Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to all the people calling "thanks pete" ♥

When I woke up in the morning, I turned around, blinking quickly several times until I noticed a note next to me. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and read it.

Hey, Charlie. I took a flight earlier because I had to re-schedule an appointment back in L.A., your flight is going as planned though. Well, I guess I'll see you back in L.A. then, you need to check out but don't worry, I paid for the rooms. — Benji

I couldn't believe it. What had I done? I had slept with Benji, hadn't I? I let myself fall backwards, my head hitting the comfortable pillow. I covered myself up with the blanket and closed my eyes, thinking about what had happened, trying to focus on the details. My clothes were still on the floor. Fuck. And he hadn't even cared? Like, that's what the note was about? Really? Leaving early and not mentioning anything from last night? That kind of opened my eyes. I had made a mistake but he wasn't admitting that he had made one too. I had no idea what to do now. I got up and put on my clothes, then left the room, locking the door with the key Benji had left on the inside of the door. I went to my own room and showered, changed and then checked out with my stuff down at the reception desk. I took a cab down to the airport to get to my flight on time and actually managed to do it.

When I got off the plane, I texted Pete, asking if he could pick me up because I didn't want to take another cab and he said he'd be on his way. I got into the car when he arrived and greeted him with a big hug. "How was it?" he asked. "And why didn't you come back with Benji?" "He left early." "Why?" "Some appointment here. The party was good though." Pete smiled back at me, falling for the happy face I was pulling. I felt like shit, hungover and also really slutty. When we got back to Pete's, I just went straight to bed again.

After a few hours, Pete came up because he was obviously wondering why I had spent the day sleeping. He didn't notice anything surprisingly, apparently I had been a very good actress today. "Are you alright? Do you want some coffee?" he asked, sounding concerned and offering me a cup. I sat straight and took it. "Thanks" I said. He realised that I wanted to be alone and left again, I took my phone out and looked for Benji's number. I didn't want to talk, even if he had an excuse, I wouldn't care. I was a slut and he was the male version of it so we had both made a mistake, me being the only one admitting it though. So I decided to just text him.

I got the note but this was really fucking unprofessional, okay? Just know that I'm not a slut who just fucks random strangers. And I'm sorry for letting you down but I can't keep this job.

I put my phone away again and darkened the room, then went back to sleep, ignoring the following calls from Benji after sending that text. Suddenly, Pete came up again though ater letting me sleep for another two hours. He sat on the edge of the bed next to me after pulling the curtains asie. "Why did you do this?" he asked me, clearly looking annoyed. Shit. "Why did I do what?" I asked, realising my voice was sort of husky. "What did you do? I give you the opportunity to work again and find you a good job and you just quit!" "You don't know what happened" I said, trying to defend myself. "What happened? I asked Benji too but he said he had no idea." He had no idea?! I had been even more drunk than him, why was he lying? What was he thinking? "You can throw me out and all but I didn't think this job was good for me" I said, trying to lie too. "I know that sounds like I'm ungrateful but I'm not, I was just not happy with this thing at all." He blinked several times, staring at me, then he took my hand. "I only forgive you for this because I actually know what you mean and we're completely alike when it comes to shit like that." I smiled. "Thanks, Pete" I said and pulled him next to me, hugging him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You wanna go swimming, Miller?" he asked after a while. "I should be looking for jobs." "No, fuck work! The weather is beautiful, we're going to the beach" he announced. "Why?" "Because I say so!" he replied with a laugh. It took me a while to get out of bed and put my bikini on but then I quickly slid into a California top and some cut jeans, grabbing my sunglasses and packing a bag. In the meanwhile, Pete had gone downstairs so I jumped down as well. "Are you not done yet, Wentz?" I joked. He laughed. "Of course I am" he replied and took a bag from next to the couch. "I knew you'd be into it." He took my hand and we walked out to the car. When he started driving, he blasted Blink again and we sang along like idiots. 

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