Chapter 3

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(Don't drink and drive!)

And Mandy was right, she actually got us into Angels & Kings down in Hollywood. I looked around as we entered the club, maybe I’d spot some celebrities. When I turned to my girls, I caught them doing the same thing. “I can’t see anybody” Sofia pouted. “Can you?” “No … but … oh my god! Do you hear that?” Mandy shouted, suddenly freaking. I listened closely, then I realised she was talking about the music in the background. My eyes widenend and I looked over my shoulder. And really.

“That’s All Time Low playing!” Mandy shouted as we all stared at the stage of the club where Alex stood in the front, singing his heart out. “I can’t handle it, going here was a bad idea” Mandy mumbled and tried to take deep breaths. “No, it was a great idea, just go over there and talk to Alex once they’re done playing!” Sofia instructed and patted Mandy’s shoulder. “I won’t be able to do that, I’ll fangirl…” “Let’s just relax and get some drinks, sit down, you girls” I said and pointed at a free table in the corner.

They did as I said, probably because they still felt sorry for me. I didn’t want any sympathy though, I just wanted to have a good time. So I walked over to the bar and ordered three cocktails. I balanced them back over to my girls when I saw a really tall guy leaning over our table, talking to them. As I got closer, I recognized him. “Oh, there she is! This is Charlie, our best friend” Mandy introduced me, pointing her finger. I put down the drinks and gave a slight wave. The dude looked at me. My heart stopped for a short moment. He shook my hand. “I already met your friends, I’m Gabe” he said. “I know, big fan of Cobra” I replied with a smile. He seemed to blush. “Hey, awesome. Those two lovely girls told me about the reason you’re here so go ahead and choose a guy that will make you feel better” he joked. I laughed but rolled my eyes too, then turning my back to him and eyeing my girls with an angry glare. They had just told Gabe Saporta that my boyfriend had cheated on me? Really? Thanks a lot, bitches! “No, I’m good. Thanks” I countered and sat down next to Mandy. Gabe still leaned next to Sofia.

“Can I interest you in a free drink?” he asked her with a charming smile that was just sure to make Sofia fall for it. “Um…” She looked at us helplessly. “It’s alright, go!” Mandy said and smiled, taking a sip of her cocktail. She looked at me. “You don’t wanna find a guy, like Gabe said?” she asked. “No … how can you just fucking tell Gabe Saporta that my boyfriend cheated on me though?” “Please, he was sorry! And he said he couldn’t understand because you’re so pretty. So you better feel good about that!” I shook my head, I couldn’t believe it.  

All Time Low stopped playing, thanked the people for listening and walked off stage, joining the partying crowd. “Alex is going to the bar!” Mandy jumped. “I’ll go talk to him! Wait … no, I won’t leave you here, sitting by yourself. I got you here and I’ll stay with you” she said, quickly calming down again. I sighed and shook my head. “You can go and talk to him if you want, it’s your money that got us in here and you deserve to have fun too, this is your chance.” “But…” “Come on and embarrass yourself by fangirling” I laughed, pushing her away. She laughed too. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? Really?” I just nodded and finished my cocktail, watching her walk over to the bar, flipping her hair back. I needed a stronger drink though. When I glanced over to the dancefloor, I saw Gabe and Sofia starting to dance closely and I felt happy for her, she had always liked Gabe since Cobra had signed to Decaydance. I also saw Mandy starting to talk to Alex, she was grinning like a fool but he obviously liked what he saw. He shook her hand and ordered two beers, when those arrived on the bar counter, he grabbed them and led Mandy onto the dancefloor.

I walked over to the bar after a few minutes, starting to feel sort of lonely. I sat down on a stool and ordered a shot. Someone was sitting next to me but I didn’t care. I wanted to be on my own now that even my friends had left me. I told the barkeeper to keep the shots coming after finishing the second one. He kept coming back and forth between me and the person beside me but because my hair was next to my face like a curtain, I couldn’t see who was sitting there, maybe I was even happy about that. When we both got our fourth shot though, I heard the person talk to me.

“Hi. Upset too?” he asked. I turned around in what felt like slow motion, putting my hair behind my ear, looking at the person next to me. Those deep brown eyes looking directly into mine, those perfectly formed lips forming a smirk with his question. My heart started beating faster as I felt my breathing increase. Was I imagining things? Had I had too much already? “A little” I replied and tried not to sound completely starstruck. I didn’t want to give the fangirl in me away. “Do you have a name?” he asked. I smiled. His smile was weak but he tried to look polite. Why was he talking to me anyway? “I’m Charlie … Charlotte but please, call me Charlie.” He laughed quietly and shook my hand. “I’m Pete. Shot to that!” he said and the barkeeper brought us two new glasses when we both did our fourth shot. “Cheers!” he said and we both raised our glasses again, finishing them with one sip.

“Are you here all by yourself?” Pete asked. “No. This was supposed to be a girls night but then my friends decided to dance with Gabe and Alex.” “Oh, that cute girl dancing with my best friend is one of your girls?” he asked and glanced over at the dancefloor. I nodded as I saw Gabe and Sofia smiling at eachother. “Three pretty girls out here in one of my clubs and I’m talking to the prettiest one” he said and smiled. I blushed. Had he really just said that? Aw! “Aw…”

“So, what’s your story?” “It’s long.” “That’s what she said. No, sorry. Please, tell me. Two more shots, they’re on me” he babbled, then ordered. I laughed. “Really? Thank you.” “Tell me, come on.” “There’s not much to tell. I had a boyfriend, he moved away, he cheated, we’re not together anymore. What about you?” “I fail at relationships.” “Did I mention that my ex-boyfriend cheated on m with a stripper?” “Did I mention that I fucked up a marriage?” he countered. Of course I had known that though. “Did I mention he couldn#t tell me on the phone and just made me fly out to his new place to tell me because he wasn’t sure if he was going to?” “Did I mention that I got my girlfriend pregnant but didn’t help her through the time after she lost the baby because I couldn’t handle the situation myself?” So, that rumor was actually true. We both looked at eachother. Then we both just grabbed our glasses and took another shot.

“I’m not used to failing” Pete announced after what felt like hours had passed. “Me neither.” Another shot. Suddenly, I saw my girls next to me. “We’re going home, bitch. What about you?” Sofia asked. “I won’t” I giggled. Oops, too much to drink. “Are you sure?” Mandy asked. “Yeah, I’ll take a cab” I mumbled. “Hey, girl. Where’s … where’s Gabe?” “He’s in the back with the All Time Low guys” Sofia replied to Pete. “Thanks.” I saw my girls leave when this had been supposed to be a girls night but we had only spent like ten minutes together. But I obviously wasn’t sorry about anything. “Cheers to leaving late!” Pete interrupted my thoughts. “Cheers!” Another shot.

After a little more time and a few more shots, I was getting tired too. “I think it’s time for me to leave as well” I said and stood up but slipped and had to hold onto the bar counter to not fall and crash on the ground with my heels. Pete got up too, holding me upright. “You okay?” he asked. I just nodded. “Yeah, totally!” I babbled. “You won’t be able to get home by yourself, I’ll bring you…” “You don’t need to, man! Seriously!” I laughed but he already had his arm around my waist and was guiding me outside. He got his phone out and texted someone. The fresh air outside hit my face, it was really nice. “You’re shorter than me, how is that possible?” Pete asked. “Especially since you’re wearing heels, girl!” he added, pulling me to a car on the side. “Nice ride” I said as he opened the passenger seat door for me. “Thanks” he said as he started driving. “Where are we going?” I asked and leaned back.

From that moment on, I only remembered bits. Someone getting me out of the car and almost carrying me, then walking to a really fucking huge amazing pretty impressive villa in some gated community street, my head hitting a nice soft pillow and me closing my eyes, with no clue about anything.

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