The Starr

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My grandparents' old office is being turned into some kind of community building, and my mom says that it would be nice to volunteer. I didn't want to until I saw that Ringo was doing it too, so I agreed to be with him. I went on the elevator and I was too scared to talk to him, and I started helping the kids.
When I was helping out, I kept thinking about Ringo. There were free samples, so when I went to get one, I finally got the courage to talk to Ringo. He then said that he liked me, and swept me off my feet by kissing me. He told me that he loved me and that he wanted to hang out. (This is modern day Ringo, by the way!)
The next day, I wanted the weekend to come again so I could see Ringo. But no, I was back in school (or prison, as you'll see that I call it). I felt like crap, but there was a dance that night, so I went. I normally don't anymore, but I felt like it, and I wanted to do something to try and take my mind off Ringo. That didn't last long though, because for once, they played the Beatles! They played Boys, once again reminding me of Ringo, but I didn't think about that, only that they were actually playing Beatles, and I fainted.
When I awoke, I saw a 7th grader wearing a Beatles shirt. I fangirled and when the dance was over, my grandma and uncle got me while we listened to Egypt Station, and they finally took me to see Ringo again. 😊

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