Chapter 8

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Pete picked me up at 8pm exactly and we drove down to the beach which was almost empty now. “You got your bikini, Miller?” he asked when we sat down in the sand. “Seriously, man! Just stick with one name.” “I have made my choice” he grinned. “So?” “Yes, I’ve got my bikini, you asshole” I replied and stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and popped the bottle of champagne open, drinking a sip from the bottle. Then he handed it over to me. I drank a big sip and watched him lie down in the sand. I stayed sitting next to him and kept the bottle in my hand.

“Tell me more about yourself” he said, looking up at me. I smiled. “What do you wanna know? And more importantly, why do you want to know?” “Because you’re interesting.” “Not at all, man.” “Totally. What do you do for a living?” “I’m a journalist. Lately, our magazine isn’t going so well but we’re on it.” “Do I know it?” “Probably not.” “Well, it’s impressive still, it’s hard to become a journalist. “I went to university for it.” “Like I said, impressed.” I smiled and blushed.

He sat upright and took the bottle of out my hand, taking another sip. “What about your ex? Is it all over?” I drank too and took a deep breath, finally admitting it to me out loud. “He cheated. Of course it’s all over.” “Good attitude” he said and locked my eyes. “Are you mocking me, Wentz?” I asked. “No, I’m serious. I hate it when girls accept the fact that their boyfriend cheated on them, it’s horrible.” I nodded. “What about you? Any chance of getting back together with your ex?” “No. Never. It is over, she hates me.” “Why?” “Well, when we were still together and visiting her family over christmas, she was pregnant and like I said, she lost the baby and then … it was just all done. I had been so excited for the baby so I couldn’t believe it and I kind of … felt sorry for myself and not for her. It sucked and her whole family must’ve thought I was an ass. We broke up shortly after because it was all getting way too complicated.” “You’re not in touch with her anymore?” “Not at all. Don’t think anything bad of me though because I didn’t stay with her through that tough time, I can’t handle disappointments very well.” “I understand you, I’m kind of the same.”

I took another sip of champagne and he watched me before he got up and took the bottle to drink a big sip himself. Then, he handed it back over to me and took off his shirt. “Finish the bottle and let’s go swimming!” I glanced over at the dark ocean, the moonlight sparkled on it beautifully but it still looked scary and, well, cold. “No way.” “Why not?” “I’m scared” I admitted. “I’ll protect you, Miller! What did you take your bikini for?” “Because you told me to bring it.” “Come on! Don’t be so shy!” He smirked. I finished the bottle and saw him already walking towards the water over the sand while taking his shoes and jeans off. Just with bathing shorts, he ran into the water, it must have been ice cold. I stood up and took off my shoes and my dress, following him into the water.

When he turned around, he smiled happily as he saw me walking in was well. “Looking sexy again, Miller!” he said. “You’re always making me undress” I joked. “I tend to have that effect on people.” I laughed. “I like the bikini” he added. “Thanks. Your shorts look kind of weird though, you know. I mean, flowers? Really? You’re a grown man.” He laughed too but suddenly picked me up into his arms. “You’re just asking to be thrown in, aren’t you?” “Fuck you, let me down!” I shouted, trying to fight my way out of his embrace. “Be nice to me now?” he asked and pulled a sad face like a little boy. I laughed and nodded so he let me down slowly.

After a while, we ran out of the water and let ourselves fall back into the soft sand. We both lied on our stomachs, face to face. “Tell me about your family” he said. “My family is amazing but they live in Spain. I see them maybe once a year. My childhood was a bless and they’ve always supported me. That is actually one of the few things that aren’t fucked up in my life. We grew apart a little though.” He smiled. “Happy to hear you had a good childhood.” “What about your family?” “My parents are great. I see them as often as you see yours though probably, even though they only live near Chicago. My siblings visit every now and then but it’s complicated because whenever we see eachother, we only have such little time to spend together.” “At least we’re not completely unhappy about our families, I know a few people who have to deal with that.” “Yeah, I’d never be unhappy with my family.” “Same.” “But basically, Bronx is my family.” “How often is he with you?” I asked. “Not as I often as I wish he would be. Ashlee doesn’t bring him over as often as she’s supposed to. She thinks I’m too immature to take care of him that much.” “Don’t claim to be mature, Wentz!” I joked to lighten the mood. He laughed. “But I’m responsible enough to take care of my own son! She doesn’t get that.” “But I thougt you and her get along.” “We do, for Bronx.” “So you don’t regret anything?” “Hell, no.” “That’s good.” He smiled. “I’M so thankful that I can tell you about all of this even though we don’t know eachother that well.” “Yet” I smiled. He grinned. “The joys of meeting a stranger at a bar” I said. He laughed. “You amaze me, Miller. So much.” 

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