I Love You So Much - 7/20/21

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My mom and I go to this bed and breakfast on this farm that Paul is hosting. Of course, I'm in love and try my hardest to be with him.

I constantly look at him from afar, seeing him watercolor paint way better than I can.

Once we have to leave, we go home but see Paul on the way. He looks at me and winks and waves.

Things get better, because my mom has to go to the bank, and Paul does too. He doesn't notice me at first, but when we go on the elevator, I take the one he's on, and then he notices and talks to me.  At the end of the ride, He opens his arms for a hug, and I accept it, gladly, something I never do unless I really love someone. I say to him, "I love you so much." To which he replies "I love you too."

My heart is racing. Once we get off the elevator, my mom has to do some brackets downstairs. My dad and I sit down and I hope to see Paul again. I do and he sits next to me!!

But then, the unthinkable happens...

Ringo is there too!

I come up to him and he's incredibly nice to me. He hugs me as well, even longer. I once again say, "I love you so much." And he says "I love you too, sweetie."

I'm Only Sleeping...(Beatle Dreams)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon