Chapter 7

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“I hate you” I said but I couldn’t help but keep laughing. “You’re laughing, you don’t hate me!” “I do though!” He wanted to take my hand while driving but I pulled it away. “This looks good on you, by the way” he said with a cheeky smirk, pointing at the clothes I was wearing. I looked down at myself. I was currently wearing one of his shirts which was way too big for me and some shorts that he apparently still had had at home from a girl he used to date. I didn’t give a shit though, at least I had dry clothes. “I look awful” I replied. “You should be thankful that I even gave you clothes.” I laughed. “Really? You had to, you threw me into the pool!” “No, I threw myself into the pool with you!” “Doesn’t really make a difference for me, does it?” He laughed again. “Sorry, you have to admitit was fun though.” I took a deep as he stopped in front of my place. “It was.” “See!” I opened the door and got out, when I walked to the house, he rolled down the window again and called after me. “Charlie!” “Yes?” I turned around. I really enjoyed his attention, I had to admit that. “I hope you know I’ll call you again.” I smirked. “Hopefully” I said with a wink and went inside.


The next day, I went to have breakfast downtown with Mandy and Sofia and they asked me all about Pete and what had happened after leaving the bar so I told them the whole story, also everything about yesterday. “That seems like he really likes you!” Mandy said when I was finished and looked at me with a smile that showed that she was genuinely happy for me. “Can I ask you for a favor even though that might sound rude?” Sofia wondered. I raised my eyebrows. “I’m not trying to take advantage of everything here.” “What is it?” I asked, getting impatient, taking a sip of my coffee. “You know, when we were at the bar and I … kind of danced with Gabe the whole time? I had such a great time and I was wondering … well, I didn’t get his number so maybe you could get it for me … through Pete?” “You didn’t ask for his number?” Mandy interrupted, her jaw dropping. “I forgot, he is so distracting! And he kept making me laugh, just … makes me feel different, you know? That sounds really weird but I was actually so happy just while were dancing and talking and everything. He’s hilarious, you can’t really be sad around him.” “I could ask Pete for Gabe’s number” I said because I knew she was serious. “Really? Thank you!”

I lit myself a cigarette and nodded. Yes, I had properly started again because I didn’t need to quit really, I had stopped for Michael but it was over with him so, whatever. “Sweetie, just because you’re not with Michael anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t be determined to quit smoking” Sofia said as if she could read my thoughts, she sounded genuinely worried though. Mandy nodded eagerly in agreement. “Sorry, it’s too much for me right now still” I said. “Well, I guess Pete can distract you” Mandy grinned. “Shut up!” I replied when Sofia wiggled her eyebrows and winked at me. “Stop, there’s nothing going on.” “You said he thought it was a date.” “He was kidding.” “Don’t be so sure about that.” “He fucked up some stuff with relationships himself, he’s not gonna try to get right back into one.” “Oh and don’t forget he has a kid!” Mandy added. I nodded. “Yes, I know.”

Have you ever wanted to disappear…” it came out of my pocket as a sign that my phone was ringing. I got it out and picked up. “Yes?” “Hi, Char.” “New nickname?” I asked, noticing that he had dropped “mystery girl” for good. He laughed. “I hate real names.” “Alright, fair enough.” “You wanna do something tonight?” “Like what?”

“Is that him?” Sofia formed with her lips. I just nodded with a smirk. “Wanna go to the beach?” “At night?” “Why the fuck not? I’ll bring champagne.” “Wanna get me drunk, Wentz?” “I just want you to tell me more about yourself. I don’t even know your last name.” “We can talk when we’re sober, dude.” He laughed. “Just a little champagne to cheer.” “Cheer to what?” “Cheer to me because I’m so awesome.” “Shut the hell up, the plan sounds good though.” “I’ll pick you up at 8, alright?” “Okay. And it’s Miller.” “What?” “My last name.” He chuckled. “Okay, see you tonight. Pack a bikini this time!” “You wish.” “Indeed.”

“Meeting him?” Sofia asked. I nodded and crushed my cigarette in the ashtray on the table after I had only taken a few drags during the phone call. “You’re actually such a lucky bitch, Charlie” Mandy said. “Please, who was dancing with Alex Gaskarth the other night?” “Me! And we’ve been texting ever since.” “Really?” “Yeah but they’re working on a new album so he doesn’t really have much time.” “Lame excuse?” Sofia mocked. “Fuck off” Mandy just said and got her phone out to reply to a text.

“Look at us! What happened to us, girls?” I asked and leaned back in the chair, finishing my coffee. Mandy looked up and smiled happily. “I know, right? I mean, this is what life in L.A. is supposed to be like. Dating famous guys, drinking champagne at the beach at night, texting with a guy while he’s on tour.” I laughed. “Hey, you left me out!” Sofia complained. Mandy smirked. “That’s because you were too stupid to get Gabe’s number!”

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