am I gonna do now?" My tears just ran down my cheeks and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt so humiliated, so fucking embarrassed. How could Benji have done that?

Pete got up and picked up his phone from the table next to the couch. Then he walked outside, into the backyard and I watched him as he spoke on the phone, becoming angry and starting to shout at whoever was on the other end. He freaked and he was pissed and I was actually happy not to know what he was saying. I looked back at the laptop and the site was still open, the views of the video were only going up. And this site probably wasn't even the only one this was on either, it must have spread all over porn websites at this point. I didn't even know how to sort out my thoughts, I was just so shocked. I had never thought something like this could ever happen to me and now I was literally fucked.

Pete came back in and slammed the door shut. "I just spoke to Benji" he said. Those words alone hurt me, even though I didn't know why. "So?" I asked with a quiet voice, trying not to burst out into tears again. "I never thought he could be like that, you know? We were friends for so long and do you know what he told me? He said he thought he'd put the video online because you quit and he didn't want to look like the weak one that you had left! I told him that he can't do that to you but he didn't even care. He has changed so much lately. I'm so sorry." "Sorry about what?" "That I got you that job, everything." I shook my head. "Oh, Pete, you couldn't have known." He sighed. "Why did he film it anyway?" I asked in desperation and looked at the ground. "I don't know" Pete shrugged. "Maybe he just felt like it was something cool to do, I don't know ... I would never do that, he's sick." I blinked my tears away as Pete sat down next to me again. "We'll get through this together, alright? I won't judge you for what you did." I smiled. I was so happy because earlier I had thought he'd think I was the biggest slut ever. His face still looked tense though when he hugged me from the side. He was the best though. There was a sex tape of me and one of his best friends going around online and he stood by me. 

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